Part 4: Batcave Bust

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May 20th, 1:32am
The Batcave

Dick swung his keys around his finger as he walked into the Batcave. As he got closer to the main cavern he heard voices. But unlike usual, there were no sounds of sparring or weapon practice. It was laughter, young voices. That cut off abruptly when Dick turned the corner and came into view.

He couldn't help his instant smile at the sight of Tim, Cassie, Jaime, and Bart laying out on the sparring mats, snacks and liquor bottles spread around them. The Bat computer had a movie projected on the opposite wall and for a moment the dialogue was the only sound filling the cave.

"Dick! Hi! I-um-we... I didn't hear you come in," Tim stammered.

"Looks like I missed the fun." Dick meant it as a joke but they all just stared at him like deer in headlights.

Tim pushed himself to his feet, face red in shame, head hung, "please don't tell Bruce."

Dick fake gagged, "geez, am I really the guy you're scared of now?"

Jaime sat up, swaying a bit, "so you're not here to bust us, hermano?"

Dick shrugged, "I didn't know you guys were here."

"I thought adults loved busting under age drinking," Cassie drawled, her face flushed.

Dick really hated being the adult sometimes. Or, more specifically, sometimes it was too nostalgic looking at the superhero youth and no longer being in that category. Twenty-five wasn't that old but apparently it put him in the 'adult' category. He was no longer sneaking liquor from Bruce's cabinet for his friends. He was the guy the kids were afraid was going to bust them. Sigh.

"I'll come by another time," Dick said, "you guys have fun," he turned to go but then thought better of it, "and please no superhero activity or weapons handling while intoxicated."

Cass saluted, floating a few feet in the air, "yessir."

Dick rolled his eyes but chuckled and motioned for Tim to follow him out of earshot of his friends. When they got back to Dick's parked car, Dick pulled out his wallet and handed Tim a fifty. Tim looked at him in surprise. "My advice," Dick started, "refill Bruce's liquor cabinet sooner rather than later. He doesn't know the brand or type of alcohol but he will notice if the number of bottles has changed."

"Wow. Um, thanks. For being cool. Really."

Dick rolled his eyes, "you act like you're the first one to throw a party in the Batcave."

Tim grinned, "and here I thought my big bro was always a goody two-shoes."

"Just be smart and make sure everyone gets home safe. No driving. If they're not okay to zeta back, make up a guest room or sneak them up to yours. Alfred will give you a lecture but won't really care."

"You got it!"

Tim stuffed the money in his pocket as Dick opened his car door. "Oh," Dick said, "if Bruce does somehow find out about this, I was never here."

Tim's face darkened, "trust me, after tomorrow's League mission I think he'll have bigger problems."

Dick leaned on his car door. "So he's really going to do it? Walk out of the League?"

Tim nodded solemnly, "and take me with him. I threw this as kind of a last hurrah before they hate me."

Dick placed a hand on the shoulder of the youngest Robin, "they won't hate you. It'll be hard but they won't hate you. You might lose Cass though."

"I know." Tim paused, debating, but deciding to finally ask, "I know you're not in the League or on the Team, but..."

"I'm with you. Always." Tim's face brightened slightly at Dick's words. "I'll always stick with the family."

Tim let out a breath, a small weight off his shoulders, then turned to go back to his friends. "See you later."

"Have fun."

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