Chapter 75

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Rory put Parker in his high chair as Jackson gave him his breakfast as Rory helped Everly. "You got a busy day today?" Jackson asks him wife as he eats his own breakfast.

"Uhh yeah actually I've got some of Dereks patients as well so I might be done a little late so if you could get these two tonight?" Rory asks looking at the twins as she pulls faces at them making them laugh.

"Yeah of course. Maybe I can get food from somewhere and we can have a date night or something if I get the twins to bed early." He asks her as she smiles at him.

"Yeah sounds good. Alex probably going to be out for us anyway since Owens idea to put him on a surgery ban." Rory says to Jackson.

"He did it to himself don't worry about it. It's only a three day ban and he'll get over it eventually your hard to hold a grudge against." Jackson says as he kisses her as Rory kisses him back.

"Mamma." Parker shouted as the two pulled away looking at their children as they chuckled.
Rory walked in to the peds unit as she saw Cristina working on a baby. "Is this the baby they found in a box?" Rory asks her as she smiles at the baby Shane was holding.

"Yeah. He's had a median sternotomy, a couple of test tubes." She tells Rory as she looks at Shane.

"Pass me the baby. Have you never held one before?" Rory asks looking at him as she took the baby from him.

"I'm a surgeon not a babysitter." He says to her as she looks at him.

"When you work with children it's technically both." Rory says as she rocks the baby boy as he smiled at her.
Rory finished up with one of her surgeries as she walked into the scrub room as she saw Derek. "What are you doing here?" She asks him.

"Just thought I'd catch you before your next surgery busy schedule today?" He Asks her as Rory rescrubs as she looks at him.

"Yeah this is the third aneurism I've done today." She says to him.

"I've got to tell Callie that she can't use my sensors." Derek says as Rory looks at him.

"She's not going to take that well. How come? You started that project before all of the brain mapping." Rory says to him.

"Something to do with the NIH grant." He says to her as she looks at the patient getting prepared.

"Seems your going to be letting someone else down as well as your wife. I need to get back in there." Rory says as Derek looks at her slightly confused as she headed back into the O.R.
Rory walked into the E.R as Stephanie had knocked Jackson down with gurney as she walked into one of the trauma rooms as she saw Richard checking over him. "You getting hit by gurneys now?" Rory asks him as they both look up at her.

"What can I say? Maybe I wanted my wife's attention she's been in surgery all day." Jackson says smiling as Rory rolls her eyes and sits beside him.

"Does he look okay Dr Webber?" Rory asks as Richard looked at the couple.

"He should be fine. I'll leave you two alone." He says as he closes the curtain behind his as Rory looks at the expression on Jackson's face.

"Are you in pain?" She asks him as he looks at her.

"What no?I'm fine." He says to her as she nods at him as she leans over and kisses him as he kisses her back.

"Next time you want my attention come scrub in." Rory tells him as he shakes his head at her smiling as she kisses him again before going back to her patients.
Rory finished up with her patient files as she turned to see Derek. "You really think I'm letting people down?" He asks her as Rory looks at him.

"I think its just a really hard situation. I'm happy for you and support you completely I mean you working for the president. But Meredith and Callie do have a right to be angry or upset also." Rory says to him.

"I can agree with that. So how about a drink at Joes?" He asks her as Rory smiles at him.

"Don't you have to get Zola and Bailey?" She asks him.

"No Meredith is going to take them home what about the twins?" He asks her as she checks her phone.

"Jackson is still getting them ready for bed but I've got time for one drink because I promised him a date night." Rory says as Derek nods as they headed to Joes for a drink.
Rory got home as she saw Jackson coming down the stairs. "They are asleep." He says as he kisses him wife as she kisses him back.

"Good I brought Chinese food." She says placing the bag on the counter as Jackson grabbed the plates setting them out on the table.

"You know me so well." He says as she takes out the food placing onto the table as she smiles at him.
Rory laid with her head resting against Jackson chest as he was messing around with her hair. " I love you." Jackson says as Rory looks up at him.

"I love you too." She says to him as he leans down and kisses her as she kisses him back. Jackson sat up as he picked Rory up as they headed upstairs as he continued to kiss her as headed to their room.

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