Part 58: Mission

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March 25, 12:25am
The Orphanage

Deep in the galaxy, three Green Lanterns all pointed their rings at an encroaching spaceship, attempting to stop it in its path to Earth. Intel from Batman and Wonder Woman had the Justice League on a rescue mission to this ship. Intel said meta-teens trafficked from Earth were trapped inside, including Violet Harper, aka Halo, kidnapped by Gretchen Goode for the purpose of completing the anti-Life equation.

On the Javelin, the Justice League spaceship, Elongated Man closed in, signaling Wonder Woman's squad to deploy. "Be careful," Elongated Man instructed, "they've deployed no counter-measures. It's suspicious."

"He's right," Hal Jordan agreed, "makes you wonder who's trapping who."

Wonder Woman, Superman, Martian Manhunter, Icon, and Batman dropped down in a protected forcefield and made their way to alien ship.

"I can see the kidnapped kids inside," Superman declared, "our rescue mission's still-" he paused, eyes widening, "wait. The device has been activated. Brace yourselves!"

He barely got it out before a wave of pain hit all the Leaguers. They all started convulsing, screaming through the sudden onslaught of pain, unable to fight against it. A second later, a second blast came from the ship, this time purple, covering the blast zone and quelling the pain.

The Justice Leaguers all collapsed, floating limply in space. The Green Lanterns dropped their shields on the alien spaceship.

Inside the ship, Granny turned off the device, laughing. "What a delightful test of the Anti-Life Equation. The Justice League's biggest bullies enslaved in one fell swoop." She patted the top of Violet's head. "My dear Motherbox, you've done quite well for your Granny. Darkseid will be most pleased."

March 26, 2:28
Outsiders Tower

"Goode World Studios is under attack. Across the globe, our facilities have suffered a rash of break-ins. Our security and privacy violated by meta-humans, forensics indicate. My heart has been shattered by these betrayals. Especially after all my donations to the Meta-Human Youth Center, these Meta-Hooligans working outside the law must be disciplined!"

Garfield waved away the TV hologram of Granny's tearful facade, growling and starting to pace. Willa watched carefully from the kitchen, finishing a sandwich for Tara Markov. Around the room, Artemis, Vic, Impulse, Jason, Tim, and Kaldur stood around anxiously.

"She's just taunting us, Gar. Don't let her get in your head," Artemis tried to calm Garfield down. Victor and Tara followed Garfield out of the room.

Willa handed Tara's sandwich to her as she passed. Tara exchanged a grateful look to Willa before leaving. Willa took a seat on the top of the couch by Artemis and Kaldur. "No luck?"

Artemis sighed, "on the point Gretchen just jabbed at us, the Team already conducted covert raids on all Goode holdings to find Violet. And no luck."

"Since neither Sphere, Motherbox, nor Victor can sense her, she is likely off-world by now," Kaldur added sadly.

"And given Batman hasn't checked in since meeting up with the rest of the Justice League a day ago, we should assume they haven't found her either," Tim said from the arm of the couch.

Dick cleared his throat, "we'll find her."

"Uh, I thought you were confined to bed, Mr. Low Grade Fever," Artemis chided.

Dick shrugged, "you can't keep a Boy Wonder down."

Willa rolled her eyes. Kaldur smirked, "I promised Alfred I'd watch over you."

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