Twenty two

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Battle of Hogwarts

Y/n's POV

Somehow over the last three months I convinced everyone I was on their side. Including my father which I thought would be the toughest but was actually the easiest. I just ended up making lie after lie so nothing bad would happen. But today was the day I was dreading. Voldemort has decided to attack Hogwarts.

I didn't want to hurt anyone in this battle. Or kill anyone. I made sure that the spells I was using were temporary. Voldemort said he is gonna call upon some of us when he needs us. But until then to focus on the school. But the school isn't my focus. My focus is the ginger haired boy that I need to see.

I've seen all of the Weasley's so far but him. "Where's Fred?" I asked George and Ginny. "Y/n he doesn't want to see you anymore. Not after you broke his heart," George said. "I just need to tell him something." "After this whole thing is over with. We might let you see him," Ginny said. "Okay. And guys if anyone asks you you didn't see me." "Why?" "Because I'm supposed to be on the dark side."

I may have lied about the killing part. If I see a death eater with their back towards me I would kill them. Voldemort needs to be taken down and Harry is our only hope right now.

"Y/n?" Someone asked. Turning I saw Ron and Hermione. "Ron. Hermione," I said with joy. "Why are you here?" Ron asked. "Trying to help you guys but making it look like I'm on the dark side." They nodded their heads. I then felt a burning pain in my left arm. I'm being called to him. "I have to go. I'll see you two as soon as I can." I gave them quick hugs before leaving.

I'm standing next to my father in the woods as we wait for Harry. It was pretty boring. The whole Voldemort is gonna take over thing is pretty boring. Hopefully Harry can beat him and I can go on my merry why.

When I saw Harry getting closer a bad feeling settled in me. Things aren't gonna end well. "Harry Potter the boy who lived to come to die," Voldemort said. Harry looked at me and smiled sadly as he let Voldemort kill him. My hand flew up to my mouth to stop the scream that was gonna come out. My eyes filled tears as I saw someone who I thought of as a brother laying dead before me.

Hagrid picked him up. A few tears fell down my face as I saw the look on Hagrid's face. My father had a tight grip on my shoulder as we headed to Hogwarts. "I saw what happened back there. You still care for them," He whispered in my ear. "So what? It's not like it's gonna matter here soon anyway," I said back. "Listen here you little brat, once this is over I'm gonna kill you myself." "Do it. Because let me tell you something, you don't have the guts to kill your own daughter." "My daughter wouldn't have slept with a blood traitor or associate herself with anything but purebloods." "Glad I'm won't be a Malfoy anymore once I'm dead."

His grip on my shoulder tightened the closer we got to the school. I kept sneaking glances at Harry. Even though I watched him get killed it just doesn't seem real. Like he's not actually dead and this whole thing is just a set up.

Entering the gates of Hogwarts everyone looked at us. "Harry Potter is dead!" Voldemort yelled. "No!" Ginny yelled. Ron and Hermione were looking at me. One of them was disappointed and the other with an understatement that I couldn't do anything. Hermione was the one that understood. She gets that if I do anything right now I would be killed.

"Draco," My father said. I looked over to my brother on the other side. He looked away from dad and looked at me. I nodded my head. Draco started walking towards us. It was a safety precaution in case Voldemort did win. Draco stood next to me taking my hand in his. "Run when we get the chance," I whispered to him.

Neville did this long speech before killing Voldemort's snake. At the same time Harry rolled out of Hagrid's arms. A sigh of relief came from me now knowing that he isn't dead. Meaning that there is still a chance of him winning this thing. "Draco, go now," I told him. "What about you?" He asked. "Do what I say. And give this to Harry." I handed him my wand.

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