Chapter 134

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Rory walked towards the O.R board after finishing a surgery since she had been called in the early hours of the morning. Rory took off the ferry boat scrub cap that once belonged to her best friend.

"Baileys called a code Yellow." Jackson told his wife passing her a coffee as she groaned slightly.

"Which means back to back surgeries for me. How were the kids this morning?" Rory asks as Jackson pecks her lips.

"They were fine Ev and Parker are at pre school and Tommy is settled in the daycare. Now I'll see you later I love you." He mumbled to her before kissing her again.

"Love you too and thanks for the coffee." She called out before Jackson headed down to the E.R to help were he could.
Rory walked out of the O.R as she waited for the next patient. "Hey Alex wants to have drinks tonight are you coming?" Meredith asks looking at Rory.

"Yeah I'll be there. But he needs to stop acting like he's going anywhere." Rory says as Meredith nods in agreement.

"I need to go but I'll come find you when I've finished." Meredith says as her next patient was ready for the O.R.
Rory sighed taking off her scrub cap as Alex stood resting against the door. "Jos married." Alex says scaring Rory as she turned to look at him with a confused expression.

"Wilson's married?" Rory says looking at her twin brother who seemed different. "What are you trying to say Alex?" Rory asks him.

"I don't what to do Rory. I'm trying to figure out what's best for everyone." Alex says as Rory scrunched up her face at him.

"What's best for everyone is you fighting this. You've got people who love you Alex and you need to fight this. Look I need to go but we'll talk later. Don't do anything until we talk." Rory warned him before heading back into her O.R as one of her patients were coding.
"I'm going to the district attorney's tonight, and I'm gonna take the plea he offered." Alex says standing in the doorway of the O.R.

"What are you talking about?" Rory says looking over at him.

"I'm gonna plead out. I'll be gone two years. I just -- I just wanted to say." Alex says before Rory cut him off.

"You're not doing this." Rory snapped at him not wanting to lose her brother.

"I am. It's my choice." Alex says to her.

"Why? Because of Jo?" Rory says glaring at him.

"No. Because I did it. And I'm gonna go say I did it." Alex says to her as Rory shook her head in response to him.

"No, you're not." Rory warns him.

"Look, it'd save everyone a lot of time and trouble." Alex tries to reason with her as she stops him.

"You don't get to give up. We're Karev look at everything we've done and your giving up. Alex you made a mistake and you've learnt from it. You've grown please don't do this." Rory pleaded with him.

"You'll be fine Rory. You've got Jackson and your kids. Your a neurosurgeon for godsake and you were always the better twin. You've got your life together and you beat it. Our life we had you changed it and mine. You became what we couldn't even of imagined becoming." Alex says to her as Rory looks at him.

"Don't try that. We're both different and stop making excuses. Your doing this for yourself not for anyone else." Rory snapped at him.

"I came to say goodbye Rory." Alex says as Rory continues to glare at him.

"This ain't goodbye. I'm in the middle of surgery you don't get to just give up and walk away." Rory snapped as Alex looked at her.

"I'm sorry Rory. Goodbye." He said looking at his twin sister who screamed his name while he walked away.
Jackson pulled Rory to one side as she tried to pull away from him. "I need your help I need to speak to the others. Bailey has employed Eliza Minnick as the residency director." Jackson filled his wife in as she looked at him.

"Alex he's gone. He's taking a plea deal. He told me goodbye while I was in the middle of surgery." Rory blurted out as Jackson wrapped his arms around her.

"Rory I'm so sorry." Jackson tried to help but Rory pulled away shaking her head at him.

"I'm tired hearing that today. Let's deal with this Webber problem first." Rory says as Jackson didn't know what say while she walked away.
"Look, I know a lot of you guys didn't come up in this program. But I did. April did.And the difference between the education that we got at Mercy West and what we got under Webber?" Jackson says looking at his best friend.

"No, there's no comparison." April says to them.

"This is ridiculous." Arizona comments as Rory nods agreeing.

"He's trained me from being an intern.He is the program. He has been for years and he's trained some of us. He's trained some of the best surgeons in the world." Rory says as Jackson nods agreeing with her.

"So, if you guys are as pissed as we are... - Yes! and you really, really should be..." Jackson says as they all look to see Maggie and Richard.

"See? It's not just me." Maggie says to him as they all smile at him.
Rory laid facing the wall as Jackson had finished putting the twins to bed. He climbed in beside her before wrapping his arms around her waist. "Please don't shut me out." He begged as Rory turned to him.

"I promise I'll try not to." Rory says as he tucked a piece of hair behind her ear.

"I'm here Rory and I mean it." Jackson reminded her as she smiled at him.

"I know you've always been here." Rory says to him as he kisses her head.

"And I always will be. Like I've said we're stuck together for the rest of whatever comes next." Jackson says as she settled against it his chest. Jackson held his wife as she drifted to sleep as he watched her. He was scared for his wife especially after her postpartum depression. He was scared she could get triggered again and he couldn't lose her.

Rory was good at shutting people when she got like this but he would do anything to stop that. He feared this may start another depressive episode. She'd always had Alex and now he had left her too.

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