Twenty four

12 1 0

Years later

Y/n's POV

The twins first year at hogwarts. "Finally alone time," Fred said. "What should we do?" I asked. "I think you know." He smirked at me. "Come here." He moved to hover over me on the couch. I grabbed the collar of his shirt and brought his lips down to mine.

We were laying on the floor now. "We should have had more kids," Fred said. "Do you regret not having more?" I asked him. "Sometimes." I moved and looked at him. "We are still young. Why not have one more." "You sure?" I nodded my head as I moved to straddle his lap.

Two weeks later

It's been two weeks of us trying. "Anything yet?" Fred asked, as I came out of the bathroom with another test in my hand. "Another negative," I answered. He sighed. We're both to the point we are tired of the disappointment of not getting the two pink lines.

I walked over and grabbed Fred's face in my hands. "Maybe all we need to do is stop trying and just let it happen," I suggested. "Like with the twins?" He asked. "Yeah, they were definitely a surprise."  "We agree on no more trying?" "We are just gonna let it happen."

A month later

My period is late. One sign of pregnancy. Have I had any other signs? I have had morning sickness but I didn't get that with the twins. Then there's the bloating, mood swings, and the weird cravings. Maybe I should take a test.

When Fred got back from the joke shop I was making dinner. A special dinner. His arms wrapped around my waist. "Smells great love," He said, kissing my cheek. "Go sit. Dinner's almost done," I told him. He grabbed my chin turning my head to his. He laid a soft kiss to my lips before going to the table.

Once we finished eating I picked up our plates and put them in the sink. "How come you didn't have a glass of wine tonight? It's Friday you always have wine on Friday, " Fred said, when I walked back into the dining room. "Didn't feel like it," I lied. I went and sat on the table. "I have something I need to tell you." "What's going on love?"

I smiled at him. "I'm pregnant," I told him. "When did you find you?" He asked with excitement. "This morning. Right after you left for work." "We're having another kid!" He yelled. Fred got up and kissed me. "I love you so much Y/n Weasley." "I love you more Fred Weasley." "Not possible."

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Then I woke up. In my bed at Malfoy Manor the summer before my final year at hogwarts. It's so ironic that I would dream of a Weasley. I turned around in my bed and saw the ginger haired boy I've been sneaking into my room for the past three years. I moved some of the hair from his forehead. He stirred a bit before opening his eyes. "Why are you awake, love?" He asked. "I had the best dream Freddie," I told him smiling. "What was it about?" So I told him.

At the end of it he was smiling at me. "What?" I asked, smiling back at him. "Just you," He answered. I leaned in and kissed him. Fred smiled into it as he moved to hover over me. "Maybe I'll make you my wife one day." "I would enjoy that Freddie." "Y/n Weasley. Has a nice ring doesn't it?" "It does." I giggled a bit.

Fred pressed another kiss to my lips before moving to lay next to me again. "Go back to sleep love," He said. "I don't want to sleep anymore," I told him. "What do you want to do then?" I smirked at him as I straddle his lap. His hands moved to my waist into the shirt I was wearing. His shirt to be persist. "I like this idea."

I leaned down and kissed him. He kissed me back before flipping us so I was laying on my back. I wrapped my legs around his waist to keep him from moving away. "I love you," He whispered as he pulled his pants down. "I love you too Freddie," I whispered back. His hand came up and intertwined with mine.

The End

Word Count: 746

A/n: Bet you weren't expecting that kind of ending. But that's the end of this story.

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