Chapter 139

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"Rory." Jackson called through the house while she covered her head with the pillow.

"Go away." She groaned while Jackson leaned against the doorframe.

"Meredith has pulled out Zola has the stomach Flu. I need another surgeon can you do it?" He pleaded with her as Rory looks at him.

"What about the kids and my surgeries?" She asks him while he checked his phone.

"Mom will watch the kids and Amelia is going to cover your service. Come on get packed we need to go soon." Jackson says quickly kissing her lips before going to get the kids dressed.Rory groaned before pulling herself out of bed even though she was still her tired.
"Welcome, welcome.Here are your charts.Dr. Avery.Dr. Grey." He says looking at them.

"Dr Karev actually." Jackson corrects him looking at his wife.

"Right. Sorry.I... I know your name because it's on all our stationery." He says to them while Rory looks at Jackson

"Right." Rory mumbles looking at the chart he had just handed to her.
"The donor patient's room is at the end of this ICU." He tells them while Rory looks at Jackson.

"And you have the donor consent forms?"Rory  asks him.

"Yeah, before we get to that, uh, Mr. Young is going to need you to explain to him why there's nothing more you can do for his son." The doctor tells them.

"What? No one's told him that yet?I thought he knew we were coming." Jackson says to him.

"Well, he does.It... it's just that, he's had a bit of trouble accepting what's happened, as I'm sure you can understand." He tells them.

"You told me very clearly that the patient's father
was on board." Jackson says frustrated slightly as Rory grabs his hand calming him down as he looks at her.

"Now, hold on.I never said that he agreed. I merely said..." he says before Rory cuts him off.

"So he thinks that we're coming to save his kid, not take his organs." Rory says trying to get some answers while Jackson calmed himself down.

"I thought that, once you had examined the boy, it'd be better coming from you." He says to them as they head into the patients room.

Jackson tried to reason with the father while sharing a look with his wife."I know what we're asking.When all you want is to have him back, to hold him.I know the thought of letting any part of him go feels...Impossible. You're the only that can make this decision.We understand that.We wouldn't ask you to do something that you're not comfortable doing.And if ultimately you don't want to do this,that's fine. We are here to support you either way.All I know is...If I lost my son...I would need to find a little meaning in it." Jackson says while Rory looks at him.

"Where do I sign?" The father says while Rory  kept her eyes trained on Jackson.
"This is Risa and Mary Hodges." Dr Corridan tells them.

"Well, it's a pleasure to meet you both." Jackson says to them.

"Listen, we're grateful that you're here,that you came all this way,but our daughter's met dozens of doctors,each one ordering more tests,putting her through more hell,making promises they had
no business making." Mary says to them.

"Mary, maybe let the guy say hello." Risa says to her wife.

"She needs the tumor gone.But she needs her vocal cords.She needs her voice.So if this throat transplant isn't real...I mean, if it's just another rug you're gonna pull out from under her, then..." Mary says as Jackson looks at her.

"You're scared.I totally understand.Let me, um...
Let me start over.It's my fault.I'm Dr. Avery.I am a double board-certified plastic surgeon and ENT specialist.I'm also a dad.Now, I've come a long way because I know that I can help your daughter. And I do not make promises that I can't keep." Jackson says to them.
Rory looked at Jackson after they had finished up with the families. "What's going on with you?" Rory asks him as she was actually concerned about him.

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