Part 40: PR Clean-Up

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December 26, 7:10am
Los Angeles

"Cover Girl's not dropping you but they are delaying your campaign. They're moving up Zendaya's and pushing yours back. They said it's because Dune is picking up speed but we all know it's because of this scandal-"

Willa cringed at the word 'scandal'. She'd never had a scandal before.

"-Calvin Klein is also good, they already ran most of the commercials and their rep didn't seem too bothered. Said if this whole mess gets people thinking about your underwear, it's good for them. Goode World Studios also can't back out of the contact so you're still locked in for the next two movies."

Willa sat in her publiscist's office, Sam beside her. "So... I'm fine?" Willa clarified. She had expected worse. Cheating scandals are always worse for the women.

"You talked to Evan?" Sam asked.

Willa nodded. "Yeah, he's cool. I apologized, I know we were supposed to stay together until the entire franchise, and this took him by surprise."

Kelly thought it over, "it might cause even more buzz if people think you're exes on the last press tour. People love dynamics between exes."

"We'll post our joint statement later this week," Willa explained, "we'll say we broke up earlier this year but wanted to keep it private and all that."

"Good," Kelly declared, "now there's just the boy left."

Willa quirked an eyebrow. "Excuse me?"

Kelly leaned forward across her desk, "Dick Grayson. Is he a hookup? A rebound? New love? Personally, I like him. Billionaire heir, mysterious enough we can spin him however we want. Philanthropy work, practically no online presence so there's no chance of offensive tweets resurfacing. Good job, kid. We'll do a few pap walks of you two, then-"


Sam and Kelly both looked at her.

"No," Willa repeated, "we keep him out of this completely. No statements, no acknowledgements. I can repost a joke or something about getting drunk but that's it."

Kelly drummed her fingers on her desk. "If you're sure..."

"We make this disappear for him as much as possible." Willa stated firmly. Kelly just took her decision with grace.

"If that's what you want, we support it," Sam patted Willa's hand. "Is that what you want, Willa?"

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