Part 21: Calvin Klein

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August 10, 9:00am

"This is insane," Willa murmured to herself as a woman put  foundation on Willa's ass. It was surreal, to be on this set. She was wearing the iconic Calvin Klein underwear pair: a black sports bralette and high cut cheeky bottoms, both decorated with the white band that said 'Calvin Klein'.

"Believe it, babe," Sam said from her chair, nose in her phone. Everyone had agreed that Willa's image needed a little maturing. When she did Legend, she was twenty-three but looked younger. It worked to play a teenager. Sam had crafted Willa's natural vibe to present her as the innocent girl next door. Now she was twenty-five, and her character in Shadowblaster was a college student, but the studio wanted Becca a little sexier than the innocent girl next door.

It hadn't taken much convincing for Willa to get on board with growing up for the public a little. She would never be Scarlett Johansson, or Halle Berry, but she was an adult now. She should act like it. It was Sam who had nixed Goode World Studio's initial idea of a Maxim cover and gotten Willa a Calvin Klein campaign instead. It would do the same job, showing people Willa could be a romantic lead and it fit with the dark and moodiness of the film.

When the woman finished smoothing the material of Willa's underwear, she left to leave Willa and Sam alone while the camera crew and director finished up the set. "I'm kind of nervous," Willa admitted. She pulled on her robe, "I'm going to look like an idiot trying to be sexy."

"You are sexy." Sam didn't even look up from the email she was writing.

"Not in a Marilyn Monroe way," Willa grumbled.

"That's why we're not doing Maxim or Victoria Secret. You'd look ridiculous."

"Gee, thanks."

Sam put her phone away, stood up, sighed, and took Willa by the shoulders. "Your strength is your confidence, the coyish thing you do, like you know you're smarter than everyone but choosing not to be. That's sexy. And you've got a rockin' body. Own it." Then Sam turned her around and marched her to set.

Willa laughed and squeezed Sam's hand in thanks. She was great at giving pep talks. Then Sam had to go, she did have other clients after all.

When everyone was ready, Willa handed her robe to a PA. The director sat behind the camera. The campaign was two fold. A series of commercials and still photos for their catalog, website, and billboards. They were shooting the video today.


Willa rolled off the bed and gratefully took the robe offered. The lights dimmed as they were moved to set up the next series of shots and Willa caught sight of a familiar head of blonde hair. She gasped and ran towards Artemis, who was waiting to catch her. Both girls squealed and squeezed each other.

"It's so good to see you!" Willa exclaimed.

"I missed you so much!" Artemis hugged her tightly then held her out, like she was looking to make sure Willa was alright. "Tell me everything, Miss Hollywood."

Willa waved her off, "I just got lucky."

Artemis rolled her eyes, "I've seen your movies, Will. Luck is only part of it."

"You've watched my movies?" It touched Willa more than she thought possible to know Artemis was supporting her, even if they hadn't seen each other in years.

"Every single one." Artemis squeezed her hand. She looked behind Willa to the waiting set then held out her hands for Willa's robe. Willa handed it to her then jogged back to set, a new bounce in her step.

The new series of shots were by the window, fake sunlight streaming in. Willa moved lazily, messing with her hair, making funny faces in the mirror, and just posing by the window. It toed the line between sultry and playful. Or at least that's what Willa hoped. When they yelled cut again the crew had to bring in another camera. They were moving on to the partner work. Willa took a seat next to Artemis to wait.

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