Chapter 105

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New Years Day
"Hey Tommy." Rory says smiling as she picked Thomas out of his crib as Jackson walked in smiling at them both.

"Dada." Thomas says pointing as Jackson who was stood in the doorway as Rory turned to her husband.

"Hey where are the twins?" Rory said looking at him as he walked over kissing Tommys head while looking down at Rory.

"They're downstairs just came to tell you breakfast is ready." Jackson says as Rory smiles pressing her lips against his.

"Your amazing. Your daddy is amazing." Rory says looking at Thomas as she tickles him as he giggles slightly.
Jackson and Rory drop the kids off at daycare as they went to change into their scrubs. "You know your mom was in town and Webber tried to propose?" Rory asks her husband showing Jackson the message.

"Oh I must've forgotten and what do you mean tried? She said no." Jackson says reading the messages.

"Does she not like romantic gestures?" Rory asks as Jackson shrugs his shoulder.

"I don't know I'm just glad I won't have to do it again. Our moment was pretty special." Jackson says kissing Rory as she smiles kissing him back.

"Nice save Dr Avery." Rory says as her phone goes off as she groans slightly. "Back to work we are." Rory says kissing Jackson as she head to the E.R.
Rory finished putting the twins to bed while Jackson was sorting out Thomas. "Time for sleep goofy man." Rory says looking at Parker.

"I love you momma." Parker says as Rory smiles at him.

"I love you too Parker. I always have I always will as daddy says." Rory says to her son as she gives him his stuffed monkey.

"Goodnight princess I love you." Rory says giving Everly her bunny as she hugs Rory.

"I love you mommy." Everly says as Rory kisses her head before leaving the twins room quietly as Jackson walks out of Thomas nursery.Rory took Jackson hand pulling him towards their bedroom as she kissed him as he kissed her back.
Jackson ran his hand up and down Rorys back while she rested her head against his chest. "You seem quiet." Rory says as Jackson looked down at her.

"I lost a burn patient today. Just gets to us sometimes you know." Jackson says as Rory nods her head at him.

"I know and I also know you did everything you could like you always do. Your a great surgeon and Mark would be proud." Rory says as Jackson smiles at her leaning down and kissing her.

"Derek would be proud of you too. I know I am everything you've come through I just fall more and more in love with you everyday. If it's even possible." Jackson says as Rory smiles at him.
Rory walked with Jackson as they heard shouting as she saw Amelia shouting at Richard. Rory felt Jackson wrap his arm around her waist as he gave her a small smile. She struggled been reminding of the crash.

"I do not have time for coffee.I do not have time for meetings.I don't... my job is not to make you feel better about me.My job is to make my patients get better.Do you know what can happen in the hour or two I would be wasting with you?An hour or two matters!They matter to me.They should matter to you.They matter to my patients.If I leave and my patient dies,it's not me who will suffer,it is his mother, his sisters, his friends, his wife, and they will hate me.With everything inside them,they will hate me and you and everyone here because they won't
understand why he is gone, why people always leave,Why everyone you give a crap about walks away or is ripped from your world without warning, without reason,in convenience stores and plane crashes and podunk hospitals with podunk doctors who don't do what they are supposed to do,which is save people!" Amelia shouted looking around at each of them as people started whispering.

Jackson took Rory's hand as the walked away as he looked at her. "Are you okay?" He asks her as she turns to look at him.

"Yeah I am." Rory says wrapping her arms around him and looking up at him. "That's the first time someone mentioned the crash and I didn't want to cry or didn't get pulled back into the moment before we crashed." Rory says as Jackson gives her a small smile kissing her head.

"This is great." He says as the couple headed to get something to eat.
Valentines Day
Rory and Jackson got the kids to sleep as Rory laid in bed. Jackson walked in holding a box of pizza and bottles of beer. "You really know how to treat a lady." Rory says taking the pizza as Jackson climbed into bed.

Rory put a film on as Jackson wrapped his arm around her handing her a beer. "Happy Valentine's Day." Jackson says to Rory as he hold up his bottle.

"Happy Valentine's Day." Rory says clinking the bottle together as she took a sip of her own. " 4 years ago you proposed. How have we been married three years and have three children under three." Rory says smiling at Jackson.

"I don't know but wouldn't have it any other way." Jackson says as Rory kisses him as he kisses her back as the two watch a film.
Rory stood beside Jackson with Everly in her arms while Jackson had Parker and Tommy was sleeping in his stroller. She watched her mother in law descend down the stairs which were covered in candles and roses.

"Richard Webber!" Catherine called out which had everyone's attention as she looked down at them all but mostly on Richard.

"Catherine?" Richard says looking at her completely confused.

"I'm mad at you!I'm doing something I swore I never would.I'm asking a question when I don't know the answer because you..." Catherine began to say to Richard.

"What's going on?" Owen asks as he looks at them all.

"Shh!" Some of the nurses snapped as Rory and Jackson laughed lightly at Owen.

"Because you're worth me standing here like a fool, announcing how I feel...In front of the entire hospital!I love you, Richard Webber!I love you.
And I would very much like for you to be my husband.That is, of course, if you would like it, too." Catherine says as she looks at Richard waiting for an answer.

"Well, about damn time." Richard says as they all laugh clapping and cheering for the couple as they kiss.

The Avery family stood clapping as Rory looked at Jackson who rolled his eyes at her. Rory shook her head bumping her hips into his as he smiled at her.
Rory was took her tablet from the nurse as she thanked her. "Rory." Meredith called as she turned around.

"Hey mer." She said smiling at Meredith.

"I want you to have this. He'd want you to have it." Meredith says handing her Dereks ferry boat scrub cap.

"Meredith I can't take this you should have it." Rory says to her.

"I want you to have it. I've got his other ones but this one belongs to you. You were his person and his best friend you deserve it. And Rory I'm glad your okay." Meredith says to her.

"Thank you Meredith and I hope you'll be okay too." Rory says to her as she hugs Meredith who hugs her back.

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