Part 11: Lex Luthor

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June 23, 7:56pm

Lex Luthor was not an emotional man. Or, he didn't show his emotions in a normal, healthy way. He presented himself as calm, cool, and collected. He had to, to amass his financial empire and be a leading member of the Light). But in this moment, alone in his mansion, he slammed his fist down on his desk, annoyed.

Another meta-human trafficking hub, crippled. They had slowly been cut down over the last few months, and when the heroes took out Bedlam, Luthor lost millions and almost shut down the entire operation. He was bleeding money whenever Nightwing took down another hub. Lost equipment, merchandise, and capital, gone in one fell swoop. It was aggravating. It was always the children that caused him the most headaches. He should have corrected Superboy when he had the chance.

But no, it wasn't really Superboy that was the problem. No, the League of Shadows had it right years ago when they targeted the eldest Bat brat. The original sidekick, thorn in Luthor's side. Nightwing. The little weasel had covertly been taking down Luthor's entire operation, jeopardizing the Light's plans. If only Deathstroke and Lady Shiva had been successful in eliminating him, this would all be going so much smoother. Well, no time like the present to correct past mistakes.

Lex pushed the intercom button on his desk, summoning his assistant, Mercy. "Mercy, do we know if Ra's Al Ghul's newest weapon is back online?" He hoped so, there was nothing more annoying than faulty equipment, especially when you learned about it after purchasing.

"Yes, sir. The Shadows say he's waiting on instructions from the Light."

"Good," Lex pressed his fingertips together, a smile curving his lips, "very good. I have its target."

Apparently today wasn't a total waste after all. And if things didn't go to plan, as they so rarely did in this business, Lex had contingencies. Pieces were in place, people where he needed them. All he had to do was tip over the first domino.

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