Chapter 24 - Comfort

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Chrissys pov -

I woke up in a cold sweat and I was crying and breathing heavy. "Eddie!?" I questioned in a whisper because my voice was hoarse. My eyes opened and there he was, cradling me in his lap like a baby.

"It's okay sweetheart, it was just a nightmare." He stated as he rocked me back and forth a little bit.

"Yo.. your really here???" I questioned as I tried to calm down.

"Yes I'm here okay? Sweetheart, it's okay." He stated as he rocked us back n forth slowly while gently rubbing my cheek.

"You.. you died and I.. I didn't mean to.." I whimpered as I cried. He wiped away every tear that fell out of my eyes.

"It's okay, shhhh, your okay." He comforted as he continued to rock us back and forth.

"O.. okay" I whimpered as I held onto his shirt and wiped some of my tears on it. "I'm sorry. " I whispered.

"Princess, why are you sorry?" He questioned calmly.

"Because.. in my dream I kissed.. I kissed Steve." I whimpered.

"Oh sweetheart, it was just a nightmare. You didn't really kiss Steve baby." He calmed.

"I'm sorry." I whimpered out again.

"Sweetheart, I told you you have nothing to be sorry for..." He stated now more confused.

"No, I got your shirt all wet." I said in a whispered tone.

"Oh sweetheart, that's the least of my worries right now." He chuckled. "Your my first priority, not my shirt."

"I... I know." I stated sadly. We sat there in a comfortable silence for a little bit while he rocked us back and forth slowly. He rubbed my cheek. I felt my eyelids getting heavier.

"I love you sweetheart." I heard Eddie say as I felt myself drift into a deep sleep.


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