Chapter 22 - Period

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Chrissys pov -

It was the end of the school day and I was at my locker when Eddie came up behind me. "Guess who." He said as he covered up my eyes.

"Hmmm Ed's?" I questioned sarcastically. He turned me around and kissed me. I kissed back of course loving the feeling.

I turned around and grabbed my backpack out of my locker. "Uhm, Chrissy." Eddie choked out.

"Yeah, what's up?" I turned to look at him, he immediately turned me around towards him so him body was covering my back. I felt his jacket get tied around my waist. "What's wrong baby?" I questioned.

He looked down at my white skirt. "Your uh... started your." He stuttered out, my eyes widened. I looked up and people were staring at me, I guess they saw before Eddie did. Suddenly I felt tears in my eyes. "Awh look she's about to cry!" One kid called out. "Look at her, she's even more of a freak than her boyfriend!" They all laughed.

Eddie put my backpack on his shoulder and grabbed my hand. He opened the door for me and I got in as I started to cry. He sat in the driver's seat, throwing my backpack into the back of his van.

Eddie lifted up my chin, he wiped the tears off of my cheeks. "Hey, look at me." He gently stated. I looked up at him as my tears still fell and he wiped every single one away. "It's okay." He calmed me.

I nodded slightly and turned around and looked out the window. "Ed's everyone saw that." I stated sadly. I felt his hand on my thigh, I grabbed his pinky finger and held onto it as his thumb rubbed my thigh gently.

We soon got to his trailer and I ran to the bathroom. I heard Eddie sigh as he got my backpack out of the car.

He soon made it inside and I heard the door shut, keys being put on the counter, and his boots tap across the floor as he walked to where I was.

I sat against the door, crying softly. "Chrissy, open the door sweetheart." He softly whispered against the door.

"It was hu...humiliating." I whispered in a silent cry. I heard the handle jiggle. "Ed's just go away!" I shouted. I heard his footsteps leave the door. "I'm going to hellfire." He called from the door. "I'll give you some alone time." He stated.

I then heard his van leave. I went and sat down on the front porch to think
about what to do about school next Monday. I decided to put on sweatpants and my white t shirt on.

Instead of thinking I went to Eddie's, uncles alcohol cabinet and grabbed a bottle of vodka. I took one sip, then another, then another, until I was almost falling onto the floor. I decided to call the schools hellfire phone.

Eddie picked up. "Hello?" He questioned.

"Hiiii Eddieee." I slurred cheerfully. Eddie knew that she was drunk the second she spoke. He had been around plenty of drunks.

"Are you drunk Chrissy?" He asked.

"What?! How da..dare you accuse me of drunkness, I don't do drunks." I slurred in a whispered tone.

"I'm on my way." Is all I heard before the phone cut off. I sat on the floor and leaned against against couch after grabbing another bottle. I took another sip.

Eddie pulled into the driveway after I was just about to finish my second bottle. I took the sip as Eddie walked in. "Chrissy no!" Eddie shouted as he ran over and grabbed the bottle out of my hand.

"H...heyyyyyy that's mineeeeeee." I hicupped as he put the bottle on the counter and cradled my body in his lap. "Eddddieeee." I slurred smiling as I booped his nose. "Boop, boop, boop." I kept on booping his nose.

"Baby, quit. How much of this stuff did you drink?" He questioned concerned as his hand was on my cheek keeping me looking at him.

"Well I took a couple sips, but then I decided the whole thing.. ohhhhh yeah I found another oneeee." I slurred.

"Sweetheart, why don't we go to bed?" He questioned.

"No I wanna stay up and partyyyyyyyy with youuu Mr Munson." I slurred as I rolled out of his arms and onto the floor. Eddie scooped me up into his arms. "Noooo I wanna par- ooooo." I stopped talking because I saw his muscles through his shirt. "Musclessss." I slurred, I heard Eddie sigh. I looked up at him as he walked into his room.

"Your one of the prettiest boys everrrrr. Like you so cool, I loveeeeeeeee youuuuuuu." I slurred as I giggled.

"I love you to baby, but for now you need to go to the nice warm place." He said as he started to set me down. I held on the best I could to his shoulders.

"But youuurrrrr warm place. Your my home, warm and comforting." I stated as I looked up at him. He store at me in adoration for a minute. "Kisss mee." I slurred. He kissed me without hesitation. We kissed for a good 5 seconds before pulling away. "Again." I giggled.

"No Sweetheart, your to cute but it's time for bed." He stated. He went out and closed the front door locking it. He took his shoes off and looked over at me. I was staring at him. "What princess?" He chuckled.

"Your preeettyyyy." I slurred as I fell back onto the bed. Eddie covered me up with the covers and kissed my forehead. He changed into sweatpants and took his shirt off. I sat up.

"Baby lay back down." He stated.

"No, I'm coldddd and I don't wannaa." I slurred. Eddie threw me his jacket. I put it on but I was waiting for Eddie. "But I need you not your jacketttt." I slurred.

Eddie got into bed and I cuddled up to him. "Warmmmm." I slurred. I felt his arm go around my waist, the other on the back of my head.

"Go to sleep sweetheart." He said as he kissed my forehead and played with my hair.

"But I wanna *yawn* hanggggggg with you...." He just chuckled and continued to kiss my forehead and played with my hair. "You should keeep do....doing that." I yawned.

"You tired now?" He questioned. "Mhmmmm" I responded.

I looked up at him, he looked down at me and smiled. "I loveeeeee youuuu." I said as I started to blink more feeling my eyes get heavy.

"I love you sweetheart." He chuckled. I nuzzled into him and fell asleep.

The next morning I woke up with a massive headache. I groaned and say up. I assumed Eddie was the one who put the three pillows next to me to pretend they were him. I then remembered last night.

I got up and started to walk towards the hallway. "Eddie?" I questioned as I stood in the living room. I heard the bathroom door open and turned around. "Ed's my head hurts." I groaned as I shut my eyes thinking the lights were the problem.

I felt warm arms hug my waist from behind. "You drank a lot sweetheart. Also I switched out your pad for you." He stated.

"Thanks baby, I'm sorry I drank so much I was just humiliated and now the whole school thinks I'm even more of a weirdo and freak." I stated suddenly feeling tears in my eyes. Eddie spun me around and pulled me close. He held my head and rubbed my back.

"Don't cry sweetheart, that will make your head hurt more. Princess, your not a freak and even if you are who cares because your my freak. Me and you can be the biggest couple of freaks in the town if we wanted to. Just as long as we stick together we don't have to worry about those preppy school kids." Ed's stated. I looked up at him.

He lifted my chin up and kissed me. "I love you Eddie." I stated as I hugged him tighter.

"I love you my love." He responded lovingly. "Lets get those pain killers okay?" I nodded my head no. "It's just one pill, its okay. I know you don't like pills but you gotta take it to make your head pain go away." Eddie stated grabbing it out of the cabinet.

I ran to our room and locked the door. Eddie unlocked it in two seconds. "How did-" "I have my ways. You don't have to take the pill if you don't want to. Just don't complain about stuff later on." He chuckled.

I grabbed his hand and walked him to the bed. "Can I at least get some cuddles?" I asked, he chuckled and smiled.

"Of course." He stated as we layed down. We fell asleep holding eachother close.

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