Part 22: Ambush

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August 20th, 1:28am
New York City

Batman watched Nightwing sigh, frustrated about another dead end. They had just come from Santa Prisca, the island the League of Shadows was using to train new assassins. They had observed Talia Al Ghul leading the new recruits. It was a long shot, they both knew Tara Markov most likely wasn't on Santa Prisca but it was worth looking into. Batman could practically feel the waves of frustration coming off of Dick the entire jet ride back to the States.

Now they were on a rooftop in New York, looking over the city. Well, Nightwing was, Batman had his eyes on his oldest. "It wasn't a waste," Batman finally said.

Nightwing kept his eyes trained on the streets below. "Talia already told me Tara Markov wasn't with the Shadows on Malina Island, we could've guessed she wasn't on Santa Prisca either."

"But now we know for sure."

Bruce watched Dick run a hand through his hair, "it just would have been nice to find her. I can't even imagine..." Dick trailed off but Batman knew the unfinished thought. What the kid was going through. Dick sighed again, "she was kidnapped at eleven. She's fifteen now, if she's still alive. All that time..." Dick trailed off again. Bruce was well aware Dick wasn't necessarily talking to him, he just needed to talk.

"You'll find her," Batman said in what he hoped was an encouraging tone. He hoped the girl was still alive, but he was a little more realistic than his son. He knew first hand how ruthless the League of Shadows could be to children. Dick had even more experience with the cruelty of Shadow captives.

Nightwing shook his head, "Brion has been exiled from his own country, lost his parents, and now just has to sit tight until we figure out if his sister is alive."

Sometimes Bruce worried the weight of Dick's empathy would crush him.

Batman and Nightwing tensed and stood from their crouched positions at the same time. The wind had changed. They both whipped around, weapons drawn, to face Ra's and Talia Al Ghul.

"Did you really think you could leave Santa Prisca unnoticed?" Ras grinned.

"At your age, anything's possible," Nightwing quipped before the assassins charged.

Batman focused on Ra's, the unspoken agreement flowing between Nightwing and himself effortlessly, drilled by years of experience fighting together. Batman ducked and swerved around Ra's Al Ghul's blade, pulling a retractable sword from his utility belt to meet the blows. In his peripheral, he could see Dick flipping and dancing around Talia, his escrima sticks in his hand.

"Where's the kid?" Batman growled, pushing Ra's away with his sword, then punching him in the face.

Ras laughed, "your protege will find her soon enough. The Light has bigger matters than one lost princess."

Batman spun to avoid Ra's's blade. But something wasn't right. Ra's was playing with him. This fight was just an excuse to talk. Well, if he wanted to talk, Batman wouldn't stop him. "What is the Light up to these days?"

The Great One laughed, "working with allies it shouldn't, but what's new?"

"You don't sound particularly invested," Batman grunted as Ra's landed a kick to his jaw.

The assassin charged, getting close before Batman deflected the blow. "I could be convinced to leave. To stop lending my Shadows to the Light. To telling you where the little Markov is, and some other secrets that you would be very interested in."

"And what would convince you?"

Ra's locked his arm around Batman's neck, "I'm getting too old for this, Bruce. I need someone to take over." Then he let go. Bruce stumbled more from the words than the headlock. "An empire can only continue to rule when power is passed from ruler to heir." Ra's leveled his sword at Batman's chest but didn't move.

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