Part 27: Boxing

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September 7, 7:15am
Los Angeles

The picture on the front page of newspapers, of news websites, was exactly what Gretchen Goode and Lex Luthor wanted: the image of Lex Luthor making a speech at the Hall of Justice gala, Granny and Aquaman behind him on stage with a smattering of other heroes. But on social media, it was a different story. The picture of Willa and Superman lounging on the stairs while the gala was in full swing was the one that went viral. In the picture, a glass of champagne sat beside Willa. She had taken her hair down from her low bun, Superman's cape was spread on the stairs. They were looking at each other, laughing about something, their bodies relaxed. It was still trending three days later. No mention of Lex Luthor, or Gretchen Goode, in any of the posts, captions, or online discussions.

It was a small victory, an unexpected one, but Willa used it as fuel for her workout this morning. Her trainer, Matt, was a former Olympic medalist boxer who had transitioned to celebrity trainer five years ago. He was nearing his forties now, a speckling of grey at his temples, and had a crooked nose, courtesy of breaking it so often. He was tough, fierce, and pushed Willa hard, but she was grateful. They had started working together two years ago, him just as a general fitness trainer for Willa so she could get in shape for Legend, but she had done her homework, and asked him to start training her to box too. A year later she was pretty good.

She ducked his upper cut and returned a hit to his mat covered side, bouncing on her feet, her arms close to her sides and hands up to protect her face.

"Nice," Matt commented, "you're sharp today."

The gym door opened and Willa looked over from the boxing room, seeing Dick walk in, wearing that  familiar blue jacket, two younger people in tow. When he saw her looking, he frowned and walked right up to the ring. Matt stepped in front of Willa, leaning on the ropes to address Dick.

"Private session, man."

Dick leaned over to see Willa, frowning again.

"It's cool, Matt. He's my security."

Matt blinked, "oh. Cool."

"Seriously, you leave a note?" Dick asked. Okay, yeah, so maybe Willa forgot to tell Artemis yesterday that she had a training session this morning. And she didn't know who would be on her today so she left a note. It kind of made it funnier that it was Dick.

"You didn't tell your security you'd be here?" Matt turned, hands on his hips.

"I left a note." Willa was starting to feel like the boys were teaming up on her.

"Willa, you should have security at all times-"

Willa rolled her eyes. Matt sometimes fell too much into a dad role. Usually she didn't mind. He had confided in her that he had lost his own daughter a decade ago. Leukemia. Matt finished his lecture then turned back to Dick, extending a hand down from the ring. "Matt Bernard."

Dick nodded. "Big fan." He shook Matt's hand but didn't volunteer his own name.

Willa finally took in the two teenagers behind Dick. One boy and one girl. The girl was practically bouncing she had so much energy. She wore a hijab that covered her dark hair, and the boy had red hair, but he looked familiar... oh. It was Brion Markov, exiled prince of Markovia.

"Hi," Willa smiled at them.

"Hi!" The girl beamed, coming right up to the ring ropes. "It is so exciting to meet you! I have watched all your movies." She blushed a little as Willa gave her her full attention. It was always nice to meet fans. The girl had an accent, Bialyan if Willa had to guess.

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