Chapter 63

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Rory stood at foot of Jackson's bed as he looked up at her. "I didn't know if you'd come by or not." Jackson says as Rory looks at him as she sits at the end of his bed.

"Your still my husband and I'm still worried about you." Rory says to him.

"I'm fine dislocated shoulder but I'll be fine does this mean you still love me?" Jackson says looking at her as Rory rolls her eyes as she moves to lay beside him.

"Nothing you could ever do would stop me loving you. But I don't need a hero Jackson and neither do the twins. I need my husband and they need their dad we don't need you dead." Rory says as Jackson presses his lips against her head.

"I'm not Rory I'm here and I'm okay." Jackson says as Rory shook her head.

"But you could've been Jackson. For a moment Jackson I thought you were dead I thought I'd lost you. That moment was the worst moment of my life the feeling of losing you was worse than anything I've ever felt. I need you alive and I need you to be okay." Rory says as Jackson nods his head.

"I know baby and I'm here I'm okay. I'm not leaving you or the twins." Jackson says as Rory lays her head on his chest. "They still need names." Jackson says looking at his wife as she looked at him.

"You got any ideas?" Rory asks him as he nods his head.
"Well, Avery should be here, too." Derek says as Rory walks in.

"Yeah, well, he was being a hero last night.He dislocated his shoulder saving a kid from the bus crash. Hey cute baby by the way good job he looks like his mom." Rory says as Meredith smiles at her while Derek shakes his head.

"What bus crash?" Meredith asks looking at all of them.

"She had a baby. She doesn't know things." Cristina says as Rory nods her head.

"She had two babies and she knows so tell me." Meredith says looking at them.

"A church was evacuating some people, and their bus overturned." Derek says to them.

"Good news is, everyone survived,and there are no major injuries." Owen tells them.

"And the bad news?" Arizona asks him.

"Everything else.The blood bank is flooded,
and the E.R. looks like it was ransacked." Owen tells them.

"So we need to close the E.R.?" Derek asks him

"We're dangerously low on meds.Personnel can't make it in due to the flooding." Owen tells them.

"So we need to close the E.R.Can we do that?But can we do that?" Arizona and Cristina asks them.

"You are the board.I am telling you that E.R. cannot open today." Owen says to them.

"What do we need? I mean, I can try to coordinate with our suppliers.I had a baby. I'm not dead." Meredith says as Derek looks at her.

"If they have it, then we want it.In the meantime, let's make sure that our inpatients are taken care of and discharge who we can." Owen says to them.

"Like me." Meredith says as they all look at her.

"No, you just had a major abdominal surgery.You're gonna stay right here." Derek tells his wife as she rolls her eyes at him.

"All right, airport's just reopened.I just put Dr. Boswell in a cab." Jackson says as he stands beside Rory.

"Who's Dr. Boswell?" Cristina asks them.

"She's the woman Arizona slept with last night." Callie says as Rory shares a look with Jackson.
Rory had been with the twins most of the morning as Derek had needed a hand as Richard and brooks had been found to be electrocuted. "Hey you needed a hand?" Rory asks him as he looks up at her.

"Yeah you sure your up for this? I know your not supposed to be working." Derek says as Rory looks at him.

"Yeah I'm good. I just checked the twins they're fine Jackson was with them and Alex said he'll take over when he get chance." Rory says as Derek nods as they look over the scans.

"Well, thank God you found them, Ross." Derek says to Ross as the scans load up.

"Let's just hope you found them in time.Damn it. Subdural." Rory says looking at Derek.

"Let's go." Derek says to them as he follows Rory out.
"I know this is difficult,but Brooks is our patient.
I'm telling you this to remind you to be her doctor, not her friend right now. There are decisions to be made in there that will affect not only her ability to be a surgeon...her speech, her ability to function, her life.But those decisions are ultimately ours." Derek says as he looks at Rory.

"We will not make them lightly.But I will make them quickly,and you need to do exactly as I say. No questions.Can you do that?" Derek asks looking at Shane.

"I think so." He says as Rory shook her head.

"That's not good enough." She tells him as he looks at them both.

Yes, sir. I-I can do it, ma'am." Shane says as Derek and Rory nod as they head into the O.R.
"Damn it.Just damn it." Rory says growing frustrated as she looks at the damage as Derek stands beside her.

"It's massive.But we can just evacuate it, right?"It doesn't change our plan?" Shane asks them as Rory continues to work with Derek.

"Do what we can and hope for the best." Derek says to him.
"Oh, damn it. There's blood in the temporal horn." Rory says as she looks at Derek.

"We're gonna have to do a temporal lobectomy." Derek says as Rory nods at him.

"Dr. Shepherd.She'll have motor and memory deficits if you..." Shane says as Derek looks at him.

"I'm trying to save her life." Derek says to him.

"This is my fault." Shane says to them.

"Shane." Derek says to him

"No, I did this." He says to them.

"You didn't do anything.This is not your fault.
This just happened.Now I can't have you in here
if you can't hold it together." Rory says to him.

"Can you be in here?" Derek asks him.

"Yeah." Ross tells them as they continue to work on brooks.

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