Chapter 80

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Rory picked up Everly as she was crying as she tidied around the kitchen. "I mean Cristina should have won. Her conduits should have won. I read all the other submissions and that Ronald Myers he ain't no Cristina Yang." Rory says to her husband.

"I agree with you completely but it was the committee decision we can't do anything about it." Jackson says to her as Rory turns to him.

"You don't think it's to with you do you?" Rory asks him as Jackson looks at her confused.

"What did I do?" Jackson asks her slightly offended and confused.

"Not you but Grey sloan is a Harper Avery hospital I mean Harper Avery grandson running a hospital that has a surgeon nominated for his award." Rory says looking at her husband.

"No that's nothing to do with it. We can't compete because we have the Avery name but the surgeons aren't associated by the hospital they work at. At least I don't think that." Jackson says to his wife as Rory shrugs her shoulders.

"Whatever the reason it's all crap Cristina Yang should've won. Everything she did is what that award is supposed to stand for." Rory says looking at her husband.
Rory walked some of the nurses who was watching her husband as she rolled her eyes. As she walked over to Jackson as he leaned down and kissed her.

Rory kisses him back. " what's the matter with you?" Rory asks him seeing his body tensed.

"Everyone seems to think I'm the one who decides who wins the award and like to blame me." He says as Rory gives him a weak smile. "And now I have to look at all the research projects and see which are getting results because the foundation want to shut some of them down." He tells her as she looks at him.

"That's not right." Rory says slightly frustrated as Jackson looks at her.

"If we don't make the decision the foundation will." Jackson tries to reason with her.

"I think the foundation have done enough." Rory says as she walked off.
Rory saw Jackson stressing as she grabbed his hand pulling him into one of the on call rooms as he looked at her confused. "What are we doing?" He asks her.

"Taking Mark Sloan's advice." Rory says smirking as Jackson looks at her.

"When did you ever take advice from mark?" He asks her.

"A few times now stop ruining my moment." Rory says as she leans up and kisses him as he kisses her back.
Rory handed Jackson his scrub top as she put her own on as she smiled at him. "You feeling better now?" Rory asks him.

"Yeah a lot better actually we should do this more often." Jackson says as Rory shakes her head laughing and kisses him again.

"We do it enough." Rory says to him as her pager goes off. "I'm needed in the E.R I'll come find you in a bit." She says to him as she kisses him before heading to the E.R.
"They want us to be the center of innovation,but they don't want to pay for it." Arizona exclaims as Rory looks at all of them.

"They love it when we innovate.They nominated Yang for an award." Callie says to them.

"She was robbed. They're boneheads." Meredith tells them all.

"We can't give with one hand and take with the other.We have to stop this." Derek says.

"There's no stopping this.They own the place.We are just their managing board.This conversation is our relationship now.Best we can do is try to guide
them to make the right decision.That's by making our own decision,as tough as that might be.Look, this is my report, all right?All the projects are here...
operating budgets versus progress to date.Best to worst.Take a look, but the decision is pretty clear to me." Jackson says to them as he hands each of them piece of paper as Alex walks in.

"Uh, y-you got a second?Never mind. I'll come back." Alex says looking at each of them.

"No, no. Alex, come in." Arizona says to him as Rory looks at her brother.

"You okay?" Rory asks him.

"Uh, yeah. Yeah.I, uh, just wanted to let you know that, uh, my fellowship is, uh, almost done,and, uh... well, I got an offer from Lebackes pediatric surgery clinic,Oliver Lebackes' practice,and, uh...well, I gave it some serious consideration, and I've decided to take it. So, I guess this is my notice." Alex says to them as Rory shakes her head smiling at him.

"Look at you all grown up." Rory says to him as he smiles at her as she smiles back.

"I'll leave you guys to talk." He says as he leaves as they continue their meeting.
Rory was feeding the twins as Jackson walked in as he kissed Parker and Everly on their heads and pecked Rory's lips. "What are you two eating tonight?" Jackson says looking at the kids dinner.

"We're trying sweet potato and Parker loves it." Rory says tickling her son as he giggled as Jackson sat opposite her.

"Do you like it princess?" He says as he feeds Everly as she smiles at him.

"She prefers pears." Rory says as she goes to fill up the twins bottles as she puts it on their high chairs.
Rory finished putting the twins in their cribs as she was looking for Parker's comforter. "Hey Jackson have you seen Parker's comforter?" Rory shouts down the stairs.

"Which one is it?" He asks her.

"The monkey thing with the blanket attached Everly had a lamb they can't sleep without them." Rory says as Jackson runs up the stairs with the comforter in his hand.

"It was in the diaper bag." Jackson says as Rory smiled at him and kisses him.

"Your a genius." She says as she gives it to Parker before kissing both the kids Goodnight as she headed to her room to get herself ready and Jackson soon followed.

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