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Y/n's POV

I woke up with warmth behind me. I was confused at first before remembering last night's events. Turning over I saw Fred sleeping peacefully. Carefully I moved the hair that was on his forehead. "Can I wake up like this everyday," He said, quietly with his morning voice. "Sorry. Didn't mean to wake you," I told him.

He pulled me closer stuffing his head into the crock of my neck. "It's fine love," He said, pressing soft kisses to my neck. I giggled a bit as I ran a hand through his hair. "We are gonna need to get up soon," I told him. "Noo, I just want to lay here all day." "We can't Freddie. Your family will become suspicious." "Fine but whenever we get the chance expect a lot of attention." He pressed a quick kiss to my lips before getting up and getting dressed. "See you downstairs love."

I got changed into some leggings and a sweatshirt before heading downstairs. As I was walking down the hall someone slapped my ass. I turned around and saw Fred smirking at me. "Was that necessary?" I asked him. "Always," He answered, squeezing my ass as he walked past me. (A/N: I have a feeling Fred would be an ass guy.) I rolled my eyes before following him into the kitchen.

I ruffled Harry's hair before sitting next to him. "How's my favorite brother this morning?" I asked him. "Good. And favorite brother?" He asked back. "You're like a brother to me and Draco's an okay brother." "Other than when he calls you names," Ron spoke up. "Draco's calling you names?" Remus asked, sitting down next to Sirius. "It was just once." "What did he say?"

I looked down. "He called me a selfish bitch," I told Remus. I felt a lot of eyes on me. One burned into me more than others. Looking out of the corner of my eye I saw Fred clenching his jaw. "Did you know?" Remus asked Sirius. "She told me in her last letter," He answered. "And you didn't think to tell your boyfriend?" "Remus I asked him not to tell anyone."

Sirius looked at me. "Why?" Remus asked. "Embarrassed by how much it affected me," I told him. "Hey Y/n after breakfast do you want to go do something with Hermione and I?" Ginny asked, changing the subject.  "Of course." "Yay girls day," Hermione said.

Once breakfast was over I headed to my room to grab my purse. I finished checking to make sure I had everything when arms went around my waist. "Yes Freddie?" I asked. "I'm glad Ginny likes you. It'll make things easier for when she knows we're together," He said. "Hopefully. I got to go though." "Enjoy girls day. But tonight you're all mine," He said, before giving me a kiss. I pulled away from him. "No more kissing me till you're single," I told him.

Fred pouted as he crossed his arms. "That's not fair though," He whined. "Gotta go," I told him.

We were walking through Diagon Alley looking at shops trying to decide on where we want to go. "So Hermione when are you and Ron finally gonna admit your feelings for each other?" I asked her. "Me and Ron do not like each other. We are only friends," She said back, defensively. "Come on Mione we all see the way you two look at each other," Ginny told her. "Even if we did like each other getting into a relationship right now is a bad idea. You-know-who is back, and we need to focus on that."

Skipping back to the house (To lazy to write what y'all did)

Walking into the house you could hear laughter coming from the living room. Us three girls looked at each other before walking that way. We saw Ron and Harry on the floor laughing as Fred and George were testing something on them. "What are you boys doing?" I asked. They all stopped whatever they were doing and looked at us. "Nothing," Fred and George said at the same time. "Let's go," Hermione said.

I was laying on my bed reading when my door opened. "How was the girls day?" Fred asked, sitting next to me. "It was good. I got to know Ginny more," I answered. "What did you girls do?" "Went shopping and got lunch. What did you boys do while we were gone?" "Nothing," He lied. I looked at him and raised an eyebrow. "Fine. George and I want to open a joke shop after we leave hogwarts. Ron and Harry were letting us test some products on them." "That's all you had to say." I kissed his cheek before getting up. "Where are you going?" "To find Sirius I gotta talk to him."

I found Sirius in a room I've never seen before. "What's this room?" I asked. "The Black family tree," He answered. I walked over to where he was standing and saw our whole family. "Who's Regulus?"  "He was my brother. Till he joined the dark side and then died not long after." "Oh. Also speaking of that side I want to tell Remus about it." "Alright. Let's go then."

We were now sitting in Sirius and Remus's room. "Everything okay?" Remus asked. "Kiddo here wants to tell you something," Sirius said. Remus looked at me. "Promise not to get mad?" I asked. "I'll try not." I explained everything to Remus about how I regretted taking the dark mark and why I did it.

The room was now silent. "Remus?" I asked. "I don't know what to say," He finally said. "Do you want time alone to process it?" Sirius asked. "Please." Sirius and I both got up and left the room. "Didn't go as bad as I thought it would," I told Sirius. "Hopefully he doesn't freak out too much."

I was sitting in my room after dinner. Remus still hasn't said anything to me. There was a knock on my door. "Come in," I said. "Hey Kiddo," Remus said, opening the door. He came and sat next to me. I chewed on my bottom lip waiting for him to say something. "I'm proud of you for doing what you did for Draco. I don't think of you any differently. You're still the same girl that you were when we first met." I let out a sigh of relief before hugging him.

"I was so scared you would think I wasn't the same person I was when we met three years ago," I told him. "You're still the one that put others' needs before hers," He said. We let go of each other. "Full moons is coming up. I'm gonna head to bed." "Okay. Goodnight Remus." "Goodnight Y/n."

Word Count: 1129

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