Chapter 141

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Rory stood opposite Meredith and Alex while they were discussing her "date" with Riggs. "Anyway, so, I wasn't sure if Maggie was okay,
but I think she's fine, and if she's fine,then it's okay for me to go to dinner." Meredith says confusing the twins.

"If Maggie's fine, you get to eat?" Alex asks looking over at her.

"Dinner with Riggs." Meredith reminded them while the twins nodded in understanding.

"Ohh." Rory mumbled before going back to helping Alex with the papers

"You know, I was holding off because I didn't know if she'd be okay,but I think she's fine,
so I think it's fine if I go to dinner." Meredith says to them.

"Mm. With Riggs." Alex commented with a lack of enthusiasm.

"When did you become a grumpy old man
who doesn't like people?" Rory commented looking at her brother.

"I like people.I don't like Riggs." He says to his sister before turning to Meredith. "If you want to go to dinner with the guy, go to dinner.If you don't, don't.But otherwise, pick up the pace." He scolded the two of them.

"Why are we stapling these again?" Meredith asked him exchanging a look with Rory.

"Minnick's got me teaching NICU procedures to interns,so the sooner I start, the sooner I can get out of here.Wait!Did I say you can come in?Go outside! Wait." Alex snapped at the interns while Rory looked at him.

"You are this close to telling the kids to get off your lawn." Meredith says handing the last of the papers to Alex.

"Stop acting like it's something new.Go." He said dismissing both of them while they exchanged a quick glance with one another.
"What do you think you're doing?You can't cut." Jackson says looking at his wife.

"For half a Turkey sandwich?" She offered him while he smiled at her.

"You may cut." Jackson says kissing her quickly before Meredith shook her head at the neurosurgeon who rolled her eyes. "Seriously, though,you guys should not try to tell Pierce when and where she can operate. I've made that mistake with this one." He said looking at Rory who shoved him into the sofa and sat down beside him.

"I know, and I hate it, but these are my friends,
and it's their first baby." Owen admitted before Amelia joined them.

"Is this Jenna and Leo?" She asks her husband who nodded slowly at her.

"Yeah. The tumour is growing too fast.The baby needs surgery." Owen explains to Amelia before Meredith spoke up.

"Anyway, Maggie can do it.I mean, she's buried
her grief in one place.She goes and visits it,
brings it flowers,and then she goes about her business." Meredith says to them.

"It's weird." Rory mumbled before Amelia agreed with her.

"No, it's healthy.I mean, Owen, do you hear yourself?" Meredith asks looking at him.

"Yeah, I know, but it's risky for Maggie, too.I mean, what if something goes wrong with this
high-risk fetal surgery? She just lost her mother.
She doesn't need this, too. It wouldn't hurt to check in." Owen says to them.

"We work through stuff. I have operated through a miscarriage." Meredith says as if it was completely normal circumstances.

"That's not normal." Jackson says before Rory shoves him again while he shrugged his shoulders looking at her.

"Okay. So we check in." Meredith gave in looking at the others.
Rory finished up with her surgery before she headed out of the O.R. She headed towards the steps where she saw Jackson and Maggie talking. Jackson saw Rory while Maggie walked off looking for someone to blame for her mothers death.

She walked over wrapping her arms around his waist while he wrapped his arms around her. She rested her head against his chest before he leaned his head against her shoulder. "She didn't mean it. She just needs someone to take her grief out on." Rory mumbled turning her to Jackson.

"I know but it makes me feel some sort of responsibility." Jackson said before Rory cut him off looking at him.

"Your an amazing surgeon. You did everything you could to save her. So did Meredith, Bailey and Richard." Rory tried to reassure her husband who just nodded finding comfort with her.
Rory laughed dancing with the twins since she had already put Tommy to bed. She was twirling Everly before Jackson walked in admiring the scene in front of him. He saw the happiness that radiated from his wife and eldest children. Rory noticed him before walking towards him.

She saw the file in his hand that read Diane's name while she looked up at him. "Go to her. We'll be here when you get home." She said knowing he wanted to be there for Maggie.

"I love you." He mumbled quickly kissing her before tucking a strayed piece of hair behind her ear.

"And I love you always." She whispered softly before kissing him again. She went back to join the twins before Jackson watched them again. He smiled watching Rory being her goofy self with the kids. It was rare moments that he was reminded of the women she was when they first met.

They'd survived so much and they'd both grown but deep down parts of their old self were still there. The people they were before all of the hardships they had experienced. But in their storms we're beautiful moments like these which he was thankful for.

He watched them a while longer before heading out to Meredith's. He wanted to check on Maggie and be there for his friend. While Jackson had gone to check on Maggie. Rory had got the twins ready for bed.

"Mommy where's daddy?" Everly asks while both twins watched Rory closely.

"He's with Maggie. She had a bad day and she needed her friend. Daddy is also the best at making people feel better ." Rory explained in little detail since they were very young and wouldn't understand the situation.

"He always make us feel better. Can you tell us a daddy story?" Parker said climbing into his bed while Rory smiled at him.

"You know I think I've a perfect one for you both." She says tucking them both in before recalling one of her earlier memories of Jackson.

The twins often enjoyed listening to stories of their parents and their friends. It was important to the couple to keep the memories alive especially the memories of those they had lost. Jackson told stories of his time with Mark and Charles while Rory did the same about Derek and Lexie. They wanted their children to know all about them even if they never got a chance to meet them or remember them.

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