Part 43: The Light

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January 16, 10:17pm

Lex gripped the edge of his mahogany desk. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. All of this because of one video.

"Your stake in the political world is practically non-existent," the hologram of Queen Bee drawled.

The holograms of Queen Bee, Klarion, Vandal Savage, Ultra Humanite, and Gretchen Goode surrounded Lex. Though they called in from all over the world, their looks of disdain were similar.

"The situation can be salvaged," Lex reasoned. People always listened to his reasons, "it's only been a week-"

"And in that week your bid for Secretary General in the United Nations has been eliminated," Queen Bee snapped, "every major newspaper around the world is publishing exposés on your business practices, and everyone besides right wing incels hates you online."

Lex gritted his teeth. He couldn't argue things had been...challenging since the video of his altercation with Ms. Opal and Nightwing. Apparently some third rate crew member had the brilliant idea to film the whole ordeal, and managed to get every one of Lex's thinly veiled threats towards the girl. But this was a storm he could weather. This would pass.

Klarion let out a giggle, stroking his cat. "You're in quite the mess, Lex."

"Nothing that can't be fixed," Lex stated firmly.

"How many lawsuits have been brought against you?" Granny asked it innocently enough, but her implication was anything but.

"I run a large corporation, Ms. Goode. Lawsuits are part of the job." Lex maintained a neutral tone but it irked him that the Light knew about the increasing work for his legal team. It seemed that the media storm around that leaked video was a signal for anyone upset with any of Lex's past actions to come forward. His team was up to their ears issuing cease and desist orders, as well as threatening people currently breaking their Non-Disclosure Agreements. That was aside from simply witnesses throughout the year starting to make videos about Lex's so called 'bad behavior' throughout the years. It was open season on Lex Luthor. It was a witch hunt. A game for sport for the lowly, jealous, pathetic people who couldn't dream of having as much power as Lex held in his pinky.

"Even if that was true, this was not the plan," Vandal Savage chimed in. "You were brought in as a human emissary, as a bridge for the Light to cross in infiltration."

"Yes," Queen Bee added, "we invested in your business ventures, heeded your advice when it came to the Justice League, and even betrayed the Reach on your council."

"Decisions that were very beneficial to all of you," Lex pointed out. Hypocrites, he thought. Pathetic. "I am the reason this alliance has worked for so long. I am the reason for this alliance at all!"

"You hold no political power," Savage growled. "No diplomat in their right mind will take your call."

Queen Bee crossed her arms. "Your entire corporation is falling apart, your stock is plummeting, and you are in the middle of a cultural reckoning. You have made yourself the face of cruelty in your own country."

"This is not my fault!" He slammed his fist on the desk. "It is those pathetic heroes. The sidekicks! This is all because of Nightwing and his little bitch of a girlfriend."

"You did this to yourself without Nightwing's help," Granny pursed her lips, "and it saddens me that the Light have allowed someone with your temperament to run the show for so long. Darkseid is not pleased."

"I will fix this," Lex seethed, "I will have her dead by morning-"

"The girlfriend you underestimated? No. You won't." Queen Bee inspected her nails, "it would be too public, too easy to tie it back to you, and thus, to us. The Light will not suffer for your deficiencies."

"What does that mean?" Lex snarled.

"It means you serve no use to us," Gretchen smiled. "You are of no use to Darkseid."

"Or the Light," Savage added.

"You can't do this!" Lex exclaimed. "Where is Ra's Al Ghul? He will see reason." He scanned the group of faces, as if demanding the leader of the League of Assassins appear. Ras is one of the founding members of the Light, and a close confidante of Lex's. If anyone were to support him, it would be Ra's.

"Ra's Al Ghul has taken a step back from the Light to focus on continuing his legacy in the League of Shadows," Queen Bee answered, "a strong League that serves the Light. Perhaps you should have put more forethought into your future, Lex."

Klarion giggled again, "you should be glad Ra's isn't here, Lex, after you lost the new toy he spent so long training for you."

Ah, yes. The second Robin, resurrected. Another incident not his fault. Another misgiving due to Nightwing's continued will to breathe. Lex could see the decision had been made without him. He was to be a scapegoat. Fine. They would suffer without him.

Lex stood up straighter. He would not give away any more of his dignity engaging in this conversation. "Is that all?"

"Yes." Vandal's hologram disappeared.

"You should rejoice in your efforts to serve Darkseid," Granny said before departing.

"Don't do anything foolish, Lex," Queen Bee warned, then also logged off.

Lex sat down, steepling his fingers, his mind whirling. The sound of Klarion's laugh brought him out of his thoughts. "What?" He snapped at the witch boy.

"I like your plan," Klarion said simply, grinning.

"You don't know my plan."

"I can see the option that would cause the most chaos," he said gleefully, "and I love pure chaos." He winked then his hologram disappeared.

When Lex was alone once again, he turned over what had just transpired. His exile. After everything he had done for them. The years of his life laying the groundwork for the Light, for Darkseid. All cast aside for one mistake. It was persecution. Cowardice. Well, he would show them what happens when you cast out Lex Luthor. The finely tuned plans he helped build, the ten year plans, the slow encroach on human freedoms. The anonymity.

He would deal a blow to their mission. Not so big as to disrupt their shared goals, but he would not let their approval hold him back anymore. He would not cower. He would not let them tamp down his thirst for revenge any longer.

All that preaching on patience against Nightwing for nothing. The boy had crossed him one too many times. The boy thought he was safe, untouchable, that there were lines Lex Luthor would not cross. He would show the little hero.

He opened his computer.

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