The Laminax Facility #1- Going for a walk.

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[Jason and Ava are human]

The afternoon sun beat down hazily as Jason and his sister, Ava, were having a nice walk. "C'mon, Ava, quickly," Jason said again and again as Ava kept bending down to inspect bees or pick dandelions. Their parents had sent them on a mission. To get raspberry chocolate from the dairy, along with a packet of black liquorice (ew) and some candy each. 

"Jason!" Ava announced. " I think we should go to the forest! We've never been there before!"

"What.... No! Ava, it's way too dangerous! People have gone missing there before!" Jason yelped. "What made you think of that?"

"Nothing..," Ava grumbled. "I just thought we'd have an adventure. I heard there's a shallow brook that runs through the forest, and there's minnows. My friend went there before..."

Jason sighed. "Your friend went there before?" he assured.

Ava's eyes brightened. "YES!"

"No." Jason said. 

"Whatttttt!! Please? Jason! Or else I'll tell Mother you licked dog poop from the trash can while we were out!"

"Uhm... Mother won't believe that, you know,"

"HMPHH. JAAAAASOOONNNN" Ava wailed with despair. "Pleeeaaasse!!!"

Jason sighed again. "FINE! But only for a bit, and if it's safe enough we'll go to the brook next time,"

"Yaaaay! She squealed.

They headed for the forest, consisting of towering trees of all sorts, sickly ferns and damp, dead leaves on the ground along with thick foliage. 

"Jason, what's that?" Ava said, pointing towards something in the distance. It was almost impossible to see from the trees, but Jason could make out a vast, silver structure across the branches. "What-"

They ambled to the thing.

Ava's eyes became as big as dinner plates.

It was an enormous, grey building. Suspiciously just there... with no windows, no door, no nothing. "What is that?" Jason whispered. He trotted over and brushed the metal wall with his hands. There was a sharp crack. Then the wall completely opened revealing a dark abyss. Jason's eyes grew as wide as Ava's. Then something zoomed out of them, as fast as a bullet train. Shadowy hands, color of obsidian reached out towards them. Ava shrieked and tried to run, but tripped, and the hands grabbed hold of her nimble body and yanked her in. Jason screamed, tried to dodge the hands, but they were too fast— it grasped his body and yanked it in. Jason watched in horror as he got pulled in the darkness, and saw the metal doors close. He whipped his head around and saw a purple portal. 

They weren't just going in the building. They were traveling to another world.


(edited 22/7/24)

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