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This summer...

The dark lord is back and he's staying in the Manor. No letters could go out without him looking at them. No one could leave or come over. Only the house-elves were allowed to leave. 

"Y/n darling, come with me," Mother said coming into my room. I nodded, getting off my bed and following her to the dining room. At the table, I saw a death eater's meeting going on. "Little Malfoy sit," The dark lord told me. I looked at my mother before sitting in the seat next to her. "Do you know why you are here?" "No, my lord," I said. I knew that's what my parents called him. "I'm giving you a choice. Either you become one of my followers or I make your little brother one." 

I tensed at the mention of my innocent little brother. Sure he has a bad reputation at Hogwarts but he feels the need to. He wants everyone to fear him there. "I'll do it," I told him. I love Draco but he mentally can't handle this. "Come here child," He said. I stood up and walked over to him. "Your left arm." 

I held my arm out as he took out his wand. Voldemort placed it on my forearm and said something I didn't quite hear. Then there was a burning pain as a tattoo formed on my arm. My eyes widened as the dark mark finished developing on my arm. "Welcome Y/n Malfoy to the right side of everything," He said. The dark said being the right side in his eyes. "Sit, join us." 

I sat back down next to my mother. I looked at her and saw tears in her eyes. She looked at me and smiled slightly. She knows why I did it. "Nice to see so many of you have decided to come back to me. Disappointed though that none of you had tried to find me." Voldemorts eye's looked at everyone at the table. "I did look for you master," Peter said. "Out of fear, not out of respect!" Voldemort yelled at him. Peter shrunk down into his coat. 

"Now, let's welcome our new member. Y/n Malfoy. With this being her last year at Hogwarts I'm telling her to keep an eye on Harry Potter," Voldemort said looking at me. "Yes my lord," I said, knowing I don't have a choice. 

Once the meeting was over mother followed me into my room. "You're a good sister you know that?" She asked. "Anything for Draco," I told her, sitting on my bed. She joined me grabbing my hand in hers. "I wish there was another option." "I know mother, I wish there was to."  

After a bit I looked at her. "How am I supposed to hid this from people at school?" I asked. "I'll teach you a spell but just not yet," She answered. I nodded my head. 

"I heard what happened," Draco said coming into my room. I looked up from my book. "I would do anything for you Draco," I told him. He came over and sat in my bed. "How are you gonna hid it at Hogwarts?" "Mom's gonna teach me a spell." He nodded before laying his head on my shoulder. "Read to me?" "Sure little bro." 

After a while of  me reading I heard light snores. I looked at my brother to see him sleeping. I carefully got up and covered him with my blanket. Carefully I left my room and headed to the libabry to continue reading my book. 

Presant Day 

Y/n POV- 

I head back to Hogwarts today. No one can know about me joining the dark lord. Not even my best Friends, Maria and Harper. Seeing them in our carparment waiting for me ready to spill every detail of this summer. "Y/n!" Maria said. "Hi guys," I said, joining them. "I have good news," Harper said. I looked at her ready for whatever she's gonna say. "I have a girlfriend." "Who?" "Her name is Lucy. She isn't in Slytheirn though." She shifted in her seat a bit as she looked at me. 

The blood status thing with my family. I grabbed her hand. "Harper, I don't care if she's in our house or not as long as you are happy," I told her. She relaxed a bit. "What house is she in?" Maria asked. "Ravenclaw," Harper answered. "Good she isn't in Gryffindor. I don't think I could accept herthen," I teased. "I don't know some of them can be quite cute." "Maria, you better hope Adrian doesn't hear that." "I'm done with him, he didn't talk to me all summer." "You've said that before," Harper said. "I'm serouis this time," Maria said crossing her arms. 

As if right on queue Adrian Purcey comes walking through the door. "Hey babe," He said sitting next to Maria, wrapping an arm around her shoulder. "Hi Adrian," She said with a smile on her face. Harper and I looked at each other with knowing looks. "I expect to see you all at quidditch games this year. Even you Malfoy. 

A/N: I can't remember if there was quidditch or not so we are just gonna pertend there was. Even with umbridge at the school. 

Once Adrian left we looked at Maria. "I know okay, I just can't stay away from him," She said. "Why not?" Harper asked. "Adrian was there for me in dark times, times I didn't tell you two about. He's my life line." I leaned over and grabbed her hand. "I don't understand how that feels romantically but I get it a bit. Draco it my life line. If something ever happens to him, my life is over." Maria squeezed my hand. "I hope you could find something like that romantically." 

I turned to Harper. "Tell us more about this girlfriend of yours," I said. "How did you two meet?" Maria asked. "Last year, I was failing one of my classes and the professor recommended me to a touter. Which ended up being her. She was the top of the class. Our first study seccison I couldn't keep my eyes off her," Harper answered. "How'd your parents take the news?" "Better than they did when I came out to them. They meet Lucy and liked her. I do want you guys to meet her." "We want to meet her." 

Once the train got to Hogwarts, Harper dragged us over to meet Lucy. "Harper," Lucy said once she saw her. Harper let go of Maria and I, to go over to Lucy. They shared a quick hug before coming over to us. "Lucy, this is Maria and Y/n, my best friends. Guys this is Lucy my girlfriend," Harper said with a smile. "I've heard so much about you two. And how quickly you accept anything." I looked at Harper and smirked. "Not now Y/n," "What?" Lucy asked confused. "I'm only gonna say this once. I may seem nice and all but don't hurt Harper in any way or my true colors will show. Which reminds me, where's Adrian Purcey?" I asked turning to Maria. "Don't know," She answered. 

Walking into the Great Hall I scanned the Slythiern table. "Y/n/n, can we not today?" Maria asked, knowing who I was looking for. "I did it to Lucy. And I think it's time Adrian gets a refresher," I told her, when I spotted him. I walked towards him as tapped his shoulder. "Malfoy, what's up?" He asked. "I've been telling you this for years. Don't hurt Maria but you seem to forget when you ignore her all summer long." "My relationship with Maria is none of your business. And you don't scare me." "You should be." 

As I was walking towards my friends he yelled after me. "Sounding like a true Malfoy now!" He yelled. I ignored him and sat with my friends. "You deserve better Maria but I won't ask you to leave him," I told her. "Thank you," She said with a small smile on her face.

Dumbeldore introduced our new DADA teacher. "Her clothes make me want to gouge my eyes out," I told my friends, looking at the pink blob in the front. They both muffled laughs before nodding their heads in agreement. 

Once in the common room we all burst out laughing remembing the pink blob we now call a teacher. "Who wears that much pink?" Harper asked. "Who wears pink in general?" Maria asked. We all stopped laughing but then looked at each other and burst into laugh again. "I can already tell we aren't gonna like her," I told my friends, when we calmed down again. "I already hate her for her choice in clothing. The rest of the night we spent making fun of professor Umbridge. 

Word Count: 1462

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