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Rory got back from her run as she checked on the twins in their nursery as they were still asleep as she saw Jackson also asleep. She crawled over to him as she sat on his back as his eye opened as he looked at her. "Can I help you?" He asks her as she smiles at him.

"The twins are asleep and we've got a while before work and I really need a shower." She says smirking at him as Jackson smiles. He gets out of bed as he picks Rory up as she giggled as they headed to the bathroom.
"Thank you all for coming.I know you're all busy,
so this won't take long.The board has just approved
a new non-fraternization policy.This hospital has to be a safe work environment where our focus remains clearly on providing the best patient care possible.
Moving forward,all relationships with co-workers
will be discouraged.And all relationships between
superiors and subordinates is strictly prohibited.
You will all receive a copy of the new rules.Your supervisors will arrange meetings to go over the details.And that's it. Let's get back to work." Owen says to them as Rory head off with Derek.
"Meredith still won't have sex with you? She definitely still pissed at you." Rory says smiling at Derek rolls his eyes at her.

"You don't just walk away from this opportunity I mean the president himself called me. This change Neurosurgery and also could change medicine." Derek says as Rory claps for him.

"Very impressive and persuasive. This opportunity it one you can't pass up but you also have a family and made a promise to your wife but you got to do what's right for all of you." Rory says to him as Derek nods at her as they continued to walk.
Rory stood with Meredith and Webber as they watched Alex and Jo arguing. "We can't sneak off to have a private conversation.It's forbidden!" Jo snapped at him.

"Oh, will you stop? It's just a stupid rule.Nobody's taking it seriously." Alex says brushing her off.

"I'm taking it seriously.You don't have to worry about it because you have seniority, but I'm a resident.This is my reputation we're talking about, my career.I know that you think the rule is crap, but we can't just ignore it at my expense." Jo ranted to him.

"You're overreacting!" Alex tells his girlfriend.

"No, I'm not!" She says to him.

"Oh, so, what, you're just gonna roll over and let the hospital tell you who you can be with?" Alex says raising his voice.

"There isn't a choice." Jo snaps at him.

"There's always a choice! You can choose to make the best out of a bad situation.You can choose to act like an adult.You can choose not to pick a fight in front of the entire hospital. You want to walk around here and pretend like we don't mean anything to each other?Fine. I'll make it easy for you.We don't mean anything to each other,not anymore, 'cause we're done!" Alex says to her.

"That is not what I want." Jo says as she begins to cry.

"Oh, screw it!" Alex says as he walks away.

"Alex!" Jo cries out for him.
Rory was sat playing with the twins as Parker sat in her lap resting his head against her. "Hi baby boy." She says as she kisses his head as she smiles at her daughter who was playing with her toys.

"Mama."Parker babbled as Rory smiled at him as she hold him.

"Yeah Mamas here." Rory says as she heard the door open as she looked at the twins. "Who's that?" She says in her voice as Everly squeals as she sees Jackson.

"Dada." Everly squeals as Jackson smiles as he takes his jacket and shoes off as he picks Everly up and sits beside his wife.

"Well isn't that a nice welcome home." Jackson says tickling the twins as they both giggle as Rory smiles as she watches them as he looks at her as he places his hand on her cheek and caresses it.

"How was work?" Jackson asks her as Rory looks at him.

"Exhausting especially with Alex and Jos big argument in front of everyone how was your surgery with April?" She asks him.

"Yeah it was good gave us time to catch up. We've both been busy here with Matthew and married life. Me at the hospital and with us you know." Jackson says as Rory nods as she leans over and kisses him as he kisses her back.
"Really? Webber told on us?" Alex says as he walks into the board meeting.

"None of us want to be here, Karev." Owen says to him.

"Then why are we?" Alex asks them looking at his friends and his sister.

"You're having a relationship with a subordinate,
and that is against policy." Owen says to him.

"Can we not talk about my personal life?" Alex says to them.

"I'd love to not talk about it, Alex,but you are making me.Now, I realize that we cannot legislate for romantic feelings.Okay, obviously, what you do
at home is your own business." Owen says to him as Rory glares at him to lay off Alex a bit.

"Look, we're just asking that, at work, things remain strictly professional." Callie says to him.

"Oh, that's crap!" Alex snaps at them.

"Alex." Rory snaps at her brother as he looks at her.

"Oh, it's okay for you all to flaunt your relationships and your rings and your-your-your happy, little lives
just because you're married?" Alex says looking at all of them.

"Karev, just sit down." Owen says to him.

"No!I'm not gonna let a bunch of hypocrites tell me to keep my pants on at work when this place was built on all of you feeling each other up in our on-call room!I'm done! Punish me! Whatever!" Alex shouts as he walks out.

"Alex!" Rory shouts at him as he slams the door. "Great way of handling it chief." Rory says looking at him as he looks at her confused as she walks off.
Rory sat reading one of her books as Jackson climbed into bed beside her as she looked up at him. "How you doing?" Jackson asks her as she looks at him.

"You keep asking that why?" Rory says looking at him.

"I know Jimmy left you but he was still your father for a while. I just want you to know you can have feeling about it if you need to." Jackson says to her as Rory smiles at him as she rests her head on his shoulder.

"Thank you but I'm okay. I said goodbye to him along time ago. I got up and moved on with my life I had to. If I hadn't I wouldn't be here with you and our children. So I'm okay." She says smiling at him as he kisses her wrapping his arms around her as he moved her in between his legs.

"A patient asked me out on a date." Jackson says as Rory looked up at him.

"Really? Still got your touch then Dr Avery?" Rory says Jackson smiles at her.

"I managed to get you to marry me and here we are still married I must be doing something right." Jackson says as Rory looks up at him.

"Your perfect." She says as she kisses him lightly on the lips.

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