Chapter 37

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Rory was woken up as she could feel Jackson moving beside her as she turned as was resting his head on his elbow watching her with a small smile on his face. "What time is it?" Rory asks looking at Jackson.

"Good morning to you too and it's not too early." He says as he tucks a piece of her hair behind her ear and kisses her gently on the lips as she smiles at him.

"Good morning we should get ready." Aurora says getting out of bed as she headed to the bathroom as Jackson quickly ran to join her.
Aurora caught up to Jackson as he went to get his pencil from his mom as he seemed to be is his own thoughts. "Hey are you okay?" Rory asks looking at him.

"Yeah just trying focus you know. Good luck Rory." He says as he leans in and kisses her as she kisses him back.

"Good luck Jackson." She says as they head to wait for their names to be called.
A few hours later
"That was hell.Actual physical hell." Meredith says as she sat between Cristina and Aurora.

"I think I went a tad overboard.A lot overboard." Cristina complains.

"They took something from me." Meredith says as Rory looks at the other four of them.

"Yeah, that wasn't an exam.That was an interrogation." Jackson adds as Rory looks in his direction.

"Like, way... way overboard." Cristina continues.

"The mind games.Trick questions." April says as Rory was playing with her fingers.

"It felt like Al Qaeda in there." Jackson says growing frustrated.

"Next test is june." Meredith tells them.

"June's not bad." Cristina says looking at her.

"2013."Meredith says to her.

"Oh.What's done is done.Let's just not even talk about it anymore." Jackson says to them as Rory looked around wondering if Alex made it back for the boards.

"Anyone know how Alex did?" Rory asks looking at them.

"Anyone know if Alex made it?" April says as Meredith looks at her.

"Made it?What do you mean, made it?" Cristina and Meredith questioned looking at each of them.
Hours earlier...

"Welcome to the American Medical Board of Surgery
Certifying Examination.We'll give you four separate scenarios in 3 30-minute sessions,10-minute breaks in between. To pass the test,you must pass two of the three sessions.Now you can fail a session and still pass.But examiners are not permitted to indicate
whether you passed or failed each session.You'll be rated on your ability to diagnose, manage treatment,
handle the unexpected.Basically, the strength
of your constitution in crisis. Do you understand?" The examiner explained to Rory as she smiled at them.

"Yeah I understand." She tells them simply as she looks at them.

"Well then,a 65-year-old woman is being seen by
her primary care physician for a workup of osteoporosis when she is found to have elevated calcium.Her P.T.H. level was well above normal.
Her doctor sends her to you." The examiner explains the scenario to Rory.

Rory then begins to answer the scenario as to what she would do to diagnose and treat the patient correctly.
Aurora walked outside her exam room as she saw Jackson arguing with his mom as he notices her he walks over to her.

"Hey are you okay?" Rory asks him as she caresses his cheek.

"Yeah fine." Jackson lies and Rory knows it but she lets it go as she kisses his cheek. "You've got this." Rory tells him as she heads back to her examination room.
Rory takes her seat as the 2nd interval of the examination begins.

"You have a 40-year-old man who complains of rectal pain and burning with defecation and occasionally some blood in the bowel movement." The examiner explains to Aurora as she smiles nodding her head.

"I would do a rigid sigmoidoscopy to make sure there were no lesions in the rectum. If there were lesions in the rectum,I would do an incisional biopsy...and begin to fulgurate...I would cover the bowel with omentum and close the fascia primarily." Aurora goes on to explain to the examiners.

Aurora walks out as she sees Jackson pacing the hall as he walks over to her and pulls her into a empty room.

"Are you going to tell me what's been bothering you?" Aurora asks Jackson as looks at her.

"My mom is the examiner in the room next to mine.It's throwing me off. I mean her and Webber slept together." Jackson says as Aurora's eyes grow wider.

"What! Your mom and Webber when? Why?" Rory asks him confused.

"It's gross I know last night or this morning I don't know but she's in the room next to me and I can't concentrate." Jackson rants as Rory cups his face in her hands as he looks at her.

"Focus on me. You've got this Jackson." Aurora says smiling at Jackson as he smiles at her and kisses her as he picks her up.
Aurora stands beside Alex as they all get off the bus and check their phones.

"Ugh. Gotta pee. Gotta pee.Gotta pee. Gotta pee. Gotta pee." April says as she rushes inside the hospital.

"What time you got?" Jackson asks them all.

"12:04." Cristina says to him.

"Oh! It's supposed to come online at midnight." Jackson says nervously.

"I mean, it's four minutes late.Come on, people." Meredith says.

"Crazy doctors, they crashed the system." Alex tells them all.

"I already know I failed, so I don't know why I keep hitting the refresh button." Meredith says as they all look at their phones.

"Okay, if anyone failed, was me, because my guy had a vendetta." Cristina tells them.

"Please. I've got the odds on failure." Alex says as Aurora gives him a small smile.

"Are any of you on call? I've got a trauma." A nurse calls out to them.

"No!" They all about back

"Wait. Wait. Wait.I passed. I passed." Jackson says as they all start to load.

"I passed! I passed! I passed! Yes!" Cristina says celebrating.

"I passed! I passed!Oh, my god! Yeah!" Meredith says.

"I passed. I actually passed." Rory says as Jackson wrapped her in his embrace and kisses her and she kisses him back smiling.

"Alex?" Cristina says as they all look at him.

"It's not coming up." Alex says as they anxiously wait.

"Here. Here. Use mine." Jackson says as he gives Alex his phone.

"Oh, unh!Yes!" Alex smiles widely as Rory hugs her brother with full force as they hug celebrating as Jackson and Cristina start dancing.

"Wait. Wait. Where is April?" Jackson asks as April walks out with a solemn look on her face as she failed her boards.

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