Chapter 87

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"What've we got -- oh, wow." Rory says as she walks into the E.R.

"Hattie..." The patient called out as Rory looked at him.
"witnesses said he carried his wife out the window and jumped to escape the fire. We think he was trying to break her fall." Nicole tells them as Rory nods.

"Let's get them into trauma one." Owen says as Amelia and Derek walk up to Rory as she looks at them.

"Where do you need me?" Amelia asks looking at Rory.

"You can take over this patient." Rory tells her as Derek looks at her."You got the head lac in bed 3, right?" Rory asks looking at him.

"Yeah, that's nothing. I can jump in on this." Derek says to her.

"I don't need you." Rory says to him.

"Is that good management,you leaving your star player on the bench?" Derek says smirking as Rory rolls her eyes at him.

"You won't be for long. People are always hitting their heads on something. Now I've got a kid with a tumour." Rory says as she walks off.
Rory finished up with her surgery as she heard some of the nurses and Doctors talking about what had happened as she went to find Amelia. "Are you okay?" She asks her as Amelia looks at her.

"Are you coming to ask me if I'm capable of my job too?" She asks as Rory looked at her confused.

"Of course not. I'm coming to you as a concerned friend." Rory says to her.

"Derek would've told you all about me I'm guessing. He's not my biggest fan." Amelia says as Rory looks at her.

"I don't care about what Derek has to say. Ive got know you and I wouldn't even have believed anything that woman said today. You did what a lot of people can't. You turned your life around and you got back up not everyone does that." Rory says to her as Amelia looks at her.

"He didn't even defend me." Amelia says as Rory looks at her as she sits beside her.

"Derek is angry at everyone. He's just blaming us all for his decision. He hates people moving forward and he feels like he's stuck like this is as good as it gets for him. He's my best friend but even he has flaws." Rory says to her as she smiles slightly.

"Thanks Rory. You know I was jealous of you when I first came seeing your relationship with Derek." Amelia said as Rory shook her head.

"Derek loves you. Your his baby sister and I'll never replace you or anything. Derek is my best friend and he's always been there for me and I'll always be there for him. But he won't ever replace Alex and I won't ever replace you. I wouldn't want to." Rory says smiling at her slightly.

"I know your one of the most understanding people I've ever met. Why?" She asks her.

"I've been through a lot to know everyone has there reasons and judging people before I know them just isn't worth it." Rory says as she talks with Amelia for a while.
"Dr Karev?" Owen called as Rory turned around to look at him.

"Can I help you with something chief?" She asks him.

"Do you believe Dr Shepherd is capable of doing her job?" Owen asks as Rory scoffs looking at him.

"Yes I believe she's very capable of doing her job. Her capability to be a surgeon should not even be in question." Rory says looking at him.

"Thank you Dr Karev." He says as Rory nods before heading up the stairs.
Rory walked into the conference room as Owen had called an emergency board meeting. "Why do we need a meeting about this?" Rory asks looking at Hunt.

"We're just trying to figure this out." Jackson says to his wife as she shakes her head at them.

"No I'm chief of Neurosurgery. You asked me if she was capable and she is more than capable. Someone's past doesn't get to define them. I've heard it from Derek and from Amelia she deserves this job this career." Rory says to them.

"I know you're trying to figure out what's going on. I know you've heard some stories about Amelia. I let you believe something. I let you believe that, uh" Derek says to them as Rory watches him.

"Shepherd, you were pretty clear when we spoke, so" Owen says to him as they all watch him.

"she's in recovery. She works really hard at it. She's been successful in recovery, and...This hospital should have protected her. This woman should have protected her. And... More importantly, I should have protected her.I didn't.My fault. ." Derek says to them looking at his wife and then at his best friend.

"Derek, why did you even...?" Meredith says to him as Derek looks over at Owen.

"She should stay where she is, Owen. She can do the job. She is doing the job. I couldn't do it any better." Derek tells him as Rory smiles at him.
Rory sat between Callie and Meredith as they were all at Alex's house. "This was Ellis' house.This is where you grew up." Maggie says as she looks through the house.

"It was nicer before Alex trashed it." Meredith says to her.

"Oh, shut up. It smelled like books." Alex says to her as they all laugh.

"Well, it smelled a lot better when I lived here. Now it just smells like you and Wilson ."  Rory says as they all laugh.

"Wait. You lived here, too?" Maggie says looking at Rory.

"Everybody lived here." Rory,Meredith and Alex all say.

"Jackson and April too." Rory says smiling at Maggie.

"I practically lived here with George, right? George was my ex-husband. He was in their resident class." Callie explains to Maggie.

"O'Malley." Rory says as she raises her beer.

"O'Malley." They all raise their glasses and bottles.

"I'm sorry. Your husband?" Maggie says looking at all of them.

"Yeah, she does dudes, too." Alex tells her.

"True. I did him once." Callie says as they all laugh.

"True." Alex says as they all laugh again.

"She did. I didn't do him. I did do George, though -- once." Meredith says to them.

"Oh-ho-ho! Yeah, yeah. Oh, God. Yeah, yeah.We're all related through sex.We all have sexual relations. That is horribly weird." Callie says laughing as Rory holds up her hands.

"Really don't need to know who my brother has screwed." Rory says as they all laugh at her reaction.

"Oh please you and Avery are the worst. I'm surprised you managed to wait until you became attending's before the two of you had Everly and Parker." Alex says as Rory rolls her eyes at her brother as he goes to answer the door.
A/N- I think I'm going to end season 11 with Rory and the twins leaving with Meredith. I feel like her character would be completely undone or maybe ruined if I wrote the alcohol storyline. I don't want to write her to be like Alex dad was.

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