Chapter 12 - The Wheelers House

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Eddie stayed close by but made me promise not to leave when he had to go to the bathroom. I said I promised but I knew I was lying. I know I seem like a terrible person to leave him and go hide but I just need time alone.

Maybe to think or vent, I don't really know. I didn't wanna see Mike at all and when I'm with Eddie he is with Dustin and Mike is with Dustin so you get the point.

Once Eddie was in the bathroom, I went out and got into the back of his van. I have the spare van key for any emergencies, this was definitely an emergency.

After about 30 minutes I heard my name being called.i peeked through the window and saw Robin, Dustin, Steve, and Eddie looking for me. I quickly ducked down away from the windows in hopes they didn't see me.

I sat in the corner behind the passenger seat. Eventually I fell asleep with my nees pulled to my chest.

I woke up after I don't know how long to Eddie shaking me. "Sweetheart, wake up." I heard him say softly. He had his hands on my cheeks and he was looking at my eyes. My eyes fluttered open and I put my hand up to his to touch his. Once I knew his hands were there I melted in his touch. I looked at him with tired eyes.

"Princess, I know you don't want to be with them in the arcade but you will have to face them one day, and that day may be without me." He said softly, my eyes shot up at his when he said 'without me'.

"No, no, I didn't mean to scare you!" He said sweetly. "It most likely will be with me." I just sat there and put my head down, his hands letting go of my face.

"I want to go home Eddie." I said softly.

"And we will but let me make a deal. The Wheelers invited ALL of us over, I promise I will keep you safe and protected while we are there, okay?" He said softly. "We will go home first thing in the morning." He said softly.

"Fine." I said standing up. "But you have to give me a piggy back ride." I pouted looking up at him, he chuckled.

"As you wish my queen." He chuckled as he lifted me up onto his back and got out of the van and walked towards the arcade.

We soon found the others and set off to the Wheelers. The sun was just setting and it was 7 pm. I had my head looking out the window, when I felt a warm hand with cold rings on my thigh. I looked over at Eddie and he smiled at me.

I grabbed his hand and started playing with his rings. We eventually made it there and we went inside.

Nancy set up a game of spin the bottle for the older teens. The younger teens went upstairs to watch a movie. Meanwhile, me, Eddie, Robin, Steve, Nancy, Johnathon, and Argyle, all played spin the bottle in the basement.

We all had to sit away from our partners. Me and Eddie, Johnathon and Nancy, had to sit away from eachother.

"Alright, I guess I will go first, pussys." Eddie said laughing. Surprisingly it landed on me.

"Okay that's unfair." Steve said sarcastically. Everybody laughed.

"Well sense you guys are a couple and stuff you guys can just sit it out if you want." Nancy said.

"Alright." Eddie said as he went and took my hand. We sat on the couch and watched.

"Eddie." I said looking up at him. My head was on his lap and he was playing with my hair.

"Yes my love." He said soothingly.

"I'm tired." I said as I yawned. That's when I heard everybody coming down stairs.

"Yo guys, check this out." Mike said as he put a horror movie on the TV. Just then the power went out and tornado sirens went off.

"This is not a drill, there is a tornado heading this way. Please go to safety, stay indoors, we will tell you when you can leave." We heard the intercom say.

I sat up as tears filled my eyes. We could not see anything. "I'll be back sweetheart, I'm gonna go help Nancy get flashlights." I heard Eddie say.

Then a minute later I felt a hand on my arm. "Eddie?" I questioned.

"No, guess again, sweetheart." I heard the voice say in a playful tone. Mike.

"Let go Mike." I said firmly.

"No thanks." Mike said. "You ruined my relationship and now I'm gonna ruin yours." He said as I felt him get closer. He was trying to kiss me.

That's when a flashlight shined on me. I had tears streaming down my face.

"Mike! What the hell is wrong with you!" Nancy shouted. Then Eddie came rushing down the stairs with the others. Steve and Nancy got Mike while Eddie rushed over to me.

"Sweetheart, it's okay." He said pulling me in for a hug but I backed away.

"No, it's not all fucking right." I snapped while I sobbed. "I told you I d- did not wanna come here, that I wanted to go home, you didn't listen and t- took me here anyway and now looked what happened." I shouted as I stumbled on my words.

"Swe-." He started to say but I cut him off.

"No, no Sweetheart." I said, grabbing his flashlight out of his hand and running into the bathroom. I locked the door and slid down it, as I sobbed.

Eddie's pov -

"Here's a key. To the bathroom." Nancy said handing me the key and flashlight. "The tornado warning stopped which means you guys can go home if you want, the power is jus out. When your ready go in there and make it up to her." Nancy said as she headed up stairs.

I sighed and unlocked the door.

Chrissys pov -

I sat against the wall, face stained with tears. That's when the door opened to reveal Eddie. I rolled my eyes.

"Sweetheart please." He pleaded.

I walked up to him. "I love you Eddie Munson." I said looking up at him. "But I think we need to take a break." I said. I hugged him and walked out of the room.

Eddie's pov -

"But I think we need to take a break." She said to me, I felt my heart shatter. She hugged me and then walked away. I was to shocked to even hug back. I walked out to my van and got in and drove away.

When I got home I collapsed on my floor and started to ball my eyes out.

"Screw you Mike!" I said out loud. I then shouted at the top of my lungs a loud and painful scream, filled with heart break and anger.


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