Part 68: Bedside

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April 17, 11:44am
The Watchtower

Dick lightly stroked Willa's hair. She was breathing soundly, aided by some pain meds. She had a nasty concussion and small laceration on the back of her head, plus some scrapes and bruises here and there. She would be fine, Dr. Palmer told him. She'd have some intense headaches for the next two weeks, plus aversion to bright lights and loud sounds, and Doc recommended heavy bed rest, but she'd be okay.

On the other side of the curtain was Tim's bed. He was also asleep, hit with some strong pain meds. His leg was wrapped in a cast and propped up. It would take time and multiple months of physical therapy, but he'd also be okay. On the other side of Tim's bed was Jason's. Jason had a sprained wrist, two cracked ribs, a distended shoulder, a minor concussion, and he was on vocal rest for the next weeks for the strangulation wounds around his neck.

Down the hall, Bruce was asleep in his room, recovering from his session with Martian Manhunter deprogramming the brain washing Mad Hatter gave him during his time in captivity. Alfred was with him. Along with the mental wounds, Bruce had two broken knuckles, a dislocated finger, three bruised ribs, a twisted ankle, a fractured cheekbone, and a stab wound to the shoulder, plus a nasty assortment of bruises all over his body. He'd stay here for the next week and have daily sessions with J'onn to make sure all programming was gone.

Technically, Dr. Palmer had commanded Dick to stay in bed, but Dick hadn't listened. He'd needed to check on the rest of the family. His injuries weren't life threatening. A knife wound to the hamstring, two stab wounds in between his ribs, one broken rib, one cracked, a bruised eye socket, and a few stitches on his forehead. He'd suffered worse. When Dr. Palmer found him in here, sitting beside Willa instead of his own bed, he'd frowned but not said anything, probably figuring this was as close as Dick would get to bedrest. He was right.

He'd refused any pain meds besides Advil, and his whole body throbbed, but he needed to be in his right mind for the next few hours. He had to be here when Artemis came.

Speaking of, he heard the computer announce her arrival, and he slipped out of the infirmary to meet her.

Her eyebrows shot up at the sight of his bruised face and limp. He offered a smile, "hey."

"I got a 911. What's going on? You okay?" She gently touched his cheek.

He brushed her hand away, taking it in his own, "everyone's fine. But I need to show you something."

She pursed her lips at the seriousness in his tone but nodded.

He paused outside Wally's room and squeezed Artemis's hand. "This is going to be a big shock, Artemis, so if you need a minute before going in, or if you want to wait-"

"Dick, what is going on?"

"It's Wally."

Artemis stilled.

"He's back. He's alive." He watched Artemis closely, and even though she didn't move a muscle, tears pricked at her eyes.

"Dick, if this is some sick joke..."

Dick opened the door so she could see for herself. He knew nothing he could say would convince her. Nothing could prepare her for seeing the love of her life alive again.

Wally was asleep in the hospital bed. He'd been asleep since Flash carried him on the javelin. He was also hooked up to fluids and a constant stream of nutrients. Barry was by his bedside, but he looked up when the door opened.

Artemis gasped, covering her mouth with her hand. She leaned back on Dick. "Wally?" Her voice cracked.

As if sensing her presence, Wally groggily opened his eyes. He twitched, unsure of where he was, but then he saw Artemis, and it was like he zeroed in on her. Like the entire world narrowed until it was only her.

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