Part 72: Conclusion

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June 1, 9:13am
Los Angeles

Willa turned the page to the latest draft of the Little Women script. Shadowblaster was a massive success, even if Gretchen Goode had disappeared and the company's stock was the worst it had ever been. The boards of both LexCorp and Goode World Studios were in crisis mode, finding new CEOs. Ironically, Shadowblaster and Space Trek were the saving grace for Goode World Studios, even when its stars were the reason for the company's downfall.

The planned sequels had been canceled, releasing Willa from her contract with the studio with even more star power and social capital, plus assurances to every other major studio that she could carry a movie. A competing studio had greenlit Willa's version of Little Women before she finished her pitch.

They were in pre-production now, working with the writers and potential directors. Willa was officially a producer, as well as an actor in the project, and casting calls would go out soon, with production tentatively scheduled for next year. Willa hadn't felt this excited in a while. It felt like the universe was giving her a gift, a retroactive apology for the tragedy in her life, and she definitely wasn't looking a gift horse in the mouth.

She jumped at Dick's touch on her shoulders. He hadn't made a sound when he came into the kitchen. Since Bruce attacked Jason in Dick's apartment, Dick had been living with Willa and Jason was staying at Wayne Manor, his relationship with Bruce healed enough for a short stay while renovations were completed at Dick's place.

"You're up early," Dick commented, reading over her shoulder.

"Just excited," she replied, still reading. "Don't you have a meeting at the Watchtower? Making Black Lightning the chair of the Justice League and all that?"

"In about an hour. I hope he shows up."

"He will." Willa touched his hand in support, "you're making the right choice, you know, rejoining the Team and coming clean. Transparency will be good for everyone."

"Thanks, Will."

She could hear the slight nervousness in his voice. That habit of his to think of the worst case scenario playing like a loop in his head. "And if it all blows up in your face, I've got a freezer full of Batman merchandised ice cream sandwiches."

Dick threw his head back and laughed. "I love you."

Willa tilted her head up, pressing her lips to his, "I love you."

Faster than she could breathe, he picked her up from her chair, flipping her over his shoulder. She squealed, dropping the papers in her hands. "Hey! I was reading that!"

"You've already read it twice." He flipped her again so she was right side up, his arms around her waist and hers around his neck, her feet dangling off the ground.

"You have a big meeting to prepare for, mister hero," she said between kisses. She laughed and wrapped her legs around his waist.

"Not for another hour."

She kissed him and let him carry her back to their room.

A/N that's it guys! Thank you so much for reading and all your kind words :) love you love Nightwing <3

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