4. Love

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- You took a vow of chastity and I'm a married woman, my husband is powerful, he will have us both killed...

- But I love you, and love is the supreme emotion, stronger than death - Taehyung whispered, kissing the girl passionately - If I must die and burn in hell for you, then be it...

- No, please... return to the monastery and never come to see me again, please... - she pushed him away dramatically - It's just the... ...sorry, what am I saying here?

- It's just a temptation, a trial for your mind, you must defeat it - Professor Kim Seokjin answered, reading the lines from the textbook.

- It's just... a t-temptation, a... t-trial for your mind, you must defeat it! - the girl repeated sobbing, dropping herself on the floor - I'm someone else's wife!

- Alright, let's stop here! Mina, it was nice but don't overplay it, Taehyung, look into her eyes, not at her breasts, you love her truly, it's not just about lust, okay? Your whole self desires her, not just your dick. Now let's go back to the beginning of this scene - the professor instructed.

They rehearsed it two more times before the class ended, then Mr. Kim turned to the new student to talk to him in private.

- It wasn't bad, but somehow I still can't see the essence of this character in your performance. He's a monk, he chose a clean spiritual life, and he can't help falling in love with this married woman in the village. This means struggle, a battle with himself. He's literally risking his life with this affair, it's not just a game. He's truly in love and his clear mind fights with his heart.

- Sorry Mr. Kim, I'm afraid I have never felt this way in my life. But I'll try to do my best.

- The real achievement as an actor is to bring out even unknown feelings credibly. If you play a serial killer, you have to represent the joy in murder, even if it's a horrible thing. No worries, I see the talent in you and I know why you won this scholarship, I'm sure you'll get it right.

- Thank you, sir.

The professor turned to the group to wave them goodbye.

- Now everyone, have a nice evening, see you tomorrow. And learn your lines!

Taehyung really enjoyed his first rehearsal, especially for he was given one of the main roles even if he was new to the group. He had some chit-chat with the classmates before leaving, telling them about his previous studies and asking them questions about the major and the instructors. He took the bus home, admiring the city lights and the tall buildings on the way, feeling a pleasant tiredness.

When he arrived at the apartment, Jungkook was already home, cooking dinner, while singing a lovely melody. Tae couldn't help but smiled seeing his friend being so domestic wearing an oversized sweater with sleeves rolled up, showing his tattooed arm and leather bracelets. He grounded spices like a pro before strewing them onto the food.

- Dinner is almost ready - he yelled joggling the frying pan - How was your first day?

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- Dinner is almost ready - he yelled joggling the frying pan - How was your first day?

- Exhausting but I loved it... - his friend answered with a yawn, dropping himself onto the couch - How was your evening?

- Guess what, I've found the perfect model for my portrait, he's one of the dancers.

He served the fragrant food onto two plates and brought them to the couch.

- Great, how does he look like? - the older asked, grabbing his chopsticks.

- Like an angel. Every little part of his face is unique, but in perfect harmony, he's cute and hot at the same time...

- You should introduce him to me then - Tae grinned, making JK frown.

- I saw him first! And... he's not the type you should place your dirty hand on. He's like the fresh snow, innocent and pure.

- You mean, a virgin?

- No, I didn't mean that, he's definitely not a virgin. He's about your age and can be teasing as hell if he wants to.

- Hmm, sounds delicious, I mean, sounds great, and the food is delicious - the older mumbled with his mouth full, making JK roll his eyes.

- How is your play?

- Professor Kim Seokjin said I should bring out the romantic lover of myself. Well, it won't be easy. Maybe you could help.

- How can I help you with that? - Jungkook asked gnawing at a piece of carrot.

- I don't know, you're so romantic. You've been in love so many times.

Jungkook glanced at his friend with widened eyes, almost choking on the food.

- What?! That's not true.

- But you have been in love already, haven't you?

JK shrugged and kept on eating.

- Hm? - Tae pushed him slightly with his shoulder to get an answer.

- Yes. But only once.

- Then tell me about it.

- No.

- Yes! Why not?!

- It's not something you would understand.

- Who was that? Do I know him?

The younger quickly swallowed the last bite of his dinner, he stood up, put the plate into the sink and walked into his bedroom.

- Jungkook!!

- Goodnight Taetae!

The door slammed shut, leaving Taehyung alone on the couch with the half-full plate in his lap. He dropped his head back and sighed before reaching for the remote and turning on the TV to watch some cheesy k-drama. "This is how you can count on your friend." - he thought to himself shaking his wavy locks as he continued to eat, staring at the screen.

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