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Y/n's POV

Two days since Fred and I fucked. And he's still in my head. Why didn't it work? "It didn't work," I told Maria. "What didn't work?" She asked. "Having sex with him didn't work. He's still stuck in my head." "Maybe he's supposed to be. Maybe he was meant to come into your life." "I don't care. I need to focus on my classes. I'll be in the library studying if you need me."

I was reading through my potions book when someone sat next to me. "What?" I asked them not even looking up.  "Why did you ask me to fuck you the other night?" They asked. Of course it had to be Fred. "Why does it matter?" I closed my book and looked at him. "Because, and I quote 'you're a blood traitor'." "I needed to fuck someone that's all."

He laughed a little bit before leaning in and whispering, "I'm pretty positive you said you needed to get me out of your system. Did it work, love?" I gulped as he pulled away with a smirk on his face. He knows it didn't. I can tell by the look on his face. "For your information it did work Frederick," I lied. He chuckled a bit. "Whatever you say, love. If I'm right about it come to the astronomy tower tomorrow night after curfew."    

He smiled at me before getting up and walking away. How could he possibly know that he's still stuck in my head. That I can't stop thinking about him fucking me in the broom closet. I need to try and forget about this. I should just get back to studying. That's what I should be doing this year. Not fucking Fred Weasley in broom closets.

When lunch came around I knew I needed to get Maria and Harper's opinions on this whole thing. "We gotta talk," I told them. "What's up?" Harper asked. "He's still stuck in my head. I told Maria earlier since I couldn't find you. But he came to me as I was in the library and asked me if he was out of my system. I lied but it's like he knew I was lying." "Okay, maybe you need to fuck someone else," Maria said. "But I can't. I can't look at another boy without seeing this one."

The two looked at each other before looking at me. "Who is this mystery boy?" Maria asked. "I can't tell you. It's embarrassing," I told them. "Is he ugly but good in bed?" Harper asked. "No that's the thing. He's so attractive and good in bed. But he isn't in Slytherin." "What house is he in?"

Should I lie about his house? If I tell them he's in Gryffindor then things won't end so well. They've heard me complain so much about those blood traitors. And if I tell them ones stuck on my head I'll never live it down. Maria and Harper will do everything they can to remind me of it everyday.

"Y/n?" Harper asked. "Huh?" I asked back. "If he's in Gryffindor we don't care," Maria said. "What makes you think he's in Gryffindor?" They gave me a look. "You went real quiet. And you really only do that when houses are involved. If he's in Gryffindor it's okay." They each set one of their hands on mine. "I shouldn't be like this," I told them.

Maria squeezed my hand. "Is he at least pure blood?" She asked. "Yeah but he's still a blood traitor," I answered. "Y/n/n, just try and talk to him the next time he comes up to you. Explain he needs to stay away from you. And next party just walk up to the first boy you see and fuck him," Harper said. "Alright. Enough about me. Harper how's things with Lucy?"

Harper blushed lightly at the mention of her girlfriend. "Things are going really well. We've even talked about when we wanted to do it together," She answered. "You guys haven't done it yet?" Maria asked. Harper shook her head looking down. "She's a virgin." "Does she know you aren't?" I asked. Harper nodded her head. "I've told her everything," She said. Maria and I shared a look.

All three of us are kind of whores. We'll me more than them now obviously with them both being in a relationship. "How'd she take it?" I asked. "Fine, but she's still trying to wrap her head around all the girls I've slept with," Harper said. "It'll get better," Maria said. "How do you know?" "Adrian, had a hard time accepting my past as well. But we talked more and I told him those were meaningless hookups. Which they were." "And if she can't handle the truth then she isn't the one."

Harper looked up at us and smiled. "You're right. If she can't handle that part of me then she won't be able to handle anything I tell her," She said. "Does she know about our drug issue when we were in fourth year?" I asked. "Nope, and I don't plan on telling her. Adrian know?" "No, but I think he suspects something since me and him were hooking up every once in a while then," Maria answered.

We all sat in a comfortable silence till Draco came over to me. "Yes Draco?" I asked him. "I need some help with charms," He said. "You feeling okay?" He looked at me confused. "Why wouldn't I be?" "You just never ask for help on anything." "Please sis, I need to pass this class." "Fine, I'll help you tonight." "Thank you," He whispered before walking away. 

That night Draco and I sat at one of the tables in the common room. "What exactly do you need help with in charms?" I asked him. "I can't figure out this stupid spell," He answered. "Draco, just focus on the wand movement and what it's supposed to do." "How is this helping?" "I'm gonna take a guess that you were trying to rush through it to prove that you are better than three certain Gryffindors?"

Draco went quiet as he looked down. "Maybe," He said. "So do what I say. And take your time," I told him. He sighed before looking back over the spell and doing the wand movement a few times. Along with practicing saying it. And then combing the two and getting the spell down. "See working at your own pace is fine." "I know sis but they always have to be the center of attention." "Don't let it get to you. But I'm going to bed now." I kissed the top of his head before heading up to my dorm.

Word Count: 1116

A/n: I think I'm gonna try updating once a day

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