Twenty one

7 1 0

Skipping six months

Y/n's POV

I don't know how but my father has found out about my relationship with Fred. And now I'm stuck in Malfoy manor. Not allowed to leave by myself or really leave at all. "You need to send a letter to that boy. Breaking up with him," Father said. "Why should I do that?" I asked. "Because I said so. If you do it then I won't tell the dark lord what you've been doing. And if you don't I'll tell him everything and let him kill you along with that blood traitor boyfriend of yours." He placed parchment and a quill in front of me. I need to do this. To save Fred and one day I'll tell him.


I hate to do this over a letter but it's for the best. I've been lying to you about everything. I've been using you to get the secrets from the order and selling them to Voldemort. I never loved you. Our whole relationship has been a lie. And it's over.

Y/n Malfoy

I signed the letter and handed it to my father. He took it and walked out of my room. Once the door was closed I crawled into my bed and cried. Everything in my life has fallen apart in the last six months. No one has seen or heard from Harry and them. Last week my father found me one day after class and forced me to come to the manor.

Who knows how much Fred has been freaking out since he saw me last. And now he's gonna think I don't love him. He's gonna think I'm the worst person ever. After this whole thing is over and Harry defeats Voldemort will he even talk to me? Will he let me explain? If he does let me explain will he believe me?

Two hours later I was brought into the ballroom. I didn't care to see who was in there until I saw familiar ginger hair. Fred? Turning quickly I saw Ron. But he wasn't alone. There was also Harry, Hermione, and Luna. What is happening? I looked over to my mother and she looked at me. She shook her head.

When Bellatrix started carving Hermione's arm I had to look away. Her screams were bad enough, knowing I couldn't do anything to help her. I closed my eyes as tears formed in my eyes. "Y/n!" I heard her scream. "Open your eyes and watch what's happening to that mudblood. And what will happen to that blood traitor," Father said to me. Opening my eyes I saw Hermione crying. "This is what will happen to that blood traitor you seem to care for so much. But we won't do it, you will. You will be the one carving blood traitor into him. And if you don't I will carve it into you and make you watch as we do it to him. Understood?" I nodded my head.

My aunt was now with one of the goblins from gringotts. Ignoring everything around me till I saw Bellatrix holding Hermione with a knife to her throat. "Well, well well look what we have here. Is Harry Potter? He's all bright and shiny and new again. Just in time for the dark lord," She said, before looking at me. "Call him Y/n." I ignored her. I'm not calling him. "Call him!"

My father came over to me. "Do it or he will get it," He whispered to me. I nodded my head before lifting my arm up ready to do as I was told. But before that there was a squeak from above. We all looked up as the chandler fell.

Hermione was safe with Ron. "Go," I mouth to them. "Stupid Elf! You could have killed me." Bellatrix said. "Dobby never meant to kill. Dobby only meant to maim or seriously injure," Dobby said. As my mother went to cast a spell, Dobby disarmed her. Harry looked at me and held out his hand. I shook my head at him.

At the same time they were leaving my aunt through a knife, it went through with them. Oh god please don't let one of them get hurt. My father dragged me to my room. "You have a weakness and it's known. It's just a matter of time till someone other than me knows," He said. "At least I have a heart unlike you do!" I yelled at him. I felt a sting in my cheek. My father just slapped me. "Until further notice you will stay in this room. I will bring you food three times a day. I may allow Draco to come see you."

Three days later

Today is no different. I woke up and did nothing. "Hey sis," Draco said, coming into my room. "Dad's letting you see me?" I asked. "I've been begging to come see you." "Not much to see." "Why is he doing this?" Should I tell him? I could tell him. We never use to keep secrets from each other. Why start now?

I patted the spot next to me. "Come sit," I told him. Draco came and sat next to me. "Promise you won't judge?" "I promise," He said. "My last year of Hogwarts I started seeing someone in secret. You might know his siblings." "Who is it?"  "Fred Weasley." Draco made a face. "But aren't the Weasleys like broke?" "It shouldn't be about money, or blood status." "I just don't get it."

How can I explain this to him? "When you find the right person you know. We kissed once and he was stuck in my head. We tried sleeping together and it didn't work it actually made things worse. And before you know it you're in love with them. I did everything I could to make sure dad didn't find out about Fred and I, because if he did bad things would happen," I said. "I still don't get it he's a blood traitor," Draco said.

My dear brother is so clueless about love. "Loving someone means ignoring everything you learned growing up. I tried and tried to deny everything I was feeling for him because I grew up thinking they were blood traitors. But I love him and even though to you and dad he seems like a blood traitor but to me he's everything." "You really do love him? Don't you?" "I do Draco." "Does it have to be a Weasley?" "Oh Draco you don't get to choose who you fall for."

Draco messed with his fingers. "When can I formally meet him?" Draco asked. "Never," I answered. "Why?" "Dad made me break up with him. And I think if you two ever did meet you would be seeing his fist again." "Does he know about everything? Like both of us and the marks?" "Yes. I tell Fred everything. And he tells me everything."

"Do you think he will ever take you back?" Draco asked. "Maybe. Might take time but we've always had something in our way," I answered. "And if the dark lord doesn't get defeated?" "I have full confidence in Harry defeating him." "But what if Harry doesn't defeat him?" "Then we are both forced to marry purebloods and have a bunch of children."  "I don't want kids." "Worried you'll act like dad?" I asked.

Draco was silent as he nodded his head. "You won't be," I told him. "How do you know?" He asked. "Because if you were like dad you would have walked right out that door once I mentioned the Weasley's." Draco went to object but realized I was right. "If dad lets us, can we have a sleepover?" "Draco, I doubt dad will let you stay with me." "If he says yes. Can I stay?" "Of course." He smiled and ran to the door.

3rd Person POV

Surprisedly Lucius did say yes. And that night Draco splet on the couch peacefully in Y/n's room. She kept looking over at her brother that was passed out. Y/n was tired but just couldn't fall asleep. There was something bugging her that she just couldn't place.

Word Count: 1250

A/n: sorry school and work have kept me so busy

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