Twenty three (Second Idea)

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A month later

Y/n's POV

I haven't left my bed in a month. Actually it's Fred's bed, I've been staying at the loft. George has been keeping an eye on me since Fred's death. But it's more like we are keeping an eye on each other. Things are starting to no longer smell like Fred. I'm pregnant with twins. Definitely comes from the Weasley side. I wonder if they'll have red hair? Just like Fred.

The bedroom door opened and George came in. "Have you eaten today?" He asked. I shook my head. "You need to eat." "I don't want to," I said. "What about your kids?" I set my hand on my growing stomach. "I'll go eat." "I have to get back to the shop." I nodded my head.

Later that night

I had a feeling something wasn't right. I got up and headed to the bathroom. Sitting on the toilet I saw blood. There shouldn't be blood. "George!" I yelled, as I left the bathroom. He walked out of his room, rubbing sleep from his eyes. "Everything okay?" He asked. "I need to go to the hospital. I just saw blood, there shouldn't be blood." "Shit. Let's go."

Once at the hospital I got into a room right away. A doctor got out an ultrasound machine and looked around. Not long after he turned off the machine. "What's wrong?" I asked. "I'm sorry miss. But you have lost your babies," He said. My heart dropped at his words. I've lost everything.

George came into the room not long after. "What happened?" He asked. "I lost them," I answered. "Y/n I'm so sorry." "It's my fault. I wasn't eating right. And I definitely wasn't doing the things I should have been doing." "It's not your fault. It could have happened either way."

It started hitting me. I sat there and started crying. The one thing that could have reminded me of Fred is gone. I lost our kids and it's all my fault. "I'm ready to go," I told George. "Okay," He said.

Once back to the loft I headed straight to Fred's room. I locked the door behind me and laid in his bed. If he could see me now he would be disappointed in me. I turned over and looked at the side I used to sleep in when we were here together. I also noticed that the bedside table on that side of the drawer was opened a bit. I moved and opened it all the way. I saw a piece of paper and a box.

I grabbed both of them and read the paper first.

Y/n from the day in second year when you first smiled at me my heart was yours. It has been since that day. When we ran into each other the first day of our seventh year I promised myself I would make sure you noticed me that year. I had one goal that year and it was getting you to notice me. You noticed me and officially ended my playboy ways. I fell in love with you the second we kissed in that broom closet. I hate to sound cliche but you are the love of my life. If there was a thing as soulmates I believe you would be mine and I would be yours. I love you and I want to remind you of that forever. However long forever is. Marry me?

I opened the box that I set on the bed. Inside it was an engagement ring. Fred was gonna propose to me. He wanted to marry me. Tears were falling again. I could have been a Weasley. Got rid of the Malfoy name. But instead the universe had different ideas.

Years later

"Dad had a twin?" George's daughter asked. "He did. He was the love of my life," I told her. "You almost ready sweetie? We gotta go get your brother from uncle Bill's house," George said to his daughter. "Bye aunt Y/n." I kissed her cheek and set her down. "Go get your shoes on," Angelina said. Her and George got married not long after the war.

When their daughter was gone they both looked at me. "What?" I asked. "Why won't you just get the treatment?" George asked. I was diagnosed with stage four brain cancer about a year ago. "Because when this takes me, I may be reunited with him." "But that will upset the whole family," Angelina said.

Over the past few years we got close. She helped me cope with losing my babies. And when I found out about my cancer she was there. "But I get to be with him," I said. "Fred wouldn't want this," She said, sitting next to me. "I'll think about it." They nodded their heads. All of us knowing I won't think about it.

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A day later

I woke up but not on my bed. "Took you long enough love," Someone whispered in my ear. I turned my head to the side and saw Fred. "Freddie? Is this real?" I asked. "Kind of. You passed last night in your sleep." "I'm sorry for everything." "You have nothing to be sorry for."

I hugged him. "Now we have forever," He said, kissing the top of my head. "We do," I said back. We pulled away from the hug and smiled at each other. "I love you Fred Weasley." "I love you Y/n Weasley." "I'm not a Weasley Freddie." "To me you are." I leaned in and kissed him. I've missed him more than I thought I did.

The End

Word Count: 857

A/n: I don't think I like the ending of this one.

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