Chapter 76

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Rory sat playing with Parker  as she waited for Jackson to finish getting Everly ready as she stood Parker up. "Come to mommy." She said trying to get him to walk as he was almost doing it.

"Mama!" He squealed as Rory smiled at him as she reached out to him as he finally took a couple of steps towards her as Jackson walked down watching it.

"Did he just take his first steps?" Jackson says looking at his wife as she smiles brightly hugging her son as she nods.

"Yes he did." She says as she kisses Parker's cheek as she picks Everly up putting them each on her lap. "I love you both so much." Rory says as she kisses each of their heads as Jackson leans over the couch.

"And what about your lovely husband?" He says as Rory rolls her eyes laughing at him as she leans over as kisses his lips lightly.

"I believe I already told you I loved you today." She says to him.

"You can say it as many times because I could never get tired of hearing it." Jackson says to her as she smiles at him.

"You got Richards present?" She asks him as he nods at her.

"Yeah I'll give it to my mother when I see her later but we should get going before we are late." He says as he takes Parker from Rory as she holds Everly as they headed out to the car.
Rory sat eating her lunch with Meredith and Cristina. Meredith was showing them the absorbed twin. "I mean, you're fixing baby hearts,Derek's mapping the brain, and I'm..." Meredith says as Rory cuts her off.

"Have the most amazing surgery ever." Rory says to her looking at the scans.

"I mean, please,tell me this is pressing..." Cristina says looking at Meredith.

"Nowhere near the heart." Meredith tells her.

"Hey. Did you see this?" Rory says showing her brother.

"Oh, that the absorbed twin?Technically, that's a peds case." Alex says as Meredith shook her head.

"Back off. It's the reason I live." Meredith says to them.

"Aw, she's mopey 'cause she let a lab rat loose in her lab." Cristina says to the twins.

"Boo-hoo. You gonna eat that bacon?" Alex asks his sister as she shook her head.

"No, it's like leaving your kids with a babysitter.I mean, you say, "put the kids to bed at 7:00," but will they?Or will they drink all your tequila, pass out,
leave the gas on, the whole house blows up, and everybody dies?" Meredith says as Rory looks at her.

"Okay. What do you think of her?She's hot, right?" Cristina says to them showing them a women.

"Have you given up on men?" Rory asks her.

"No, for Owen.There is this internet-dating site. There are pages of women like this.Owen should be doing this, right?" Cristina asks them.

"Yes." Meredith says to her.

"Why don't you just keep banging him?At least it's legal for you guys.You know, Jo's not gonna sign
that stupid love contract you gave me." He says to Meredith.

"Why not?" Meredith questions him.

"Oh, I don't know. Because it's stupid.I knew I shouldn't have given it to her." Alex says to her.

"Just tell her it's just a stupid piece of paper." Rory says to her brother.

"Yeah, if she runs, I'm blaming you." Alex says to her as he walks off.

"She looks like she's 20." Cristina says to them.

"She's cute." Meredith says as Rory nods at the picture.

"I hate your husband." Callie says to Meredith.

"Owen said not to talk about it." Arizona tells her wife.

"I'm not. I'm talking to myself." Callie says to her.

"I hate Derek Shepherd. Really? Why?Oh, 'cause he's an arrogant, stealing bastard.I totally agree." Callie says to herself as Rory and Meredith share a confused look.

"Do you ladies think she's hot?" Cristina asks them.

"Yeah, very." Arizona says to her.

"And now I hate you." Callie says to her wife as she walks away.

"Nice." Cristina says to her.

"Oh, no. No, no, no, no, no.I got to go." Meredith says to them.
Rory finished up with a consult as she saw Jackson as he walked out of a patients room as he smiled at her wrapping arm around her shoulder. "Hey." He says to her as he kisses her lips.

"Hey you got some free time?" She asks him as he looks at her.

"For you always." He says as Rory takes his hand as she pulled him into one of the on call rooms as she began kissing him.
Rory picked up the twins as she was going to drop them off with the babysitter. "Well aren't you two just getting so big." Catherine says as she looks at her grandchildren in their stroller.

"They are. Too big for my liking." Rory says to her mother in law.

"How are you my dear?" She asks looking up at Rory.

"I am fine thank you how about you?" She asks her.

"I'm good thank you do you know where my son is?" She asks as Rory smiles at her.

"He was just finishing something up in the lab. He'll be down soon I'm just going to drop these two off with the babysitter and then I'll meet you both later." Rory says as Catherine nods her head.

"Okay bye babies." She says as she kisses the twins head as Rory heads out.
Rory stood with Jackson as he was looking her up and down as she smiled at him. "What you looking at Avery?" Rory asks him.

"Just how gorgeous my wife is." He says to her as she smiles at him and kisses him as he wraps his arms around her.

"Surprise." Everyone shouted and cheered for Richard.

"Happy birthday, sir." Bailey says to him.

"You looked right in my eyes, and you lied to me, Bailey." Richard says to her as they all laugh.

"Yeah, but it didn't count because you were being stupid." Bailey says to him as she smiles at him.
Rory sat watching Richard and Catherine as Jackson held her hand. "You're mom and Richard seem really happy." Rory says looking at her husband.

"Yeah after everything they both deserve some happiness even with each other." Jackson says as smiles at his wife.

"We're lucky. We've got each other and everyone here." Rory says as Jackson nods at the all toast to Webber.

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