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Skipping to Christmas break 

Y/n's POV 

I spent a few days with Maria and Harper at Maria's house before going to see Sirius. A little nervous to see him at the moment since he knows the truth about what I did this summer. He didn't seem mad in the letter and still invited me to Christmas so that should be a good sign. 

"Sirius?" I asked, walking into the house. I heard a few different pairs of footsteps as three people came to a halt in front of me. Remus, Harry, and Sirius all hugged me at once. "Why didn't you tell me you were coming?" Harry asked, pulling away from the hug first. "I thought you were going to the Weasley's." "The Weasley's are staying here," Remus told me. 

"All of them?" I asked. All three nodded their heads. Fred's here in the same house as me for Christmas break. "Let's go see Ron and Hermione," Harry said, grabbing my hand. "I'll put your stuff in your room," Sirius said. "Thank you." 

Harry took me up to a room. "Guess who's here," He said, opening the door. "Y/n!" Hermione yelled when she saw me. "Hermione!" I yelled back. It's nice feeling like I have a younger sister. Even if she is a muggle born. "The only Malfoy any of us like," Ron said, as him and Hermione hugged me. 

When we let go I noticed the twins and Ginny. "You probably know Fred and George since they are in your year. And that's our sister Ginny. Ginny meet Y/n Malfoy. The best Malfoy," Ron said introducing us. "Hi," I said to her. "Thoughts on the whole blood status thing?" She asked. "Could care less if you are half blood or muggle born. And as my father calls purebloods that aren't in Slytherin blood traitors." Ginny smiled before getting up and holding out her hand. "I think we'll get along just well." I smiled as I shook her hand. 

Fred and George started whispering to each other. "Don't worry about them. They do that all the time," Ginny told me. "Okay. I'm gonna go find Sirius I need to talk to him about something," I told them. "See you at dinner if we don't see you before then," Harry said. I stole a glance at Fred before leaving the room. 

I found Sirius in the kitchen. "Hey kiddo," He said when he saw me. "Can you show me where my room is?" I asked him. "Of course. Let's go." He got up and led me out of the kitchen. "Were the others happy to see you?" "I think so. I met Ginny and she was really nice." "That's good." 

We stopped in front of a door. "Here's your room. I'll come get you when Molly is done with dinner," He said. "Thank you Sirius," I said. "You don't have to thank me." "Not for that, but for what I said in my last letter." He smiled at me. "You did it for Draco. I could never hate you for that." I smiled back before giving him a quick hug. "This is why I like you more than my family," I told him. "This is why you're my only family member from the black side," He said back. 

I was just sitting in my bed when a knock was on the door. "Come in," I said. The door opened to reveal Fred. He closed the door before looking at me. "Why are you here?" He asked. "I talk to Sirius all the time and he invited me to come for Christmas." Fred nodded at me. "Is that all?" "Yeah." He still stood there not leaving. 

"Actually no it's not," He said, after a few seconds. I sat up and patted the foot of the bed. He came and sat down. "What's up?" I asked. "I need girl advice." "And you came to me instead of your mother, sister, or Hermione?" "Yeah I guess." "What's going on?" 

Fred took a deep breath. "Even though I'm with Angelina there's still this girl in my head. I know I shouldn't be thinking about her. But she's like a drug to me. And whenever I see her I just want to kiss her and hold her," He told me. I sat there to process everything. It's probably not about me since he moved on so fast. "I want to tell you to break up with Angelina because she doesn't deserve this. But I don't like her so I don't care about her feelings but if you are thinking about another girl it's best you aren't in a relationship," I told him. 

"But the girl I want to be with doesn't want to be with me," Fred said. "How do you know that?" I asked. "She hasn't tried to get me back." Get him back? Holy shit is he talking about me? I looked up at him wide eyed. "By your expression I'm gonna assume you know who I'm talking about." 

"Is it me?" I finally asked. "Yes," He answered, looking down. "Hey Y/n, dinners done," Sirius said from behind my door. "Be down in a sec," I told him. Fred and I looked at each other and neither of us talked. I got up and walked to my door. "We can talk more after dinner," I told him before leaving. 

At dinner I meet Molly and Arthur. Molly didn't seem to like me a whole bunch but I don't blame her. My family doesn't have the best reputation.  "Y/n please tell me more about this boy," Sirius said. "I don't want to talk about him," I said. "Wait what boy?" Remus asked. "Kiddo here was seeing someone from Gryffindor." "What was he like?" 

I knew they weren't gonna leave me alone till I talked about it. Even if that person is in this room. "Fine I'll talk about it. I don't really know what made him different but something did. He is so kind, caring, funny, always knew how to make me smile, and kept his promises unless it came to his family. But we couldn't be seen in public together. Not because I was ashamed of him but because if my father found out who knows what would happen," I told them. "Why would it matter if your father found out?" Ginny asked. "Lucius Malfoy wouldn't approve of him. Even though he is a pureblood, since he isn't in Slytherin he's considered a blood traitor."  

I could feel Fred's eyes on me. I avoided looking at him. "Who is it? Maybe we know him," George said. "I would rather not say," I told him. "I'm sure we could help you two get back together," Harry said. "He has a girlfriend now. Can we drop it?" "Of course kiddo," Sirius said. 

It was pretty late when my door opened.  "You told Sirius?" Fred asked. "I told him I was seeing someone I never told him a name," I answered. "But you still told him." "Why does it matter? You're with Angelina now." "Because I don't want to be with her. I want to be with you." I just stood there looking at him. 

Word Count: 1208

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