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Not too long after mine and Fred's breakup word got around that him and Angelina are dating. Whenever you see them in the halls they would be holding hands. But if Umbridge was around she put a quick stop to it with all of her rules. And she has stopped the parties. She has also started up a group that Draco is in. 

Which leads me to him bugging me now. "Come on y/n. You get extra credit," He said, still begging me to join him. "I don't care. I didn't want to join it when it first started and I don't want to join it now," I told him. "Please for me." "I do a lot for you Draco." "Like what?" He asked. "You know what." 

As I was walking away he yelled after me. "You didn't do it for me. You did it for yourself!" I stopped in my tracks and turned to look at him. "Why the hell would I do something like that for myself!" I yelled back at him. "Because you're a selfish bitch!" I was taken back by his words. Draco has never talked to me like that. 

His eyes widen at the realization of what he just said. "Y/n I'm sorry I didn't mean that," He said. "Don't talk to me right now," I told him before leaving him in the corridor. 

This past month has been awful. Fred and I broke up, I'm having nightmares about him dying, and now Draco is calling me a selfish bitch. My own brother is calling me selfish and a bitch. What has happened to him this year?

Not really pay attention I ended up bumping into the golden trio. "Oh hey y/n," Harry said. "Hi Harry, Hermione, and Ron," I said back. "We were actually looking for you," Ron said. "What's going on?" "Just follow us," Hermione said. I followed them to the girls empty lavatory where moaning Myrtle lives. 

"What's wrong?" I asked them. "We want your help with something," Hermione said. I looked at them confused. "I'm gonna start teaching since Umbridge is an awful teacher but we want someone in year 7 to help us out," Harry explained. "Why don't you just ask one of Ron's brothers?" 

All three of them let out a laugh. "Fred and George can't take anything serious. Asking them would be like asking a first year," Ron explained. He's not wrong there. "I don't know guys, if Draco finds out about this he won't be very happy with me," I told them. "It's okay we get it. Just thought we would ask," Hermione said. Then again he called me selfish why don't I just show him I can be selfish. "Wait." 

They all stopped and stared at me. "If I do help you, you can't tell Draco or anyone that might tell him," I told them. They all smiled and nodded. "I'll come get you tomorrow so you can come with us to tell everyone," Hermione said. I nodded my head. 

Hermione and Ron left leaving me and Harry alone. "What made you change your mind?" He asked. "Draco called me a selfish bitch today, and I guess this is my way of proving to him I can be selfish without him knowing," I told him. "You're nothing like the other Malfoy's or the bad Blacks, maybe that's why Sirius recommended you." "Wait Sirius told you to talk to me?" 

Harry nodded his head. "Yeah, he talks about you all the time. He really wants us to get along," He told me. "Don't act like my real brother and we won't have any issues," I told him. "I would rather die than act like Draco." I laughed at his comment. "I think we all would." 

Two weeks later... 

Harry and I were making lesson plans for the next few days when Hermione and Ron came and sat with us. "Yes?" I asked them. "Sirius was right about," Hermione said. "I'm glad I lived up to your expectations." "You're definitely better than the expectations," Ron said. "I can't believe we actually like a Malfoy," Harry joked. I hit the back of his head. "Oww." "You deserve it," I told him. 

Harry looked at me and smiled. "I like having a fake sister," He said. "Too bad I couldn't have been your real sister," I told him. "Draco's that bad?" "No he's just not the best brother sometimes." We all left the library and started walking towards the room of requirements for the meeting. "It couldn't be because of you. You're like an older sister to me and Harry," Hermione said.  "You two are great younger siblings." 

Skip to the end of the meeting

As I was leaving I saw Fred and Angelina together. I rolled my eyes and kept walking. "Why would a Slytherin be helping anyone?" Angelina asked. Just keep walking. "No seriously though. What if she's telling her brother about everything that is happening here." Everyone stopped and looked at me. I turned to them and smiled. "You may not trust me but I don't see you trying to help out," I told her. 

She was silent for a minute.  "Cat got your tongue?" I asked her. "You're a Slytherin there is a motive here somewhere," She said back. "What kind of motive would I have to help you?" "You're a Malfoy who knows what you would want." "What I want is for you to learn your place." I looked over to Fred. "Control your girlfriend." 

As I turned to leave I heard the same words that Draco spoke to me two weeks ago. "You're a selfish bitch. That cares about no one but herself!" Angelina yelled. I clenched my hands into two fists trying not to turn around and punch her. "Y/n let's just go," Harry said coming over to me. 

I looked over at Harry and nodded my head. "Run away just like your brother does," Angelina said. I turned around and looked at her. "At least I know what does and doesn't belong to me," I told her. "What does that mean?" I looked at Fred and smirked. "Y/n not now," He finally spoke up. "Fred what is she talking about?" 

I smiled an evil smile as I leaned in close to Angelina. "Fred was mine before he was yours," I whispered to her. "You're lying," She said. "I'm not though. I mean the things he does in bed can really get a girl hooked. Oh and the things he can do with that tongue." That was the final straw before she slapped me. I licked my bottom lip tasting a bit of blood. "That's all you got?" 

When she went to throw a punch at me I ducked. As she went to do it again I grabbed her wrist then punched her square in the face. "Y/n!" Fred yelled at me. Angelina was quick to throw another punch at me. I ducked again. "At least I'm not a whore," Angelina said. I paused at her words letting her get in a punch. 

I had Angelina pinned to the floor punching her. Arms wrapped around me and pulled me away from her. "Let me go," I told them. "Calm down love," They whispered in my ear. Fred. "Please let me go. I will walk away." "Promise?" "Promise." He let me go and I walked out the door just like I promised I would. 

Walking back to my dorm I could still feel his arms wrapped around me. What it felt like to be in them again. Wanting to go back and have him hold me and tell me that he doesn't actually like her. That she's only a rebound. 

Word Count: 1284

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