Chapter 64

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"I need Hunt in here." Derek says as he looks at Shane.

"I can try to..." Ross says as Rory shakes her head.

"Now!Ready? Go. Two, three..." she exclaims as Derek began compressions

Shane run back in with Owen as she had already coded as Owen looked at Derek and Rory both with solemn looks on their face.

Rory walked out with Owen as they went to look for Ross as he had ran out. She walked into Jackson who looked at her as she shook her head.

He wrapped his arms around her as she did the same resting her head against his chest. He ran his hand up down her back comforting her.
"I've got a woman with necrotising fasciitis,and the interns aren't operating. You can scrub in with me if you want to?" Jackson says as he walks with her.

"Thanks but I should check on the twins and be with them." Rory says as Jackson leans down and kisses her.

"I'll get April to help and I'll be done soon and I'll come find you." Jackson says as Rory nods as she heads off to the nursery.
Rory sat holding her daughter as Catherine walked in looking as them both as she smiled slightly. "I wish we didn't have to meet under these circumstances." Catherine says looking at her grandchildren.

"How's Richard doing?" Rory asks her as Catherine looks at her daughter in law.

"He was in severe cardiac distress and they thought it was a good idea to open him up. He seems stable for now I thought I'd take a minute to come meet my new grandbabies." She said as Rory smiles at her.

"You want to hold her?" Rory asks as Catherine nods as she hands the baby to her as she checks on her son who was still sleeping.

"Do they have names yet?" She asks her as Rory smiles slightly.

"They do but I think Jackson might want to here when we tell you." Rory says as Catherine nods as she studies her granddaughters face.
Rory was sat with Meredith and Alex as she was holding her daughter as Alex had her baby boy as he was pulling faces at him. "Oh, they're opening him up again." Cristina says as she walks into Meredith's room.

"Yep. Don't say anything." Meredith says to her.

"I'm not." Cristina says to them as Rory looks at them both.

"She thought it was a stupid idea the first time
and even more stupid the second time." Meredith says to them.

"You're the one who has to decide what Richard would want.Wouldn't want to be you." Cristina says to Meredith.

"Thanks." Meredith says sarcastically.

"But to be clear,when you're making these decisions for me,give my heart at least 24 hours to recover
before you cut me stem to stern." Cristina says to Meredith as Rory smiles.

"You just couldn't hold it in, could you?" Meredith says to her.

"Wait, she's your health care proxy?" Alex says to Cristina.

"I get to make the decisions for everyone." Meredith says to them.

"Not Owen?" Alex asks her.

"No.Who's yours?" Cristina asks him.

"Oh, I never filled out the forms.I had the papers back when it was gonna be Izzie." Alex says to them.

"Ooh. That was a bad plan." Rory says to her brother.

"That was all a bad plan.Why do you think I never turned them in?" Alex says to her.

"How come Rory isn't yours?" Meredith asks them.

"Because I'll be dying next to him when we're 100 years old." Rory says as Alex nods along with his sister. "Hey we came together we got to go together." Rory says as they other two laugh shaking their heads.

"Well, Mer could be yours, too." Cristina says to him.

"You think I make the wrong decisions all the time. I don't know why you're selling me to him. Wait then is Jackson yours?" Meredith says looking at Rory as she nodded.

"Will you stop being so insecure?Just because I disagree with you doesn't mean I don't respect what you think.I can hold more than one point of view in my mind.I am mature." Cristina says as the twins snicker.

"I don't believe you." Meredith says to her.

"You can be mine." Alex says looking at Cristina.

"Health care proxy? Really?" Cristina asks him.

"I mean, Mer's got enough to take care of." Alex says looking at Meredith.

"You want extraordinary measures or should I just unplug you?" Cristina asks him.

"Use your judgment. Anyway have you and Avery named these babies yet because there 2 days old with no names?" Alex says looking at his sister as she rolls her eyes.

"Yes we have." Rory says as they all look at her waiting for their names. "Everly Alexis Avery and Parker Everett Avery." Rory says to them.

"Hey you named your kid after me." Alex says to her.

"I didn't really have choice." Rory says to him.

"What do you mean?" Meredith says as she looks at the both of them.

"We bet how long it would take for her and Avery to get together and I won so she had to name her kid after me." Alex says as the other two laugh as Rory rolls her eyes.

"Sharpie lady's ready." Cristina says to Alex as her pager goes off.
Rory was putting the twins into their bassinets as Jackson walked into the bedroom. "It feels good to be home." Jackson says as he wraps his arms around her.

"Yeah I know. I'm just happy there here and safe and so are you." Rory says looking up at him.

"We're all okay but I think we should get some sleep while we can. I love you Rory." Jackson says to her.

"I love you too more than anything." She says back as he leans down and kisses her as she kisses him back as they got ready to go to bed.
A/N- They're middle names are also for Lexie and mark. As marks middle name was Everett and Alexis for Lexie and Alex.

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