Part 38: Leaked

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December 23, 1:46pm
Los Angeles

Willa's head pounded. When she woke up, her mouth felt like cotton and her throat hurt, but her head pounded. She squinted her eyes against the sunlight streaming in her window and pulled her covers over her head. Thank god she didn't have to work today.

Shadowblaster had finished filming last week and Honor and Melody were both in the country this weekend so Willa had been persuaded to have a girls night. She couldn't remember the last time she drank that much.

Oh yeah, last time Melody was in town.

Somehow, Willa had a habit of drinking her body weight in tequila when Melody was in town. It's alright, she groaned as she finally sat up, she also had some of the best nights of her life when her friends convinced her to loosen up and have a drink or two.

Willa really wasn't a big drinker, hence her tolerance, or lack thereof, and to really let go, she needed to trust the people she was with. Melody and Honor fell into that small category, hence the wildness of their nights. If one headache a couple times a year was the price she paid, Willa was happy to suffer.

She grabbed the glass of water beside her bed and chugged the whole thing. Weird, she didn't remember putting this here last night, she thought. She was notoriously bad at prepping for her hungover future self.

When she put the glass down, she noticed a second glass of water. Now, she definitely hadn't done that. When she reached for the second full glass of water, she saw the sticky note and an Advil.

'Good morning, Hollywood'

She groaned again as she remembered more of last night. Poker, Carter Bowen, Melody's panties, then Dick Grayson showing up, her personal knight in shining armor. Melody threw up, Dick was going to walk her home...

She gasped and threw her blanket back. No, no, no, no, she prayed her mind was playing tricks on her, prayed she hadn't been so stupid, that she hadn't single handedly embarrassed herself by kissing Dick Grayson.

But the more she tried to push it out of her mind, the more it came back to her, more sure she was that it had actually happened. She remembered how nice he was all night, how he took care of her and her friends, fighting with him, again, how the moment seemed so romantic, in her fuzzy brain. In her defense, she also remembered the night having a gold glow about it, a common occurrence when she was drunk. And then she remembered how he kissed her back.

She lightly touched her lips with two fingers.

Then she put her head in her hands as she remembered him pushing her away. She couldn't imagine anything more embarrassing.

Willa winced at the sound of her phone going off. Ugh, her ringer was way too loud.

Five missed calls, three of them from Sam, and about a dozen text messages.

Sam: Hey, babe, I know you're asleep, but I need you to answer your phone
Sam: Willa we need to talk
Melody: Well, it looks like you had a good time last night, you beautiful whore :)
Honor: You need 2 call Mel and I and tell us EVERYTHING
Melody: I feel fine by the way
Honor: Melody puked on my shoes
Evan: Hey, honeybunch, did you forget to tell me something? ;)
Abby: Call Lia and I now!!!!!
Dick: I left some Big Belly Burger takeout in your kitchen. Didn't want it to surprise you.

What was going on?? Was the world ending? When she swiped into her phone, she was tagged in hundreds of Instagram posts and apparently she was trending on Twitter. What the fuck was going on?

Her first thought was that somehow she was fired. She lost her contracts, her career was over. The thought sent a current of panic right down her spine and she opened Twitter as fast as her fingers could type.

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