Part 49: Compromised

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February 9, 12:13am
The Batcave

"You know you're not supposed to be down here," he said from the top of the steps.

Willa smiled but didn't turn around. She kept studying the work table in front of her, running her hands over the metal pieces.

"There is a party going on upstairs."

Now she turns. "Aw yes, how I could I forget your undying love for large social gatherings."

His figure is outlined by the warm lights of the elevator as he leaned his tall frame against the door. "Can't I have one night off from your attitude?"

She grinned. "Never." She turns back around to fiddle with the odds and ends on the table. Someone had been in the middle of building something.

"The party's practically over anyway." He walked down the stairs. "Not that you stayed for much of it."

She picked up a rope launcher. It's not unlike the one Dick used years ago to throw her out a window. "I stayed long enough to be noticed. Give my support to the billionaires." She heard him huff out a laugh.

"Where did you go anyway?" He's closer now. Slowly making his way to her still turned back.

She smirked, "here and there," she finally turned to face him, a little surprised by how close he was. He must have consciously made noise when he moved so he didn't scare her. "Why? Afraid I found all your secrets?"

He placed a hand on either side of her hips, trapping her between them, her back pressed against the table. "Good luck with that."

She tapped him lightly on the chest with the rope launcher. "I could if I wanted to."

"If anyone could, it's you."

His tie is slightly undone, the top two buttons of his dress shirt unbuttoned, and his cuff links gone. The party really was over.

He took the launcher from her, placing it on the table as she tucks a strand of his black hair behind his ear.

Dick steps back at the sound of a garage door opening and an engine approaching. Willa swallows and goes back to studying a pair of deconstructed Goode Goggles. She holds them up, silently asking the question.

"Reverse engineering," Dick explained, "to see if we could find the rest of meta-teen trafficking points."

The Batmobile and a motorcycle drove into their designated parking spots, and Batman and Robin dismounted. Tim beamed when he saw Willa, though Bruce just looked unimpressed.

"No civilians down here." Batman points this at Dick.

"I didn't bring her. She found it."

"Hiding spot must be too easy," Tim laughed.

Willa glared, "or I'm kind of smart."

Tim's smile dropped. "Oh. Oh, yeah, that's-that's what I meant."

The elevator door dinged, "how come all of you got to skip the party?" Barbara wheels herself out of the elevator, scowling.

Bruce and Tim exchange a look, caught red handed. "There was an emergency," Bruce said.

"A really big emergency," Tim added. "Like really big."

Barbara turned her gaze on Dick, her hands on her hips.

"Uh, Will found the Batcave so I had to follow."

"No you didn't," Willa and Barbara say at the same time, then both blink and smile at the other.

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