Twenty three

8 0 0

A few weeks after the battle

Y/n's POV

Fred and I aren't technically back together. You really can't even say we're friends. We kiss all the time. And have had sex maybe once or twice.   "Are you ready?" Fred asked, coming into the living room of the loft. Oh and we stay in the same bed. We have an appointment today to check on the baby. "Yes," I answered.

The doctor was looking around and looked at us. "You're having twins. Does it run in the family?" He asked. I looked over to Fred. "Yeah. I'm a twin," Fred told the doctor. "Also is it possible to know the gender?" "It's still too early for that. But at about five months is when we can tell." Fred started pouting. "You got a few more weeks Freddie," I said. "Wanna hear the heartbeats?" "Please."

The doctor turned on the sound. I listened closely to the two heartbeats. "Would you also like pictures?" He asked. "Yes," Fred answered. "Alright. I'll get those pictures for you and here's a towel to clean up." "Thank you," I said, taking the towel from him. I cleaned the goop off my stomach before putting my shirt back down.

A few minutes later the doctor came in with the pictures. "Your next appointment is in about a month," He said. "See you then," I said. As we left Fred wanted carry the pictures out to the car.

Once inside he looked at them. "We made that," He said. "Them," I corrected. "Fred?" He looked up from the pictures. "Yeah?" "Are you sure you want to do this. I don't want you to feel like you have to be here because you're their father." Fred looked taken back by my words. "I want to be here."

He set his hand on my growing stomach. "For you and the babies," He said. "Fred if you want you can go do whatever and I'll do the pregnancy portion myself. And when I go into labor then your part can start," I told him. "Y/n I want to be here for the whole thing. You and our babies are my family." "Then what are we?"

Fred looked confused by my question. "What do you mean what are we?" He asked. "We aren't dating. We are more than friends. This is confusing me," I told him. "As cliche as it sounds you're the love of my life. I was gonna wait a little longer but I guess now works."  It was my turn to look confused.

He opened the center council and pulled out a box. "I love you and I can't picture doing this with anyone else. Or being with anyone else. What I'm trying to ask is," He paused and opened the box to reveal a beautiful ring. "Will you marry me?" I was shocked to say the least. "You aren't just asking me because I'm pregnant with your kids right?" I asked him. He chuckled a bit. "I'm not, love. I went and bought this the day you didn't come home. I was gonna ask you when you got back to the loft. I got George to leave for the night so we could have a romantic evening and I had everything planned out."

I looked back down to the ring. It's beautiful. Plus I've been waiting for this moment since we left Hogwarts. "So?" He asked. "Yes I'll marry you!" I said in excitement. A smile spread on Fred's face as he slipped the ring on my finger. "I love you." "I love you too Freddie." And we kissed like it was our first time back in the broom closet.

On the way back to the loft I couldn't stop staring at the ring on my finger. "You like it? If not I can go get a different one," He said. "Fred it's perfect. I don't need or want the big expensive ring," I told him. "I can afford it though." "Fred, stop it. I wanted you before you had money and I will still want you if you lost everything." "God I love you." He grabbed my hand lacing our fingers together. "By the way my mother invited us over for dinner tonight." "Your mother doesn't like me." "Maybe she might change her mind since you are carrying her first two grandkids."

Skipping to said dinner

Walking into the burrow feels weird now. "Now we are only waiting on George," Molly said. She seemed really happy today. "What's happening?" I whispered to Fred. "She's happy," He whispered back. "Dinner will be done shortly. Also George said he has someone he wants us to meet."

When Molly was out of the room everyone looked at Fred. "Does George have a girlfriend?" Bill asked. "I don't know," Fred answered. "How do you not know? You live with him," Ron said. "I've been busy." "With what?" Charlie asked. "You'll have to wait and find out," I said.

George walked into the burrow. "I'm here!" He yelled out. Can't wait to see who he wants us to meet. "George," Molly said. She came over and hugged her son. "Now that everyone is here. We will be eating in the garden tonight." "Let's go love," Fred said. He held his hand out to me. I grabbed it and laced our fingers together.

Walking out to the garden I caught a glimpse of something. We all sat down as George stayed standing. "Before we start dinner. I would like you all to meet someone. This is my girlfriend Angelina," He said. I looked over to see the very girl that Fred dated at one point. "Am I seeing this right?" Fred whispered to me. "So you also see her?" I whispered back. "Yeah."

"Tell us a bit about yourself Angelina," Molly said. "When we were in hogwarts I was in Gryffindor. I played quidditch with both Fred and George. And I was at the top of my classes," She said. "That's a lie," I mumbled. Fred stifled a laugh as his hand went to my thigh. "She seems like a good one George." At Molly's words I looked up and over to Fleur. "What the hell," She mouthed to me.

After dinner Fred leaned in and whispered in my ear. "Should we tell them?" He asked. "Sure," I said. "We have some news," Fred said, looking at his mother. "What is it?" She asked. Fred looked over at me and smiled. "This wonderful woman right here is gonna be a Weasley one day." "You two got engaged!" Ginny yelled. She seems excited by it. "Yes but that's not all. Fred and I found out we are having twins."

Molly gasped as she covered her mouth. "Mom are you okay?" Fred asked. "It's all just hitting me now. I'm gonna be a grandma. Granted I don't like the mother of my grandchildren but that doesn't matter, " She said. Knew that was coming. "Told you she didn't like me," I whispered to Fred. "Doesn't matter to me." He kissed my forehead.

When Fred and I decided we wanted to leave, George and Angelina decided they wanted to leave at the same time. "Are those really Fred's kids?" Angelina asked me. "What does that mean?" I asked her. "It's just you were known for sleeping around." "At least I'm not dating my ex-boyfriends brother." She opened her mouth. "I suggest you keep that mouth shut." I gave her a fake smile before going and grabbing Fred's hand.

Word Count: 1185

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