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Y/n's POV 

Ever since that day I fought Angelina I noticed her and Fred have drifted from each other. I don't want to ask anyone since it would be a little suspicious. I was snapped out of my thoughts by someone's voice. "Hey Y/n?" Fred asked. "Yeah?" I asked back. "Help me with this spell?" He rubbed the back of his neck, nervous. "Sure." 

I showed him how to do it again and then watched as he went to do it. "Good and now keep doing it just like that," I told him when he finally got it again. He went to say something when Angelina walked over to us at the moment. "Why are you talking to my boyfriend?" She asked. "No need to get your panties in a twist. I was just helping him with the spell." I turned around and walked away before anything else could be said. I'm not in the mood to fight with her anymore. 

Actually I don't think I want to be here anymore. "Hey Harry is it okay if I leave early? I want to go write to Sirius," I told him. "Of course go ahead," He said. "Thank you." I gave him a quick hug before leaving. 

Sitting in the common room I tapped my quill against my cheek. What do I write to Sirius? Maybe I could tell him about my boy troubles? Tell him the truth about the dark mark? 


I need to tell you something. Something I regret doing and wish I could take it back. This summer I was given a choice whether I get the dark mark or Draco does. I love my brother but I know he couldn't handle it so I took it. And I wish I didn't. About two weeks ago he called me a selfish bitch. If  I was selfish I wouldn't have taken the mark. I would have let him take it. We haven't talked since he called me that. Please still talk to me after reading this. 

Another thing. I was seeing this boy who's in Gryffindor. I really like him but with this whole thing about the dark mark I told him we couldn't be seen together because I wanted to protect him from what could happen if my father or you know who found out about us. I then ended things with him after he avoided me for a week and started hanging out with another girl. 

I never thought I would find someone and when I did I couldn't be with him in public. And now I have to watch him be with some other girl that isn't even pretty. He downgraded from me and with how fast he moved on it makes me feel like he was only using me. 

I'm done ranting now. And I'm sorry for taking the dark mark I wish I could change it. I love you. 



I sealed the letter then wrote his name on it. Better take this to the owlery tonight that way i can get a response as soon as possible. 

I walked into the owlery and over to Rylie. I gave her a treat before tying the letter to her leg. "To padfoot," I told her. She took out the window and started heading to where Sirius was staying now. 

Few days later...

The owls came in and I looked for Rylie. Spotting her in seconds. I took the letter off her leg and gave her some bread before sending her on the way. Looking at the writing I knew it was from Sirius. Not even caring who was around me I opened it. 


There was a lot to take in, in your last letter. I understand why you took the mark I would have done the same if I had to. You aren't selfish like the other Malfoy's and Blacks. Other than me obviously. Don't let what Draco says get to you.  

Whoever this boy is I already don't like him. If he can't expect that you're a Malfoy and bad things will happen to him because of your father he isn't worth it. Along with him already with someone. And he will always be downgrading, look at you. You definitely get your looks from the Black side. (A/n: I feel like Sirius would always be hyping people up no matter how old he is.) 



P.S. Come to Christmas with me and Remus this year? 

I really want to spend Christmas with them. "Hey Maria can I ask you a favor?" I asked her. "What's up?" She asked. "Can I lie to my parents and say I'm gonna stay with you for Christmas but actually go stay with padfoot?" "Of course you can." "Thank you." "You're welcome." 

I wrote back to Sirius right away. Might actually take a nap since there's no classes today and no meeting. 

I looked at the ginger haired boy next to me as he slept peacefully. "You're staring again love," He said. "I can't help it," I told him. Fred turned on his side to look at me better. "How'd you sleep?" "I tell you the same answer every morning. I slept wonderfully." He smiled before pressing a kiss to my forehead. "Want breakfast?" I asked him. "Always," He answered. 

I kissed his cheek before getting up and heading to the kitchen. I looked through the cupboards before finding the pancake mix. As I was flipping the pancakes I felt my ass get slapped. I gasped as the same person that slapped me, wrapped his arms around my waist. " Really Fred," I said. "I can't help it," He quoted, me from earlier. 

After we finished breakfast, Fred took our plates and put them in the sink. "Come here," He said. I looked at him suspiciously as I walked over to him. "Yes?" I asked him. He smiled at me. "Did I ever tell you how hot you look in my shirts?" "All the time Freddie." "Good, because I never want you to stop wearing them." He pressed his lips to mine. 

"Y/n, Draco wants to talk to you," Harper said waking me from my dream. The dream I was enjoying oh so much. "Fine," I said, getting up. I walked into the common room and saw him. "What?" "I'm sorry for what I said a few weeks ago. I didn't mean it sis," He said. "I don't care. And I'm not going home for Christmas this year. I'm spending it with Maria." With that I turned around and went back to my dorm room. 

Word Count: 1096

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