Part 66: The Lazarus Pit

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April 16, 8:52pm
Lazarus Pit

When Willa stepped through to the other side of the boomtube, the stench hit her first. Like rotting fruit. Then the heat, like it was the dead of summer. She guessed both were a product of a lake in the middle of the cavern. Steam rose from its waters, which glowed a faint green. Definitely not a leisurely swim.

And then she saw the people. Her heart skipped a beat at the sight of Dick sitting on the ground, an unconscious Tim in his arms. One of Tim's legs was bent at an odd angle, and Willa was suddenly grateful Tim wasn't awake to feel that pain.

When Dick looked up, she could see his bruised face, still bleeding from a cut on his forehead, as well as his bruised knuckles. His eyes widened at the sight of her, and then at how she supported an injured Jason, and then at Batman behind them both, Dick's face twisting in anger. She saw him scan over her body, looking for injuries. She shook her head slightly, she was fine, she tried to tell him. Honestly, she looked leagues better than the three of them.

The boomtube closed behind her and Willa swallowed nervously.

"Well done, Bruce," a smooth voice said from the shadows. A figure stepped into the light, close to the waters. His hair and beard were grey, but Willa knew better than to disregard the leader of the League of Shadows as an old man. He smiled with pride at Batman, who pulled down his cowl.

Under the mask, Bruce Wayne's face scared Willa more than Batman's. His eyes were lined in shadow, bloodshot but empty. His skin was pallid.

Beside Ra's Al Ghul, a woman stepped, her lean figure backlit by the torches and glow from the water. "Come, my love," she held out a hand and Bruce walked to her side.

Jason growled at the sight of Ra's and the woman, trying to surge forward from Willa's arms. She held him tightly, keeping him on his feet. "I don't think that's a good idea, bud," she whispered to Jason, who stopped struggling, but blinked a few times, regaining full consciousness. And assessing the situation, Willa knew. She could see Dick doing the same thing.

"Just as I promised," Ra's smiled, but it was more like bearing his teeth, "I've brought you your whole family." Ra's spread his arms wide and his gaze landed on Jason. "I even brought your second son back to life for you."

From Ra's side, Willa thought she saw Bruce's hands twitch. She could feel Jason trembling slightly and Willa could only imagine what he'd gone through here.

"Your mental hold on him won't last," Dick said to Ra's, turning the attention towards him, "who did the programming? Mad Hatter? Bruce will eventually break free."

"How clever," Ra's sneered, "but I had a more permanent solution in mind." He gestured to the water behind him. "The Lazarus Pit not only brings back the dead, but it can be a very effective tool in conditioning the mind."

Dick shook his head, "not without destroying his body."

Talia sighed, "the bat children were always so insolent. Yes, the subject must be willing to accept the waters of the Lazarus Pit for it to work properly, and a new Ra's Al Ghul cannot rise to power without dipping themselves in the waters."

"It won't work," Jason piped up, "Bruce will never take your crown," he practically spit.
Ra's glared at Jason and nodded his head at Bruce, who walked behind Willa. "Come here, child," Ra's directed this at Willa, almost soft.

Willa didn't really want to do anything this monster asked, but Batman stepped closer, giving her a little shove. She got the hint. She, and thereby Jason, slowly walked across the cavern towards Ra's Al Ghul.

The box in her pocket gave a little hum of approval the closer she got.

"Ra's...." Dick's voice was low, "if you-"

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