Part 30: Taos Carnival

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November 22, 9:45am
Los Angeles

Holidays were hard since Adam died. It was weird to sit around a table with her parents or extended family and always notice the empty seat. So, when Willa's work schedule prevented traveling back to Gotham for a minor holiday like Thanksgiving, Willa wasn't always disappointed. She was even a little relieved.

She could still have a nice holiday on her own, though. Sleep in, call her parents, take her time and make some food in sweatpants. Which she was in the middle of doing when Gar texted her that he was at her door. When Willa opened it, she saw he wasn't alone. It seemed Willa would meet the queen of Vlatava, and Gar's girlfriend,  in sweatpants.

"Oh, hi, come in, both of you," She opened the door wider for the couple to walk in.

Gar gave her a hug, "happy Thanksgiving."

"It is wonderful to meet you," Queen Perdita bowed her head slightly.

"The honor is mine, Your Highness," Willa greeted.

Perdita waved off the formality, "please, just Perdita. I have heard so many wonderful things about you from Garfield."

Willa smiled, "same here, Perdita. Are you two hungry? Or are you guys just making the rounds on Thanksgiving?"

"Actually, we were wondering if you wanted to come to the Taos Harvest Carnival with us," Garfield answered. "It's a private event, no crowds, just the meta-teens at the Taos Youth Center. It should be fun."

Willa hesitated. A pity invite to spend a day with a bunch of teenagers? Gar saw the refusal on her face and grabbed her arm.

"Come on, Willa, it'll be fun! And I bet some of the kids would love to meet you."

Perdita took her other hand. "I insist."

Willa sighed. "Fine. Let me change."


November 22, 11:00am

Taos Youth Center

Perdita had her own helicopter for transportation. And as the chopper dropped to the landing pad behind Star Labs, Willa saw Bart, Jaime, and three other teenagers waiting. Beyond that, carnival tents, booths, and rides filled the once empty parking lot, and kids, most of them teenagers, ran around between the rides and games.

When the helicopter officially landed, Perdita's security got out first, then Garfield, and finally Willa. The group of five made their way to them.

"Looks like Gardita's in the house!" Bart exclaimed. When he saw Willa his eyes widened for a second before he broke out in a grin. "Finally! I've been waiting for this part!"

Willa tilted her head, "what?"

Bart shook his head, "um, nothing. It's just so crash that you're here, Willa!"

Willa didn't quite understand Bart's slang, not that she had spent much time with the kid, but he seemed nice, and anyone Wally gave the seal of approval had hers.

"Hola," the boy next to Bart greeted them.

"Hello, boys. It's so nice to see you again," Perdita greeted, ever the diplomat.

"Garfield Logan. Queen Perdita. Willa Opal. Meet my girlfriend, Traci," Jaime introduced the girl he had his arm around. She was bouncing on her toes. "She's a big fan."

"I'm a big fan!" She squealed.

"It's nice to meet you, Traci," said Willa.

"Lovely to meet you," said Perdita.

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