10. A new experience (Vminkook smut +18+)

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!!!Smut chapter ahead 18+!!!

Jungkook and Taehyung woke up around noon the next day, they spent an hour to get rid of their slight hangover, they ate some light meal and drank a lot of vitamin juice. The younger went for a short jogging around the neighboring streets, while the older ran through his textbook he needed for the acting class.

- Let's invite Jimin over and make a movie night – Tae suggested later, and his friend agreed.

Around 8 pm the blonde boy arrived, looking completely different than last night, wearing an oversize hoodie with sweatpants, no make-up, no jewelry other than simple earrings, but the two other men found him just as adorable as last night especially when his crescent eye smile appeared on his face.

They chose a lightweight movie and decided to watch it from JK's bed. They made themselves comfortable wearing only boxers, t-shirts and a cozy big blanket, with a bowl of popcorn in front of them, which they ate up in the first fifteen minutes.

Jimin fell asleep after an hour between them, lying on his back with a relaxed face, breathing calmly. Taehyung noticed this while Jungkook was totally lost in the movie. His friend's low voice distracted him though.

- Your boyfriend is really beautiful – Tae said looking at Jimin's angelic face – He suits you.

He lifted a hand towards the sleeping boy's head but he held still halfway glancing at JK.

- May I...?

Jungkook smiled and nodded approvingly. Taehyung then gently touched Jimin's hair with his long fingers and carefully brushed it out of his forehead.

- Besides being beautiful he is also very lucky – he continued, still observing Jimin's lovely features. Jungkook's eyes widened in curiosity. – He is lucky for having you... For he can touch you, kiss you, make love to you, he is free to do all the things I've never been allowed to. Not even for a second. Within a few weeks he earned that I've been only dreaming of for 8 years now.

He looked Jungkook in the eyes and the younger started to feel weak under the deep gaze full of sorrow and hopeless desire. His cheeks heated up and his lips trembled as he tried to find the words to answer his friend.

- Tae, I... we...

The older pressed his fingertips against the stuttering lips to mute them.

- It's okay, I know, I've heard it a thousand times. You think that I'm a heartless fuckboy and you don't want to ruin our friendship by getting involved in any erotic actions with me.

I just want you to know that our friendship is a real treasure for me, I love you more than anyone and I would never let our bond get harmed in any ways. And I also have respect for your relationship with this little sleeping beauty. I'm already happy for you two. Maybe you think that I'm a ruthless monster, but maybe... I've changed during all these years. Or it can happen that you never really knew me...

Suddenly Jungkook reached out to turn Tae's face in his direction and he leaned close till their noses almost touched. Then he hesitated and pulled a little back, his heart was in an obvious conflict with his rational mind. Taehyung decided to put an end on this by grabbing the back of JK's neck and pulling him into a gentle kiss above Jimin's sleeping body.

They've both wanted to taste each other's lips for so long, now they felt as if they could finally swallow some drops of fresh water in the hot desert. The shy first kiss slowly deepened, fingers running through the other's hair, tongues twirling around, eating up the moans that tried to escape from their throats, they got more and more passionate like the whole world would have just disappeared around them. None of them noticed that in the meantime Jimin opened his pretty eyes and immediately dropped his jaw from the first thing he saw above him after waking up. He remained silent though because he actually pretty much enjoyed the view. He slowly run his both hands up the two friends' thighs, up to their sides and bit his lower lip in excitement. Taehyung and JK were so lost in their kiss that they thought the stroking hand belonged to the other. After about 3 minutes they felt the need to catch their breaths, so they parted and opened their eyes.

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