Chapter 11 - The Arcade

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"I can't believe you dragged me here." I pouted, not moving from the passenger seat.

"Come on sweetheart, it's just for today. Besides I'm almost one hundred percent sure Mike won't bother you.... me and the others will make sure of that." Eddie reassured me as he stepped out of the car and walked over to the passenger side. He opened the door and waited for me to get out, but I didn't move...

"Come on Chrissy..." He said as he unbuckled my seat belt. He then lifted me over his shoulder. I gasped.

"Eddie! Put me down right now!" I said firmly.

"Absolutely not sweetheart." He said, shaking his head. I squirmed and eventually gave up after walking for a couple of minutes.

He set me down at the entrance, I was about to try and run away but I felt his arm snake around my waist, pulling me close to him.

"No, no, sweetheart, I know what you were gonna try to do." He said with a smirk as we started to walk towards everyone.

We got there and he let go. Everybody was busy talking and Eddie was talking to Dustin so this was my chance. I booked it out of the store.

"Uhm Eddie." I heard Dustin say.

"Yeah." He said looking at Dustin confused.

"Your girlfriend is running away." Dustin said.

"Shit!" He said. "Robin come help me!" Eddie said.

Good thing I took track cause I sped off and eventually hid behind Eddie's van. I sat down and took a minute to brethe.

That's when I heard someone coming. I gasped and ducked down. Eddie and Robin.

"Shit." I said to myself quietly.

I stood on the back of the van to get a closer look. I was on my tippy toes and I could not see Eddie or Robin any more.

That's when I felt a pair of strong hands around my waist. "No Eddie!!" I said firmly. "If you don't let go, I'm gonna scream." I said turning around to face him. I looked up at him with sharp eyes. He knew I was not kidding. I was about to start yelling when his hand went over my mouth, the other hand keeping a firm grip around my waist.

"Sweetheart, I know you are frightened and don't wanna see him but it's okay. I will keep you safe, I promise." Eddie said softly, looking into my eyes with his big brown ones.

"Woah, am I interrupting something." I heard Robin say. Eddie quickly let go, trying not to embarrass me.

"No, I was just telling her not to scream." He said with a smile. I tried booking it again but he caught me and kept a firm grip around my waist, I squirmed. "Shall we." He said to Robin as she nodded in return. "Sweetheart there is no point in trying to get out of my grip, you know I'm not letting you go." He whispered into my ear. I stopped as we walked.

When we got inside the arcade this time, he didn't let go. In fact he kept a firm grip and just watched Dustin play the games. While Eddie was focusing on Dustin and his game, I looked around and saw Mike glaring at me.

I quickly turned my head, putting my arms around Eddie and snuggling into him. No one will get me if I'm with him.

As the day continued, lunch rolled around and we all sat down to eat pizza together, Eddie still keeping a firm grip around my waist. I don't know how he did it but he did, his grip never loosened.

"Here sweetheart." He said handing me a peice. I shook my head no.

"I'm not hungry." I said looking down and taking a sip of my water. He nodded and ate his peice. I could tell he was worried because he kept glancing down at me every few seconds, making sure I was okay.


Sorry I have not updating in a while!!!

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