25. The end of a nightmare

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- We must release him! It's getting serious now with the police and all that, and I don't want to end up in jail! We don't even know if he's alive, for fuck's sake! - Minho yelled on the passenger's seat of Bang Chan's car.

- Stop whining, Minho, you're driving me fucking crazy with this crap! If we release him, the first thing he'll do is snitch on us!

- What are we gonna do then? Let him die there? Whenever he gets out, he will spill!

- We'll make sure he won't say a word - Bang Chan stated while starting the car, making Minho nervous.

"What is this man talking about? Killing him?"

They arrived at the place where Jimin was captured, opened the padlock on the iron door and walked down the steep stairs to reach the door which led to the dirty storage room. Chan opened the door with the key. Jimin jumped up from his sleep hearing the sound of the lock clicking and rushed towards the entrance, colliding with the two guys, who held his arms tight from both sides.

- Oh, oh, don't run away, Jiminie, aren't you happy to see us? - Bang Chan smirked, twisting the smaller's arm onto his back.

Jimin tried to scream for help now that the door was open, but Minho's hand got pressed firmly on his mouth before a single sound could have escaped from his throat.

He was dragged to the bed, where Bang Chan punched him forcefully in the face to effectively still him. Jimin fell back on the bed almost passing out from the blow. He could taste his own blood seeping from his from his torn lips and felt a great pain and dizziness waving through his head. Bang Chan pressed his underarm against his throat to keep him lying on the bed, straddling his thighs, while Minho went back to lock the door.

- I really fucking hope you like it here, Jimin, 'coz you may enjoy your stay for a couple more days. The police are looking for you, and we want them to work hard for their fucking salary.

Jimin looked at the man with fiery eyes, struggling for air under the strong pressure of Chan's arm, which he hopelessly tried to push away.

- You have three choices, Jimin. First: I'm gonna release you soon, and you won't say a word about us, instead you're gonna tell them a nice story about how you'd travelled a little, needed time to think or whatever bullshit comes to your mind. Second: You spill to the police and I'll have my strong friend rape your pretty boyfriends every fucking day, one by one till they pass out. I think you already know who I'm talking about. Third: I'm simply killing you right here, right now and blame it on my said friend, who is a well-known rapist and murderer by the way. It's up to you. Actually, this third option seems to be the simplest to me...

- How... come you... hate me so much... - Jimin moaned chokingly.

- I don't hate you, you're just in my way all the time. Now I want to hear your decision.

- I won't... say a word, just... release me...

- You know I'm dead serious, don't you? My buddy would do that for me, willingly and for free, knowing how handsome your lovers are. Besides, he owes me for certain things I did for him, so he won't reject me. There's no way you could save them from him.

- Yeah... okay, I get it...

- Good boy! - Chan got up and went to the door, which Minho opened for him, and they left, locking Jimin up again.


- We went through the files of known kidnappers and murderers currently at large, and we found Kim Jae Hoon whose lawyer happened to be Bang Chan's father. At trial, he received a heavily lenient sentence due to the lawyer's connections to higher places and some false evidence, although the guy has killed two people and has several cases of rape on his record with both male and female victims.

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