Chapter 34

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"Oh. Where have you been?We're halfway through the new batch of flash cards." April exclaims at Jackson as he kisses Rory on the head as he stands beside her.

"Good morning and Yeah, hunt and Yang are out sick today, so Sloan's the chief, and I am the chief's bitch.Lucky me." Jackson says as Aurora smiles at him.

"Morning." Rory says to him as she rests her head on the desk in front of her.

"No distractions. Kepner, hit me again." Alex says looking at the couple.

"Okay, a-a woman with dysuria,incomplete voiding,
and a palpable suburethral mass." April says looking at Alex.

"Urethral carcinoma." Alex says as Aurora looks at him. "Damn it. I had one of those last year.Um, uh, we did, uh,radiation and surgical excision.No! Would it be,uh, chemo?" Alex says looking at Jackson.

"An ectopic ureter, or it could be.I mean, I scrubbed in on one of those,but I don't remember the technique the urologist used. Damn it." Jackson says as Aurora lifts her head up.

"Sounds like urethral diverticulum.And if it's proximal, I would do a partial ablation because it's much less likely to result in a fistula." Aurora says before putting head back on the desk as Meredith smiles at her nodding her head having the same answer.

"You don't even need to know advanced urology for the boards." Alex says looking between the both of them.

"But I do, because the Torres method is in me." Meredith says smiling at all of them.

"Ugh! Total crap.You get to study with Torres while the rest of us get to sink like rocks.I hope you're happy when you're alone in the O.R. And the rest of us are working the free clinic at the mall." Alex says as Aurora looks at him with a scowl.

"Talk for yourself." She says as he rolls his eyes at her.

"My whole brain is crammed with so many hypotheticals,I can't even remember what real cases I was actually there for. I am screwed." Jackson says to each of them.

"I'll tell you who's screwed-- Yang.The boards are around the corner,no one's seen her study, she's out sick.She's gonna get creamed." Alex says to them.

"Yang is fine." Meredith says as Aurora looks at her.

"You can't just pass the boards on raw talent, okay?
It is an artificial environment, which requires massive amounts--" April says as Meredith cuts her off.

"Cristina is fine. Okay?" She snaps at them before walking away as do April and Alex as Jackson looks at Aurora.

"Hey you okay?" Jackson asks her wrapping his arms around her waist as he kisses her jaw.

"Yeah just really tired. I'll be fine I should go find Derek. I'll see you later." Rory says as she pecks Jackson on the lips before going to find Derek.
Aurora was working in the skills lab as Derek walked in. "Hey so I've got this patient 29-year-old male with advanced juvenile arthritis,causing fusion of the jaw and extensive fusion of the c-2, c-3, and c-4 vertebrae. Mark wants us to come up with some way to do his surgery because it's near impossible to do it with him on his stomach." Derek says as Rory looks up at him.

"Oh yeah marks chief today isn't he? He's got Jackson running around like his assistant." Rory says Derek looks at her.

"Rise to the challenge, Shepherd.I believe in you. Rise.' That's what he said to me." Derek says as Rory laughs slightly.

"So what are you thinking?" She asks looking at her microscope as she adjusts it.

"I think I can carve out of foam a cradle that holds the patient's head and neck during surgery,reducing the chance of respiratory complication." Derek suggest as Rory looks up at him.

"That's a good idea." Rory says to him as he smiled at her.

"I know I'm full of them when I want to be." Derek says as Aurora rolled her eyes chuckling as he went to find Mark.
"I read so much. There's so many charts.I just got so full, I think things are falling out.There's--there's nothing in my brain." Lexie says as Rory walks with her concerned for her friend.

Rory walks her into the conference room as she sits her down as April walks in as she noticed both of them.

"Lexie, why aren't you in the reading room?" April exclaims as Lexie and Rory look up at her.

"I can do it.Okay. I can--let me do--" Lexie says trying to get up as Rory sits her back down looking between the both of them.

"No. No, no, no, you're not doing it." Rory says to both of them shaking her head in disbelief.

"But I--" Lexie tries to argue as she looks at April and then at Rory.

"No. No more using Lexie like a database.You've all broke her.It's over." Aurora says as April tries to argue with her.

"Done.Done." Rory says to both of them as she checks on Lexie as April watches them in disbelief.
Aurora laid with her head on Jackson's lap as he was running his fingers through her hair as she gave him a small smile. He leaned down and kissed her as she kisses him back.

Rorys phone began vibrating as she was pulling out of her pocket as Jackson pulled her up and was kissing her neck. "Meredith wants us and her house in the morning she's got some idea." Aurora says as Jackson hummed.

"I guess we should head to bed then." Jackson says smirking as he picked Rory up and carried her to their room as she giggles at him.
Meredith looked at all the fifth years as Rory sat beside Jackson and April. Her head resting against Jackson shoulder as it was very early.

"So do you know why I brought you all here this morning?To help you,because even though we all
take the boards alone,if we work together, we can all pass." Meredith says smiling at them as Rory smiles at her efforts.

"If you're not at the hospital, you're here.You sleep here, you eat here.There are no distractions, no breaks.This is the Grey method, and it starts now." Meredith says as the other three began studying as Rory watch them while Meredith went to answer the door.

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