Part 6: Post Markovia Op

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June 1, 2:22am

"Nightwing, what do we do now?" Tigress looked at him hopefully.

Nightwing tried not to let his voice sound as unsure as he actually felt. "We... we go home. We're done here." He surveyed the torched ground, courtesy of new meta-human Brion Markov. He looked at the dead meta-teen again, shot by a Markovian farmer who thought he was doing the right thing. He looked over at a strange Quoraci girl with no memory that just came back from the dead.

"What about them?" Tigress asked, obviously meaning the prince of Markovia, the strange girl, and the doctor responsible for turning the prince into a meta-teen.

"We'll figure something out," Nightwing answered. He had no idea what to do with them.


June 3, 5:15pm

Wayne Manor

"Of course you would set off by yourself only to return with stray kids," Tim laughed as Dick blocked the basketball from the hoop. Dick scowled, which made Tim laugh again, even though he hadn't scored. "So where are they now? Please don't tell me Bruce is adopting one of them."

"No," Dick rolled his eyes, "Halo is staying with Artemis and Will, Brion is staying with M'gann and Connor, and Jefferson put Dr. Jace up in a hotel." Dick caught the bounce pass from Tim and took it to the top of the key.

Tim raised an eyebrow, "so what now?" He jumped in front of Dick but Dick ducked and scored a three pointer.

"They're not my problem. Got a new mission."

Tim didn't even try to get the rebound, just stood in the middle of the basketball court in Bruce Wayne's backyard. "Really? Dick Grayson is going to abandon kids? That's not your MO, dude."

Dick sighed, "it's not like that."

Now it was Tim's turn to roll his eyes, "Dick, you've always been the one to step up, to lead, to make sure everyone is safe."

"I know." Dick rubbed the back of his neck while they both took a drink of water. When did Tim get so wise? He was sure he hadn't been as wise at eighteen. But then, he had been Team leader when he was eighteen. Dick looked over at his younger brother, glad Tim didn't have that weight on his shoulders. "How are things with Cassie?"

Tim groaned and walked in the backdoor to the sunroom, walking to the sink and splashing some water on his face. "Most of the time she won't talk to me. And when she does, I don't know what to say."

Dick just nodded. He didn't have answers for the kid. Hell, Tim's love life had been more eventful than Dick's in recent years. Dick had steered clear from any and all relationships since... but Tim and Cassie had seemed good. Until Tim had kept Batman's coup from her and walked out of the Team with no explanation. That could put a toll on anyone's relationship.

"I just wish we could move forward," Tim lamented.

"You broke her trust majorly," Dick pointed out, "she can't just move forward."

"I know," Tim grumbled, "can we go back to talking about you?"

"No." He walked back into the manor. Alfred was doing some dishes and watching the small TV in the kitchen.

He must not have heard Dick come in, because he didn't immediately turn the TV off when Willa's face flashed on the screen. A short clip of her new movie played over the voiceover covering some event she showed up at.

"Richard!" Alfred fumbled for the TV remote and the screen went black. "I, um-"

"It's cool, Alfred," Dick waved off the old man's concern. "I've got to hed back to Bludhaven. Barbara has a new lead for the new meta-trafficking hubs popping up since Bedlam went down."

Dick waved goodbye. The last thing he saw before the door closed was Alfred turning to Tim probably to express concern, and Tim's concerned gaze followed him.

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