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Well, here you go! If you are in need of witty and annoying comebacks then you have come to the right place!


1- "You failed the (test, intuition, etc.)"
"What, like how your mother failed to abort you?" (Failed to have an abortion to get rid of you)

2- "You must be from McDonalds cos I'm loving it!"

3- "Your so ugly you make happy meals sad!"

4- "Nice arrival, now let's see your departure."

5- "You ugly!"
"Umm, I'm sorry. Have you looked in the mirror lately? Oh, oops, that's right... You already cracked them all with your ugly face!"

6- "You ugly!"
"I'm sorry I don't remember being a (sculpture of you OR a mirror)!"

7- "You so fat I missed seven episodes of my programme because you walked past the tv!'


Sorry! It's short! I know! Blah blah blah!

I have a new book kinda not really. It's a cover requests book so if you need them you know where to go and please check it out n stuff, yeah?

Still doing theme requests!

Please please please





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