Chapter 66

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Rory finished doing her hair and make up as she was putting her dress on as Jackson walked in smiling at his wife. "You need a hand?" He asks her as she smiles at him nodding.

He moved her hair onto her shoulder as he zipped up the back of her dress as he smiled at her through the mirror as Rory saw him. "What are you smiling at?" She asks him as he looks at her.

"Just how beautiful my wife is." He tells her as she smiles rolling her eyes at him.

"Your so cheesy." Rory tells him as he turned her around as he leaned down and kisses her as she kisses him back.
Jackson took Rory's hand as they headed up the stairs as they met Owen. "Hey." Jackson says to Owen as they began taking photos.

"Hey. I, uh... really hope this red carpet is something you had laying around the house, Avery.We're trying to raise money tonight, not waste it." Owen says as Jackson walks with his wife.

"I grew up in this world.I know how it works.We're attracting serious people with serious money and tailoring an event to them.Tonight is gonna be tasteful, sophisticated, conservative." He says to them.

"Come in." The doorman says as Rory looks around and then at Owen and her husband.

"You and I have very different definitions of the word "conservative."" She says to her husband as she smiles at his reaction as Owen walks away.

"Ari... what did you spend my money on?" Jackson says to the planner.

"This is what you want. You want spectacle... Pizzazz." She tells him.

"Do I look like someone who wants pizzazz?" He says to her as Rory looks everywhere but their conversation.

"When people think of hospitals,they think of death, disease... old people.Not sexy. We are giving them Las Vegas.We are giving them a show.People are more inclined to open their wallets if they're having fun. Boop." She says as Rory buries her head in Jackson shoulder as she laughs at his reaction.
"He is not winning.He couldn't even get Zola to put her shoes on tonight.I did that. I got her to put her shoes on.So I'm winning.I need to come back to work." Meredith says as Rory joins them.

"This about your competition with Derek. He's just as bad he won't stop calling me to tell me even the smallest of news." Rory says as Meredith smiles at her.

"Drink?" The waiter says as Meredith and Rory jump.

"Ooh. Excuse me." The waiter says as Callie and Cristina begin laughing.

"That's the creepiest waiter I've ever seen." Cristina says to them.

"Bailey's gonna lose her mind.She can't stand clowns.This is gonna be hilarious." Callie says to them.

"Bailey's not coming." Meredith tells them.

"What?! Wait, we can do that?Okay, I have been dreading having to be in the same room with Arizona. If this isn't mandatory,I'm going home." Callie says as Jackson walks over to them.

"Wait, nobody's going home.I'm giving 10% of tonight's take to the department that raises the most money.Spread the... word." Jackson says as he quickly kisses Rory as he goes to talk to some other people.

"Wow." Cristina says to them.

"Derek is really good at this kind of thing.I should get started before he does." Meredith says as Rory smiles.

"Oh, I think he already has. I guess neuros winning ladies." Rory says looking at her best friend.
Rory walked over to Derek as he was holding Bailey as she smiled at the little boy. "Now your using your son?" Rory asks him.

"Only because you didn't think of it first." Derek says as Rory shakes her head.

"I'm not using my children to get money out of these riches and if Jackson was you he'd be sleeping in the spare room for a month." Rory says to him as Meredith walks over to them as Rory goes to to mingle with other people.
"Can I have your attention, please?" Jackson called out as he spoke into the microphone as Rory walked over to Derek.

"Oh, speech! Speech! Everybody, hush up!" Callie called out as Rory and Derek looked at her.

"Thank you. Good evening,ladies and gentlemen.
I am Dr. Jackson Avery.And on behalf of the board of Grey Sloan memorial hospital,I just want to say, "welcome."Thank you. Thank you.Thank you very much.Now over the past year,we have seen many changes,from a change in name to a change in leadership...and it has all been a challenge.But it's been a challenge that we've all been more than happy to accept.Thank you.As surgeons..." Jackson said as everyone clapped and cheered for him as Rory looked behind seeing one of the acrobats fall.

"Wait!" Rory called out as she saw Ari running towards her as she fell on top of her as Rory and Derek ran over after them.

"Oh, no, no, no! You need to stop.You could have internal injuries or breaks." Callie called out as Rory and Derek check over Ari.

"Um... I think I'm okay. See?I'm okay. I'm fine.Ow!" The acrobat said as she tried to stand up before falling to the floor screaming in pain.

"So, yeah, I'd say there's a break." Callie says walking over to them.
"What's the update on those paramedics, Avery?" Owen says to Jackson.

"Should be here any minute." Jackson says to them.

"No pulse. Okay. Hold still.This is gonna hurt.Ready on my count. One, two...Three!" Callie said as she worked with Owen.
Rory was talking with one of the waiters as she feels someone pulls her away as she turns to see Jackson. "How come your still here?" Jackson asks looking at her.

"I was saying goodbye to some of the guests I think you did pretty well tonight Jackson Avery. All of this I'm proud of you." Rory says as Jackson smiles at her.

"I'm proud of us. Everyone did well and I just hope we made enough money because I don't think I've ever felt this stressed." He says as Rory smiles at him.

"Well I think it's time we celebrate tonight. And you in this Tux is too much Dr Avery." Rory whispers in his ear as he leans down and kisses her as she kisses him back.
"I have the results." Jo says as she looks at Alex.

"I don't wanna know..." Alex says to her.

"He's your dad." She tells him at the same time as Alex stares at her.

"What?" He says looking at his girlfriend.

"Oh, my god. I jumped the gun.I am sorry. I am so sorry." She says to him as he looks at his father before walking away as Jo called for him.
A/N- Alex and Rorys dad is here😳🫣

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