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Y/n's POV 

It's finally time to go to Hogsmeade. Sirius is okay with me bringing Maria and Harper. But it's only going to be me and Maria since Harper is gonna be with Lucy today. "Do you feel like Harper keeps ditching us for Lucy?" I asked Maria. "Sometimes. But she's happy and that's all that should matter," Maria answered. "I guess you're right." "What's wrong?" "It's just you have Adrian. And now Harper has Lucy. I just feel like I'm missing something. Like I don't know how to be with anyone romantically just sexually." "Y/n/n, I thought that too until me Adrian started shagging more and eventually started dating." She's got a point. 

We walked to the edge of Hogsmeade and waited for Sirius. A black dog walked up to me and hit my hand. "Padfoot," I said. Maria and I followed it into the woods. Sirius stopped and changed back into his human form. "Hey kiddo," He said hugging me. "Hi, Sirius." I hugged him back. We let go. "How's Harry been?" Already on the topic of Harry. It's all I ever hear about. "He's been staying out of trouble for now." "How have you been?" He asked. "Stressed with school. You?" I asked. "I've been better." 

"So Maria how's that boyfriend of yours?" Sirius asked her. "The same as last time," She answered. "Where's Harper?" "She got a girlfriend and is spending the day with her," I answered. There was some distaste in my voice. "Don't like the girlfriend?" "No Lucy's nice. It just feels like she's always ditching us." "It seems to me you are jealous." "Why would I be jealous?" "Your best friends are dating someone and you just haven't found the person you want to date." "He might be right y/n/n," Maria said. "I know," I said, crossing my arms. 

"Is there anyone you might want to date?" Sirius asked. "Nope, I don't know how to be romantically attracted to people," I told him. "Sound like me. It took me till Remus to become romantically attracted to someone." 

A/n: If you have an issue with Sirius and Remus being together please leave. Wolfstar is everything 

I sometimes forget how similar me and Sirius can be. "You girls better get back," He said standing up. "Keep in touch?" I asked him. "Of course kiddo. I love you." "I love you too Sirius." I hugged him one more time before heading back to Hogsmeade with Maria. "I didn't know him and Remus got together," Maria said. "It happened before we left school last year." She nodded her head. "Butterbeer for the road?" "Is that even a question?" 

I was sitting outside reading when someone sat next to me. "Yes, Draco?" I asked looking at my brother. "Harry's been his usual annoying self," He said. "I can't thank you enough for doing this for me." "I know I'm the best brother ever. Gotta go though sis." He stood up and walked away. I know exactly what he's going to do. Annoy Harry Potter. No matter how much my brother says he hates him Draco wishes they were friends. 

That night at dinner Maria went and sat with Adrian leaving me and Harper. "How was Hogsmeade?" I asked her.  "Good. Lucy and I got butterbeer. And we also went and got some sweets before coming back here and just sat outside all day," She answered. "I'm happy you found somebody." "Now we just need to find you someone. And then we can all go on triple dates." "We'll see. No one here has caught my eye." "Or no one that has caught your eye your father wouldn't approve of?" She asked. "Nope. I just haven't found someone that makes my heart skip a beat when they walk into the room, fill my stomach with butterflies, or make me think about the next time I'll be seeing them," I answered. 

Once dinner was done I headed up to the astronomy tower to watch the sun set. 

Even when the sun finished setting I still sat there and looked out at the night sky. Looking at the stars above me. At the same time I heard footsteps on the stairs. I quickly got up and hid behind the wall just in case it was Filch. I peeked around the corner and saw red hair. "You aren't Filch," I said, stepping back into the tower. The person turned and looked at me. "You're right. Fred Weasley," He said, walking over to me. "I know who you are. Well I know of you. Y/n Malfoy." "You're a Malfoy?!?" "Why do you sound so surprised?" "No reason," He said. There was definitely something he wasn't telling me.  

"Can I join you?" He asked. "Sure," I answered. We sat in a comfortable silence. "Filch is gonna be coming up here soon." I looked over at Fred. "I know." I got up and started heading towards the steps. "Let's go have fun," He said catching up to me. "Like what?" I asked. 

When we reached the bottom of the stairs he peeked around the corner. "This way," He said, pulling me with him. We were just walking around the corridor when there was a meow behind us. "Filch," I said. "Let's go." Fred grabbed my wrist as we started running. "Hey get back here!" Filch yelled as he chased after us. 

I started laughing as we continued to run from Filch. "Let's hide in a broom closet," I said. "Good idea," Fred said before opening one. I was still laughing when we got inside. Fred's hand came up and covered my mouth as he put a finger to his. 

Footsteps walked past us. "Where are you two?" Filch asked. The footsteps started to get quieter. I moved Fred's hand off my mouth. "Let's wait a little longer just to be safe," Fred said. "Fine," I said. I noticed how close we were. 

I felt Fred lift my chin up to look at him. My e/c eyes met his brown ones. "Can I kiss you?" He asked, already leaning in. I didn't say anything but also leaned in. His lips ghosted over mine. When he pressed his lips to mine I snapped back to reality. "No. You're a blood traitor," I told him. "Wow, you Malfoy's sure do know how to ruin a moment." 

"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked him. "Nothing can happen without Malfoy's commenting on someone's blood status or if they are a so-called blood traitor," He answered. "Hate to break it to you Weasley but that's all that matters these days. And in the end it will be me who survives not you or your family." "What does that mean?" "You know what I mean. Also don't mention this to anyone or I will kill you." I opened the door then left. 

3rd Person POV 

 Fred watched as Y/n walked away. Even though she just threatened him he couldn't help the smile that spread on his face. As Y/n walked down the corridor back to her common room to go to sleep she couldn't help but think of what just happened in that broom closet. She almost spelt her secret about being a death eater. 

That night both of them dreamed of the other not knowing the other was having the same dream. 

Word Count: 1222 

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